- link: shows a simple link to open attachment - download: shows complete DSFR download UI
400 lines
13 KiB
400 lines
13 KiB
%h1 Icônes
%h1 Formulaires
= form_for @dossier, url: '', html: { class: 'form' } do |f|
= f.fields_for :champs_public do |champ_form|
= render EditableChamp::EditableChampComponent.new champ: champ_form.object, form: champ_form
%label Mot de passe
%input{ type: "password", value: "12345678" }
%h3.header-subsection Bouton radio verticaux
= f.label :archived, value: true do
= f.radio_button :archived, true
Option A
%p.notice Une option tout à fait valable.
= f.label :archived, value: false do
= f.radio_button :archived, false
Option B
%p.notice Une autre option, pas mal non plus.
%h3.header-subsection Interrupteur
= f.check_box :archived, class: 'toggle-switch-checkbox'
%span.toggle-switch-label.on Activé
%span.toggle-switch-label.off Désactivé
= f.submit 'Enregistrer un brouillon (formnovalidate)', formnovalidate: true, class: 'button send'
= f.submit 'Envoyer', class: 'button send primary'
%h1 Boutons
= link_to ".button", "#", class: "button"
= link_to ".button.primary", "#", class: "button primary"
= link_to ".button.secondary", "#", class: "button secondary"
= link_to ".button.danger", "#", class: "button danger"
= link_to "#", class: "button" do
= "Bouton avec icone et texte"
= link_to "#", class: "button icon-only" do
%button.button{ disabled: true } .button.disabled
%button.button.primary{ disabled: true } .button.primary.disabled
%button.button.secondary{ disabled: true } .button.secondary.disabled
%button.button.danger{ disabled: true } .button.danger.disabled
= link_to ".button.accepted", "#", class: "button accepted"
= link_to ".button.refused", "#", class: "button refused"
= link_to ".button.without-continuation", "#", class: "button without-continuation"
= link_to ".button.small", "#", class: "button small"
= link_to ".button.small.primary", "#", class: "button small primary"
= link_to ".button.large", "#", class: "button large"
= link_to ".button.large.primary", "#", class: "button large primary"
= link_to ".button.primary.expand", "#", class: "button primary expand"
%h1 Dropdown
.button.primary.dropdown-button .button.primary.dropdown-button
%li .dropdown-content ul.dropdown-items li
%li .dropdown-content ul.dropdown-items li
.button.dropdown-button .button.dropdown-button
%a{ href: '#' }
%h4 Action
%p Explanation
%a{ href: '#' }
%h4 Other action
%p Explanation
.button.dropdown-button .button.dropdown-button (left)
%li .dropdown-content.left-aligned ul.dropdown-items li
%li .dropdown-content.left-aligned ul.dropdown-items li
%h1 Labels
%span.label .label
%span.label.brouillon .label.brouillon
%span.label.instruction .label.instruction
%span.label.construction .label.construction
%span.label.accepted .label.accepted
%span.label.refused .label.refused
%span.label.without-continuation .label.without-continuation
%h1 Badges
%span.badge 1
%span.badge.warning 1
%h1 Cards
Titre de la carte
%p Et voici le contenu de la carte
Titre de la carte mise en avant
%p Et voici le contenu de la carte
Titre de la carte d’avertissement
%p Et voici le contenu de la carte
Titre de la carte pour demander un avis
%p Utilisez cette carte pour informer d’une nouveauté produit ou demander l’avis des utilisateurs.
%h1 Table
%th Header 1
%th Header 2
%td Table Data 1
%td Table Data 2
%td Table Data 3
%td Table Data 4
%h2 Hoverable (.table.hoverable)
%th Header 1
%th Header 2
%td Table Data 1
%td Table Data 2
%td Table Data 3
%td Table Data 4
%h2 Vertical layout (.table.vertical)
%th Header 1
%td Table Data 1
%th Header 2
%td Table Data 2
%th.header-section{ colspan: 2 } Header section
%th Header 3
%td Table Data 3
%h1 Header
= tab_item("Onglet actif", "#", active: true)
= tab_item("Onglet inactif", "#")
= tab_item("Onglet avec badge", "#", badge: 2)
= tab_item("Onglet avec notification", "#", notification: true)
%h1 Breadcrumbs
= link_to "Démarche 123", "#"
= "Dossier n° 38"
%h1 Layout deux colonnes
Insérer ici le contenu de la colonne 1
Insérer ici le contenu de la colonne 2
%h1 Inviter une personne à donner son avis
%p.avis-notice L’invité pourra consulter, donner un avis sur le dossier et contribuer au fil de messagerie, mais il ne pourra le modifier.
= form_for Avis.new, url: '/', html: { class: 'form' } do |f|
= f.email_field :email, placeholder: 'Adresse email', required: true
= f.text_area :introduction, rows: 3, value: 'Bonjour, merci de me donner votre avis sur ce dossier.', required: true
= f.submit 'Demander un avis', class: 'button send'
Avis des invités
%span.fr-badge 1
%span.date Demande d’avis envoyée le 12/01/2012
%p Bonjour, merci de me donner votre avis sur ce dossier.
%span.date Réponse donnée le 13/01/2012
%p Je donne un avis favorable
%h2.empty-text Aucun dossier
%p.empty-text-details Vous n’avez commencé aucune démarche pour l’instant.
%h1 Dsfr::CalloutComponent
%p= link_to "Documentation DSFR Mis en avant (callout)", "https://www.systeme-de-design.gouv.fr/elements-d-interface/composants/mise-en-avant", **external_link_attributes
= render Dsfr::CalloutComponent.new(title: "Information minimale") do |c|
- c.with_body do
%p Ceci est le minimum pour afficher un callout.
= render Dsfr::CalloutComponent.new(title: "Information importante ou avertissement", theme: :warning) do |c|
- c.with_body do
Le contenu de cette description est libre.
- c.with_bottom do
%button.fr-btn Call to action
= render Dsfr::CalloutComponent.new(title: "Titre d'une information positive", theme: :success, icon: "fr-icon-message-2-fill") do |c|
- c.with_body do
N'importe quelle icône
= link_to("du jeu d'icônes", "https://www.systeme-de-design.gouv.fr/elements-d-interface/fondamentaux-techniques/icones", **external_link_attributes)
peut être utilisée.
%h1 Dsfr::CardVerticalComponent
%p= link_to "Documentation DSFR Carte", "https://www.systeme-de-design.gouv.fr/elements-d-interface/composants/carte", **external_link_attributes
= render Dsfr::CardVerticalComponent.new(title: "Optional title", desc: "Optional description")
= render Dsfr::CardVerticalComponent.new(title: "With footer buttons") do |c|
- c.with_footer_button do
= link_to "Button 1", "#", class: "fr-btn", **external_link_attributes
- c.with_footer_button do
= button_tag "Button 2", class: "fr-btn fr-btn--secondary"
%h1 Dsfr::NoticeComponent
%p= link_to "Documentation DSFR Bandeau d'information", "https://www.systeme-de-design.gouv.fr/elements-d-interface/composants/bandeau-d-information-importante", **external_link_attributes
= render Dsfr::NoticeComponent.new(closable: true) do |c|
- c.with_title do
Titre de cette notice
= link_to "avec un lien optionnel.", "#"
Des marges verticales ont ici été rajoutées.
%h1.fr-mt-4w Attachment::EditComponent
%span.fr-hint-text Note: direct upload, suppression ne marchent pas comme attendu ici.
- champ = @dossier.champs_public.first
- tdc = @dossier.champs_public.find { _1.type_champ == TypeDeChamp.type_champs.fetch(:piece_justificative) }.type_de_champ
- avis = Avis.new
- if attachment = ActiveStorage::Attachment.last
- attachment.update(created_at: 1.second.ago)
%h3 New attachment
= render Attachment::EditComponent.new(champ:, attached_file: champ.piece_justificative_file, attachment: nil)
%h3.fr-mt-4w Existing attachment
= render Attachment::EditComponent.new(champ:, attached_file: champ.piece_justificative_file, attachment:)
%h3.fr-mt-4w Existing attachment, user can not destroy
= render Attachment::EditComponent.new(champ:, attached_file: champ.piece_justificative_file, attachment:, user_can_destroy: false)
%h3.fr-mt-4w Existing attachment, antivirus in progress
- attachment.blob.metadata[:virus_scan_result] = ActiveStorage::VirusScanner::PENDING
- attachment.created_at = Time.zone.now
= render Attachment::EditComponent.new(champ:, attached_file: Champ.new.piece_justificative_file, attachment:)
%h3.fr-mt-4w Existing attachment, antivirus in progress since long time
- attachment.blob.metadata[:virus_scan_result] = ActiveStorage::VirusScanner::PENDING
- attachment.created_at = 2.minutes.ago
= render Attachment::EditComponent.new(champ:, attached_file: Champ.new.piece_justificative_file, attachment:)
%h3.fr-mt-4w Existing attachment, error
- attachment.blob.metadata[:virus_scan_result] = ActiveStorage::VirusScanner::INFECTED
= render Attachment::EditComponent.new(champ:, attached_file: Champ.new.piece_justificative_file, attachment:)
%h3.fr-mt-4w New attachment on TypeDeChamp
= render Attachment::EditComponent.new(auto_attach_url: "/some-auto-attach-path", attached_file: tdc.piece_justificative_template, attachment: nil)
%h3.fr-mt-4w Existing attachment on TypeDeChamp, view as link
= render Attachment::EditComponent.new(auto_attach_url: "/some-auto-attach-path", attached_file: tdc.piece_justificative_template, attachment: attachment.reload)
%h3.fr-mt-4w Existing attachment on TypeDeChamp view as download
= render Attachment::EditComponent.new(auto_attach_url: "/some-auto-attach-path", attached_file: tdc.piece_justificative_template, attachment: attachment.reload, view_as: :download)
%h3.fr-mt-4w New attachment on generic object
= render Attachment::EditComponent.new(attached_file: avis.introduction_file)
%h3.fr-mt-4w Existing attachment on generic object, view as download
= render Attachment::EditComponent.new(attached_file: avis.introduction_file, attachment: attachment.reload, view_as: :download)