Test helpers are separated between two files: spec_helper and rails_helper. This separation is meant to allow tests that do not require Rails (like testing standalone libs) to boot faster. The spec_helper file is always loaded, through `--require spec_helper` in the `.rspec` config file. When needed, the rails_helper file is expected to be required manually. This is fine, but: - Many test files have a redundant `require 'spec_helper'` line; - Many test files should require `rails_helper`, but don't. Not requiring `rails_helper` will cause the Rails-concerned section of the test environment not to be configured–which may cause subtle bugs (like the test database not being properly initialized). Moreover, Spring loads all the Rails files on preloading anyway. So the gains from using only `spec_helper` are thin. To streamline this process, this commit: - Configures `.rspec` to require `rails_helper` by default; - Remove all manual requires to spec_helper or rails_helper. Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24145329/how-is-spec-rails-helper-rb-different-from-spec-spec-helper-rb-do-i-need-it
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describe API::V1::DossiersController do
let(:admin) { create(:administrateur) }
let(:token) { admin.renew_api_token }
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :with_type_de_champ, :with_type_de_champ_private, administrateur: admin) }
let(:wrong_procedure) { create(:procedure) }
it { expect(described_class).to be < APIController }
describe 'GET index (with bearer token)' do
let(:authorization_header) { ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Token.encode_credentials(token) }
let(:retour) do
request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = authorization_header
get :index, params: { procedure_id: procedure_id }
subject { retour }
context 'when procedure is not found' do
let(:procedure_id) { 99_999_999 }
it { expect(subject.code).to eq('404') }
describe 'GET index' do
let(:order) { nil }
let(:retour) { get :index, params: { token: token, procedure_id: procedure_id, order: order }.compact }
subject { retour }
context 'when procedure is not found' do
let(:procedure_id) { 99_999_999 }
it { expect(subject.code).to eq('404') }
context 'when procedure does not belong to admin' do
let(:procedure_id) { wrong_procedure.id }
it { expect(subject.code).to eq('401') }
context 'when procedure is found and belongs to admin' do
let(:procedure_id) { procedure.id }
let(:date_creation) { Time.zone.local(2008, 9, 1, 10, 5, 0) }
let!(:dossier) { Timecop.freeze(date_creation) { create(:dossier, :with_entreprise, :en_construction, procedure: procedure) } }
let(:body) { JSON.parse(retour.body, symbolize_names: true) }
it 'return REST code 200', :show_in_doc do
expect(retour.code).to eq('200')
it { expect(body).to have_key :pagination }
it { expect(body).to have_key :dossiers }
describe 'pagination' do
subject { body[:pagination] }
it { is_expected.to have_key(:page) }
it { expect(subject[:page]).to eq(1) }
it { is_expected.to have_key(:resultats_par_page) }
it { expect(subject[:resultats_par_page]).to eq(described_class.const_get(:DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE)) }
it { is_expected.to have_key(:nombre_de_page) }
it { expect(subject[:nombre_de_page]).to eq(1) }
describe 'with custom resultats_par_page' do
let(:retour) { get :index, params: { token: token, procedure_id: procedure_id, resultats_par_page: 18 } }
subject { body[:pagination] }
it { is_expected.to have_key(:resultats_par_page) }
it { expect(subject[:resultats_par_page]).to eq(18) }
describe 'dossiers' do
subject { body[:dossiers] }
it { expect(subject).to be_an(Array) }
describe 'dossier' do
subject { super().first }
it { expect(subject[:id]).to eq(dossier.id) }
it { expect(subject[:updated_at]).to eq("2008-09-01T08:05:00.000Z") }
it { expect(subject[:initiated_at]).to eq("2008-09-01T08:06:00.000Z") }
it { expect(subject[:state]).to eq("initiated") }
it { expect(subject.keys.size).to eq(4) }
describe 'order' do
let!(:dossier1) { create(:dossier, :with_entreprise, procedure: procedure, state: Dossier.states.fetch(:en_construction)) }
let!(:dossier2) { create(:dossier, :with_entreprise, procedure: procedure, state: Dossier.states.fetch(:en_construction)) }
context 'asc' do
let(:order) { 'asc' }
it { expect(subject.map { |dossier| dossier[:id] }).to eq([dossier.id, dossier1.id, dossier2.id]) }
context 'desc' do
let(:order) { 'desc' }
it { expect(subject.map { |dossier| dossier[:id] }).to eq([dossier2.id, dossier1.id, dossier.id]) }
context 'when there are multiple pages' do
let(:retour) { get :index, params: { token: token, procedure_id: procedure_id, page: 2 } }
let!(:dossier1) { create(:dossier, :with_entreprise, procedure: procedure, state: Dossier.states.fetch(:en_construction)) }
let!(:dossier2) { create(:dossier, :with_entreprise, procedure: procedure, state: Dossier.states.fetch(:en_construction)) }
before do
allow(controller).to receive(:per_page).and_return(1)
describe 'pagination' do
subject { body[:pagination] }
it { expect(subject[:page]).to eq(2) }
it { expect(subject[:resultats_par_page]).to eq(1) }
it { expect(subject[:nombre_de_page]).to eq(3) }
describe 'GET show' do
let(:retour) { get :show, params: { token: token, procedure_id: procedure_id, id: dossier_id } }
subject { retour }
context 'when procedure is not found' do
let(:procedure_id) { 99_999_999 }
let(:dossier_id) { 1 }
it { expect(subject.code).to eq('404') }
context 'when procedure exists and does not belong to current admin' do
let(:procedure_id) { wrong_procedure.id }
let(:dossier_id) { 1 }
it { expect(subject.code).to eq('401') }
context 'when procedure is found and belongs to current admin' do
context 'when dossier does not exist' do
let(:procedure_id) { procedure.id }
let(:dossier_id) { 99999 }
it { expect(subject.code).to eq('404') }
context 'when dossier exists but does not belong to procedure' do
let(:procedure_id) { procedure.id }
let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :with_entreprise, procedure: wrong_procedure) }
let(:dossier_id) { dossier.id }
it { expect(subject.code).to eq('404') }
context 'when dossier (with attestation) exists and belongs to procedure' do
let(:procedure_id) { procedure.id }
let(:dossier_id) { dossier.id }
let!(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :with_entreprise, :with_attestation, :accepte, procedure: procedure, motivation: "Motivation") }
let(:body) { JSON.parse(retour.body, symbolize_names: true) }
subject { body[:dossier] }
it {
expect(retour.code).to eq('200')
expect(subject[:id]).to eq(dossier.id)
expect(subject[:state]).to eq('closed')
expect(subject[:attestation]).to_not be_nil
context 'when dossier exists and belongs to procedure' do
let(:procedure_id) { procedure.id }
let(:date_creation) { Time.zone.local(2008, 9, 1, 10, 5, 0) }
let!(:dossier) { Timecop.freeze(date_creation) { create(:dossier, :with_entreprise, :accepte, procedure: procedure, motivation: "Motivation") } }
let(:dossier_id) { dossier.id }
let(:body) { JSON.parse(retour.body, symbolize_names: true) }
let(:field_list) { [:id, :created_at, :updated_at, :archived, :individual, :entreprise, :etablissement, :cerfa, :types_de_piece_justificative, :pieces_justificatives, :champs, :champs_private, :commentaires, :state, :simplified_state, :initiated_at, :processed_at, :received_at, :motivation, :email, :instructeurs, :attestation, :avis] }
subject { body[:dossier] }
it 'return REST code 200', :show_in_doc do
expect(retour.code).to eq('200')
it { expect(subject[:id]).to eq(dossier.id) }
it { expect(subject[:state]).to eq('closed') }
it { expect(subject[:created_at]).to eq('2008-09-01T08:05:00.000Z') }
it { expect(subject[:updated_at]).to eq('2008-09-01T08:05:00.000Z') }
it { expect(subject[:archived]).to eq(dossier.archived) }
it { expect(subject.keys).to match_array(field_list) }
describe 'entreprise' do
let(:field_list) {
subject { super()[:entreprise] }
it { expect(subject[:siren]).to eq('440117620') }
it { expect(subject[:capital_social]).to eq(537_100_000) }
it { expect(subject[:numero_tva_intracommunautaire]).to eq('FR27440117620') }
it { expect(subject[:forme_juridique]).to eq('SA à conseil d\'administration (s.a.i.)') }
it { expect(subject[:forme_juridique_code]).to eq('5599') }
it { expect(subject[:nom_commercial]).to eq('GRTGAZ') }
it { expect(subject[:raison_sociale]).to eq('GRTGAZ') }
it { expect(subject[:siret_siege_social]).to eq('44011762001530') }
it { expect(subject[:code_effectif_entreprise]).to eq('51') }
it { expect(subject[:date_creation]).to eq('1990-04-24T00:00:00.000+00:00') }
it { expect(subject.keys).to match_array(field_list) }
describe 'champs' do
let(:field_list) { [:url] }
subject { super()[:champs] }
it { expect(subject.length).to eq 1 }
describe 'first champ' do
subject { super().first }
it { expect(subject.key?(:value)).to be_truthy }
it { expect(subject.key?(:type_de_champ)).to be_truthy }
describe 'type de champ' do
let(:field_list) {
subject { super()[:type_de_champ] }
it { expect(subject.key?(:id)).to be_truthy }
it { expect(subject[:libelle]).to include('Libelle du champ') }
it { expect(subject[:description]).to include('description du champ') }
it { expect(subject.key?(:order_place)).to be_truthy }
it { expect(subject[:type_champ]).to eq('text') }
describe 'repetition' do
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, administrateur: admin) }
let(:champ) { build(:champ_repetition) }
let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, champs: [champ], procedure: procedure) }
subject { super().first[:rows] }
it 'should have rows' do
expect(subject.size).to eq(2)
expect(subject[0][:id]).to eq(1)
expect(subject[0][:champs].size).to eq(2)
expect(subject[0][:champs].map { |c| c[:value] }).to eq(['text', '42'])
expect(subject[0][:champs].map { |c| c[:type_de_champ][:type_champ] }).to eq(['text', 'number'])
describe 'champs_private' do
let(:field_list) { [:url] }
subject { super()[:champs_private] }
it { expect(subject.length).to eq 1 }
describe 'first champs' do
subject { super().first }
it { expect(subject.key?(:value)).to be_truthy }
it { expect(subject.key?(:type_de_champ)).to be_truthy }
describe 'type de champ' do
let(:field_list) {
subject { super()[:type_de_champ] }
it { expect(subject.key?(:id)).to be_truthy }
it { expect(subject[:libelle]).to include('Libelle champ privé') }
it { expect(subject[:description]).to include('description du champ privé') }
it { expect(subject.key?(:order_place)).to be_truthy }
it { expect(subject[:type_champ]).to eq('text') }
describe 'commentaires' do
let!(:commentaire) { create :commentaire, body: 'plop', created_at: '2016-03-14 14:00:00', email: 'plop@plip.com', dossier: dossier }
let!(:commentaire_2) { create :commentaire, body: 'plip', created_at: '2016-03-14 15:00:00', email: 'plip@plap.com', dossier: dossier }
subject { super()[:commentaires] }
it { expect(subject.size).to eq 2 }
it { expect(subject.first[:body]).to eq 'plop' }
it { expect(subject.first[:created_at]).to eq '2016-03-14T13:00:00.000Z' }
it { expect(subject.first[:email]).to eq 'plop@plip.com' }
describe 'etablissement' do
let(:field_list) {
subject { super()[:etablissement] }
it { expect(subject[:siret]).to eq('44011762001530') }
it { expect(subject[:siege_social]).to eq(true) }
it { expect(subject[:naf]).to eq('4950Z') }
it { expect(subject[:libelle_naf]).to eq('Transports par conduites') }
it { expect(subject[:adresse]).to eq("GRTGAZ\r IMMEUBLE BORA\r 6 RUE RAOUL NORDLING\r 92270 BOIS COLOMBES\r") }
it { expect(subject[:numero_voie]).to eq('6') }
it { expect(subject[:type_voie]).to eq('RUE') }
it { expect(subject[:nom_voie]).to eq('RAOUL NORDLING') }
it { expect(subject[:complement_adresse]).to eq('IMMEUBLE BORA') }
it { expect(subject[:code_postal]).to eq('92270') }
it { expect(subject[:localite]).to eq('BOIS COLOMBES') }
it { expect(subject[:code_insee_localite]).to eq('92009') }
it { expect(subject.keys).to match_array(field_list) }