- in the 'N° de dossier' column for mouse users and screen reader users. - in the 'Démarche' column for mouse users, screen reader users and keyboard users. Also added a sr-only class for text which should be read by screen-readers but not visible or accessible to other users
77 lines
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77 lines
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- if @search_terms.present?
- content_for(:title, "Recherche : #{@search_terms}")
- else
- content_for(:title, "Dossiers")
- content_for :footer do
= render partial: "users/dossiers/index_footer"
- if @search_terms.present?
%h1.page-title Résultat de la recherche pour « #{@search_terms} »
- elsif @dossiers_invites.count == 0
%h1.page-title Mes dossiers
- else
%h1.page-title Dossiers
= tab_item('mes dossiers',
dossiers_path(current_tab: 'mes-dossiers'),
active: @current_tab == 'mes-dossiers')
= tab_item('dossiers invités',
dossiers_path(current_tab: 'dossiers-invites'),
active: @current_tab == 'dossiers-invites')
- if @dossiers.present?
%th.number-col Nº dossier
%th Démarche
- if @dossiers.count > 1
%th Demandeur
%th.status-col Statut
%th.updated-at-col Mis à jour
%th.sr-only Actions
- @dossiers.each do |dossier|
%tr{ data: { 'dossier-id': dossier.id } }
= link_to(url_for_dossier(dossier), class: 'cell-link', tabindex: -1) do
= dossier.id
= link_to(url_for_dossier(dossier), class: 'cell-link') do
= procedure_libelle(dossier.procedure)
- if @dossiers.count > 1
= demandeur_dossier(dossier)
= status_badge(dossier.state)
= try_format_date(dossier.updated_at)
= render partial: 'dossier_actions', locals: { dossier: dossier }
= paginate(@dossiers)
- if current_user.feedbacks.empty? || current_user.feedbacks.last.created_at < 1.month.ago
%h3 Que pensez-vous de la facilité d'utilisation de ce service ?
= link_to feedback_path(rating: Feedback.ratings.fetch(:unhappy)), data: { remote: true, method: :post } do
= link_to feedback_path(rating: Feedback.ratings.fetch(:neutral)), data: { remote: true, method: :post } do
= link_to feedback_path(rating: Feedback.ratings.fetch(:happy)), data: { remote: true, method: :post } do
- else
%h2.empty-text Aucun dossier.
Pour remplir une démarche, contactez votre administration en lui demandant le lien de la démarche.
Celui ci doit ressembler à https://www.demarches-simplifiees.fr/commencer/xxx.