Now that the description is used not only in the layout, but also in the procedure form, better to make it an official shared partial.
24 lines
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24 lines
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= render partial: 'new_administrateur/breadcrumbs',
locals: { steps: [link_to('Démarches', admin_procedures_path),
link_to(@procedure.libelle, admin_procedure_path(@procedure)),
'Description'] }
= form_for @procedure,
url: url_for({ controller: 'new_administrateur/procedures', action: :update, id: }),
multipart: true,
html: { class: 'form procedure-form__column--form' } do |f|
|| Description
= render partial: 'new_administrateur/procedures/informations', locals: { f: f }
= link_to 'Annuler', admin_procedure_path(id: @procedure), class: 'button', data: { confirm: 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir annuler les modifications effectuées ?'}
= f.button 'Enregistrer', class: 'button primary send'
%h3.procedure-form__preview-title Aperçu
= render partial: 'shared/procedure_description', locals: { procedure: @procedure }