The `conversations_count` we previously used counts replies, but also all conversations that were tagged or re-tagged during the month – with made counting the actual work spent on user support brittle. Counting the replies is a better estimation of what we get. Unfortunately this also removes the filtering-by-tag feature. To mitigate this, the reports are now scoped to a specific mailbox. This allows to create extra mailboxes for conversations that should't be counted in the stats.
108 lines
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108 lines
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- content_for(:title, 'Statistiques')
| Statistiques
%span.big-number-card-title.long-title TOTAL DÉMARCHES DÉMAT. OU EN COURS DE DÉMAT.
= number_with_delimiter(@procedures_numbers[:total])
#{number_with_delimiter(@procedures_numbers[:last_30_days_count])} (#{@procedures_numbers[:evolution]} %) sur les 30 derniers jours
%span.big-number-card-title TOTAL DOSSIERS DÉPOSÉS
= number_with_delimiter(@dossiers_numbers[:total])
#{number_with_delimiter(@dossiers_numbers[:last_30_days_count])} (#{@dossiers_numbers[:evolution]} %) sur les 30 derniers jours
Satisfaction usager
= area_chart @satisfaction_usagers,
stacked: true,
suffix: ' %',
max: 100,
library: { plotOptions: { series: { marker: { enabled: true }}}},
colors: ["#C31C25", "#F5962A", "#25B177"]
Pourcentage de contact utilisateur
= line_chart @contact_percentage
Nombre de réponses envoyées via HelpScout
\/ nombre de dossiers déposés
Répartition des dossiers
= pie_chart @dossiers_states,
colors: ["rgba(222, 238, 265, 1)", "rgba(191, 220, 249, 1)", "rgba(113, 176, 239, 1)", "rgba(61, 149, 236, 1)"]
%li.segmented-control-item.segmented-control-item-active{ :onclick => "DS.toggleChart(event, '.monthly-procedures-chart');" }
Par mois
%li.segmented-control-item{ :onclick => "DS.toggleChart(event, '.cumulative-procedures-chart');" }
%span.stat-card-title.pull-left Démarches dématérialisées
= column_chart @procedures_in_the_last_4_months
= area_chart @procedures_cumulative
%li.segmented-control-item.segmented-control-item-active{ :onclick => "DS.toggleChart(event, '.monthly-dossiers-chart');" }
Par mois
%li.segmented-control-item{ :onclick => "DS.toggleChart(event, '.cumulative-dossiers-chart');" }
%span.stat-card-title.pull-left Dossiers déposés
= column_chart @dossiers_in_the_last_4_months
= area_chart @dossiers_cumulative
- if administration_signed_in?
%span.stat-card-title Temps de traitement moyen d'un dossier
= line_chart @dossier_instruction_mean_time,
:ytitle => "Jours"
%span.stat-card-title Temps de remplissage moyen d'un dossier
= line_chart @dossier_filling_mean_time,
:ytitle => "Minutes"
- if administration_signed_in?
| Téléchargement
= link_to "Télécharger les statistiques (CSV)", stats_download_path(format: :csv), class: 'button secondary'