Test helpers are separated between two files: spec_helper and rails_helper. This separation is meant to allow tests that do not require Rails (like testing standalone libs) to boot faster. The spec_helper file is always loaded, through `--require spec_helper` in the `.rspec` config file. When needed, the rails_helper file is expected to be required manually. This is fine, but: - Many test files have a redundant `require 'spec_helper'` line; - Many test files should require `rails_helper`, but don't. Not requiring `rails_helper` will cause the Rails-concerned section of the test environment not to be configured–which may cause subtle bugs (like the test database not being properly initialized). Moreover, Spring loads all the Rails files on preloading anyway. So the gains from using only `spec_helper` are thin. To streamline this process, this commit: - Configures `.rspec` to require `rails_helper` by default; - Remove all manual requires to spec_helper or rails_helper. Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24145329/how-is-spec-rails-helper-rb-different-from-spec-spec-helper-rb-do-i-need-it
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feature 'Inviting an expert:' do
include ActiveJob::TestHelper
include ActionView::Helpers
let(:instructeur) { create(:instructeur, password: 'démarches-simplifiées-pwd') }
let(:expert) { create(:instructeur, password: expert_password) }
let(:expert_password) { 'mot de passe d’expert' }
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, instructeurs: [instructeur]) }
let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, :with_dossier_link, procedure: procedure) }
let(:linked_dossier) { Dossier.find_by(id: dossier.reload.champs.filter(&:dossier_link?).map(&:value).compact) }
context 'as an Instructeur' do
scenario 'I can invite an expert' do
# assign instructeur to linked dossier
login_as instructeur.user, scope: :user
visit instructeur_dossier_path(procedure, dossier)
click_on 'Avis externes'
expect(page).to have_current_path(avis_instructeur_dossier_path(procedure, dossier))
fill_in 'avis_emails', with: 'expert1@exemple.fr, expert2@exemple.fr'
fill_in 'avis_introduction', with: 'Bonjour, merci de me donner votre avis sur ce dossier.'
check 'avis_invite_linked_dossiers'
page.select 'confidentiel', from: 'avis_confidentiel'
perform_enqueued_jobs do
click_on 'Demander un avis'
expect(page).to have_content('Une demande d\'avis a été envoyée')
expect(page).to have_content('Avis des invités')
within('.list-avis') do
expect(page).to have_content('expert1@exemple.fr')
expect(page).to have_content('expert2@exemple.fr')
expect(page).to have_content('Bonjour, merci de me donner votre avis sur ce dossier.')
expect(Avis.count).to eq(4)
expect(all_emails.size).to eq(2)
invitation_email = open_email('expert2@exemple.fr')
avis = Avis.find_by(email: 'expert2@exemple.fr', dossier: dossier)
sign_up_link = sign_up_instructeur_avis_path(avis.id, avis.email)
expect(invitation_email.body).to include(sign_up_link)
context 'when experts submitted their answer' do
let!(:answered_avis) { create(:avis, :with_answer, dossier: dossier, claimant: instructeur, email: expert.email) }
scenario 'I can read the expert answer' do
login_as instructeur.user, scope: :user
visit instructeur_dossier_path(procedure, dossier)
click_on 'Avis externes'
expect(page).to have_content(expert.email)
answered_avis.answer.split("\n").each do |answer_line|
expect(page).to have_content(answer_line)
context 'as an invited Expert' do
let(:avis_email) { expert.email }
let(:avis) { create(:avis, dossier: dossier, claimant: instructeur, email: avis_email, confidentiel: true) }
context 'when I don’t already have an account' do
let(:avis_email) { 'not-signed-up-expert@exemple.fr' }
scenario 'I can sign up' do
visit sign_up_instructeur_avis_path(avis.id, avis_email)
expect(page).to have_field('Email', with: avis_email, disabled: true)
fill_in 'Mot de passe', with: 'This is a very complicated password !'
click_on 'Créer un compte'
expect(page).to have_current_path(instructeur_avis_index_path)
expect(page).to have_text('avis à donner 1')
context 'when I already have an existing account' do
let(:avis_email) { expert.email }
scenario 'I can sign in' do
visit sign_up_instructeur_avis_path(avis.id, avis_email)
expect(page).to have_current_path(new_user_session_path)
sign_in_with(expert.email, expert_password)
expect(page).to have_current_path(instructeur_avis_index_path)
expect(page).to have_text('avis à donner 1')
scenario 'I can give an answer' do
avis # create avis
login_as expert.user, scope: :user
visit instructeur_avis_index_path
expect(page).to have_text('avis à donner 1')
expect(page).to have_text('avis donnés 0')
click_on avis.dossier.user.email
within('.tabs') { click_on 'Avis' }
expect(page).to have_text("Demandeur : #{instructeur.email}")
expect(page).to have_text('Cet avis est confidentiel')
fill_in 'avis_answer', with: 'Ma réponse d’expert : c’est un oui.'
find('.attachment input[name="avis[piece_justificative_file]"]').attach_file(Rails.root + 'spec/fixtures/files/RIB.pdf')
click_on 'Envoyer votre avis'
expect(page).to have_content('Votre réponse est enregistrée')
expect(page).to have_content('Ma réponse d’expert : c’est un oui.')
expect(page).to have_content('RIB.pdf')
within('.new-header') { click_on 'Avis' }
expect(page).to have_text('avis à donner 0')
expect(page).to have_text('avis donné 1')
# scenario 'I can read other experts advices' do
# end
# scenario 'I can invite other experts' do
# end