When subclassing a JS error, most browsers include the constructor stacktrace :/ This is an issue, because: - The stacktrace is deeper than it should be - The stacktrace reaches into a polyfill for which there is not source map, which causes Sentry to infer the issue grouping from the JS file name. And the fingerprinted name changes on each release. So for each release, the stacktrace is different ; and Sentry can't group issues properly.
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77 lines
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// Error while reading the file client-side
export const ERROR_CODE_READ = 'file-upload-read-error';
// Error while creating the empty blob on the server
export const ERROR_CODE_CREATE = 'file-upload-create-error';
// Error while uploading the blob content
export const ERROR_CODE_STORE = 'file-upload-store-error';
// Error while attaching the blob to the record
export const ERROR_CODE_ATTACH = 'file-upload-attach-error';
// Failure on the client side (syntax error, error reading file, etc.)
export const FAILURE_CLIENT = 'file-upload-failure-client';
// Failure on the server side (typically non-200 response)
export const FAILURE_SERVER = 'file-upload-failure-server';
// Failure during the transfert (request aborted, connection lost, etc)
export const FAILURE_CONNECTIVITY = 'file-upload-failure-connectivity';
Represent an error during a file upload.
export default class FileUploadError extends Error {
constructor(message, status, code) {
this.name = 'FileUploadError';
this.status = status;
this.code = code;
// Prevent the constructor stacktrace from being included.
// (it messes up with Sentry issues grouping)
if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
// V8-only
Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
} else {
this.stack = new Error().stack;
Return the component responsible of the error (client, server or connectivity).
See FAILURE_* constants for values.
get failureReason() {
let isNetworkError = this.code && this.code != ERROR_CODE_READ;
if (isNetworkError && this.status != 0) {
} else if (isNetworkError && this.status == 0) {
} else {
// Convert an error message returned by DirectUpload to a proper error object.
// This function has two goals:
// 1. Remove the file name from the DirectUpload error message
// (because the filename confuses Sentry error grouping)
// 2. Create each kind of error on a different line
// (so that Sentry knows they are different kind of errors, from
// the line they were created.)
export function errorFromDirectUploadMessage(message) {
let matches = message.match(/ Status: ([0-9]{1,3})/);
let status = matches ? parseInt(matches[1], 10) : undefined;
// prettier-ignore
if (message.includes('Error reading')) {
return new FileUploadError('Error reading file.', status, ERROR_CODE_READ);
} else if (message.includes('Error creating')) {
return new FileUploadError('Error creating file.', status, ERROR_CODE_CREATE);
} else if (message.includes('Error storing')) {
return new FileUploadError('Error storing file.', status, ERROR_CODE_STORE);
} else {
return new FileUploadError(message, status, undefined);