- Improve the alt text for the header logo - Empty alt text for decorative images - Improve the alt text for the logos of our users - Improve the alt text for footer logos
84 lines
3.9 KiB
84 lines
3.9 KiB
- nav_bar_profile = controller.try(:nav_bar_profile)
.new-header{ class: current_page?(root_path) ? nil : "new-header-with-border" }
= link_to root_path_for_profile(nav_bar_profile), class: "header-logo" do
%img{ src: image_url("header/logo-ds.svg"), alt: "demarches-simplifiees.fr" }
- if nav_bar_profile == :gestionnaire && gestionnaire_signed_in?
- current_url = request.path_info
- if current_gestionnaire.visible_procedures.count > 0
= link_to "Procédures", gestionnaire_procedures_path, class: (controller_name != 'avis') ? "tab-link active" : 'tab-link'
- if current_gestionnaire.avis.count > 0
= link_to gestionnaire_avis_index_path, class: (controller_name == 'avis') ? "tab-link active" : 'tab-link' do
- avis_counter = current_gestionnaire.avis.without_answer.count
- if avis_counter > 0
%span.badge.warning= avis_counter
Vous avez besoin d’aide ? Contactez-nous :
– par téléphone : 09 72 62 57 12
– par email : <a href="mailto:contact@demarches-simplifiees.fr">contact@demarches-simplifiees.fr</a>
- if nav_bar_profile == :user
= link_to "Mes dossiers", users_dossiers_path, class: 'tab-link'
- if nav_bar_profile == :gestionnaire && gestionnaire_signed_in?
= form_tag gestionnaire_recherche_path, method: :get, class: "form" do
= text_field_tag "q", "#{@search_terms if @search_terms.present?}", placeholder: "Rechercher un dossier"
%button{ title: "Rechercher" }
= image_tag "icons/search-blue.svg"
- if gestionnaire_signed_in? || user_signed_in?
= image_tag "icons/account-circle.svg", onclick: "javascript:DS.toggleHeaderMenu(event);", title: "Mon compte"
.menu-item{ title: current_email }
= current_email
- if administration_signed_in?
= link_to manager_root_path, class: "menu-item menu-link" do
= image_tag "icons/super-admin.svg"
Passer en super-admin
- if SwitchDeviseProfileService.new(warden).multiple_devise_profile_connect?
- if user_signed_in? && nav_bar_profile != :usager
= link_to users_dossiers_path, class: "menu-item menu-link" do
= image_tag "icons/switch-profile.svg"
Passer en usager
- if gestionnaire_signed_in? && nav_bar_profile != :gestionnaire
= link_to gestionnaire_procedures_path, class: "menu-item menu-link" do
= image_tag "icons/switch-profile.svg"
Passer en accompagnateur
- if administrateur_signed_in? && nav_bar_profile != :administrateur
= link_to admin_procedures_path, class: "menu-item menu-link" do
= image_tag "icons/switch-profile.svg"
Passer en administrateur
= link_to destroy_user_session_path, method: :delete, class: "menu-item menu-link" do
= image_tag "icons/sign-out.svg"
Se déconnecter
- elsif request.path != new_user_session_path
= link_to "Connexion", new_user_session_path, class: "button secondary"