They redirect directly to the right tabs See for the dirty trick
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64 lines
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%h1.backoffice-title Procédures
- @procedures.each do |p|
= link_to(procedure_path(p)) do
- if p.logo.present?
= image_tag p.logo, alt: "Logo de la procédure"
= p.libelle
= link_to(procedure_path(p, statut: 'a-suivre')) do
- a_suivre_count = @dossiers_a_suivre_count_per_procedure[] || 0
= a_suivre_count
à suivre
= link_to(procedure_path(p, statut: 'suivis')) do
- if @notifications_count_per_procedure[].present?
%span.notifications{ 'aria-label': "notifications" }
- followed_count = @followed_dossiers_count_per_procedure[] || 0
= followed_count
= t('pluralize.followed', count: followed_count)
= link_to(procedure_path(p, statut: 'traites')) do
- termines_count = @dossiers_termines_count_per_procedure[] || 0
= termines_count
= t('pluralize.processed', count: termines_count)
= link_to(procedure_path(p, statut: 'tous')) do
- dossier_count = @dossiers_count_per_procedure[] || 0
= dossier_count
= t('', count: dossier_count)
= link_to(procedure_path(p, statut: 'archives')) do
- archived_count = @dossiers_archived_count_per_procedure[] || 0
= archived_count
= t('pluralize.archived', count: archived_count)
- if p.archivee?
%span.label Archivée