* add base controller for public api * add dossiers controller with basic checks * create the dossier * ensure content-type is json * prefill dossier with given values * mark a dossier as prefilled When a dossier is prefilled, it's allowed not to have a user. Plus, we add a secure token to the dossier, which we will need later to set a user after sign in / sign up. * set user as owner of an orphan prefilled dossier When a visitor comes from the dossier_url answered by the public api, the dossier is orphan: - when the user is already authenticated: they become the owner - when the user is not authenticated: they can sign in / sign up / france_connect and then they become the owner So here is the procedure: - allow to sign in / sign up / france connect when user is unauthenticated - set dossier ownership when the dossier is orphan - check dossier ownership when the dossier is not - redirect to brouillon path when user is signed in and owner * mark the dossier as prefilled when it's prefilled (even with a GET request, because it will be useful later on, for exmample in order to cleanup the unused prefilled dossiers) * system spec: prefilling dossier with post request
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# frozen_string_literal: true
module DossierPrefillableConcern
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
def prefill!(champs_public_attributes)
attr = { prefilled: true }
attr[:champs_public_attributes] = champs_public_attributes.map { |h| h.merge(prefilled: true) } if champs_public_attributes.any?
save(validate: false)