2019-08-13 17:03:55 +01:00

61 lines
1.9 KiB

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
// This attribute holds the name of component which should be mounted
// example: `data-react-class="MyApp.Items.EditForm"`
const CLASS_NAME_ATTR = 'data-react-class';
// This attribute holds JSON stringified props for initializing the component
// example: `data-react-props="{\"item\": { \"id\": 1, \"name\": \"My Item\"} }"`
const PROPS_ATTR = 'data-react-props';
// This attribute holds which method to use between: ReactDOM.hydrate, ReactDOM.render
const RENDER_ATTR = 'data-hydrate';
function findDOMNodes() {
return document.querySelectorAll(`[${CLASS_NAME_ATTR}]`);
export default class ReactUJS {
constructor(loadComponent) {
this.loadComponent = loadComponent;
async mountComponents() {
const nodes = findDOMNodes();
for (let node of nodes) {
const className = node.getAttribute(CLASS_NAME_ATTR);
const createReactUJSElement = await this.loadComponent(className).catch(
() => null
if (!createReactUJSElement) {
const message = "Cannot find component: '" + className + "'";
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
'%c[react-rails] %c' + message + ' for element',
'font-weight: bold',
throw new Error(
message + '. Make sure your component is available to render.'
} else {
const propsJson = node.getAttribute(PROPS_ATTR);
const props = propsJson && JSON.parse(propsJson);
const hydrate = node.getAttribute(RENDER_ATTR);
if (hydrate && typeof ReactDOM.hydrate === 'function') {
ReactDOM.hydrate(createReactUJSElement(props), node);
} else {
ReactDOM.render(createReactUJSElement(props), node);
start() {
addEventListener('ds:page:update', () => this.mountComponents());