mfo 08ec45443d
BREAKING(sidekiq.queues): rationalize queues. now have critical, default, low
Dear instances, make sure to update your sidekiq processes. Indead, we are adopting a new strategy for daemons that process our background

Now their is only 3 queues on sidekiq (still, we keep archive/export on delayed job for now).

The big idea : allow any worker to deal with any queue (capacity mgmt) :
- critical: must be procesed now
- default: will be processed asap
- low: do it after everything else

FYI: we had 50% of our server capacity on reserved queues. Leading to
bottle neck processing (reserved queues/worker not processing other
queues). We HAD TO fix it. Sorry for the inconvenience

TBH, this is an idea of Colin Darie <>. I'm just pushing
it forward.

Co-Authored-By: Colin Darie <>
2024-09-24 21:29:11 +02:00

12 lines
347 B

# frozen_string_literal: true
class DossierRebaseJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :low # they are massively enqueued, so don't interfere with others especially antivirus
# If by the time the job runs the Dossier has been deleted, ignore the rebase
discard_on ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
def perform(dossier)