ajout des NDD usuels ENS et DGNum pour autoriser les changements d'adresse mail correction des svg des logos DGNum et DN remplacement Marianne - pour l'instant à l'arrache uniquement, logo sera repris et affiné plus tard modifs Mariannes commenter quelques bouts de code inutiles dans l'usage DGNum de DS Update logo-ds.svg and delete commented lines correction logo DN pour pages d'erreur normalianisation de DN, texte modifs sur le fichier en anglais modifs diverses vers version DN Use our logo in the header Add the logo-wide under a new name feat: Update footer feat: Remove mentions of faq.demarches-simplifiees.fr feat: Replace documentation link feat: Add analytics feat: Remove France Services logo on procedure footer
78 lines
4.2 KiB
78 lines
4.2 KiB
# frozen_string_literal: true
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
# Define an application-wide content security policy
# For further information see the following documentation
# https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy
Rails.application.config.content_security_policy do |policy|
images_whitelist = ["*.openstreetmap.org", "*.cloud.ovh.net", "*"]
images_whitelist << URI(DS_PROXY_URL).host if DS_PROXY_URL.present?
policy.img_src(:self, :data, :blob, *images_whitelist)
# Javascript: allow us, SendInBlue and Matomo.
# We need unsafe_inline because miniprofiler and us have some inline buttons :(
scripts_whitelist = ["*.crisp.chat", "crisp.chat", "cdn.jsdelivr.net", "maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com", "code.jquery.com", "unpkg.com", "*.dgnum.eu"]
policy.script_src(:self, :unsafe_eval, :unsafe_inline, :blob, *scripts_whitelist)
# CSS: We have a lot of inline style, and some <style> tags.
# It's too complicated to be fixed right now (and it wouldn't add value: this is hardcoded in views, so not subject to injections)
policy.style_src(:self, :unsafe_inline, "*.crisp.chat", "crisp.chat", 'cdn.jsdelivr.net', 'maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com', "unpkg.com")
connect_whitelist = ["wss://*.crisp.chat", "*.crisp.chat", "app.franceconnect.gouv.fr", "openmaptiles.geo.data.gouv.fr", "openmaptiles.github.io", "tiles.geo.api.gouv.fr", "data.geopf.fr", "*.dgnum.eu"]
connect_whitelist << ENV.fetch('APP_HOST')
connect_whitelist << ENV.fetch('APP_HOST_LEGACY') if ENV.key?('APP_HOST_LEGACY') && ENV['APP_HOST_LEGACY'] != ENV['APP_HOST']
connect_whitelist << "*.amazonaws.com" if Rails.configuration.active_storage.service == :amazon
connect_whitelist << URI(DS_PROXY_URL).host if DS_PROXY_URL.present?
connect_whitelist << URI(API_ADRESSE_URL).host if API_ADRESSE_URL.present?
connect_whitelist << URI(API_EDUCATION_URL).host if API_EDUCATION_URL.present?
connect_whitelist << URI(API_GEO_URL).host if API_GEO_URL.present?
connect_whitelist << Rails.application.secrets.matomo[:host] if Rails.application.secrets.matomo[:enabled]
policy.connect_src(:self, *connect_whitelist)
# Frames: allow some iframes
frame_whitelist = []
# allow Matomo's iframe on the /suivi page
frame_whitelist << URI(MATOMO_IFRAME_URL).host if Rails.application.secrets.matomo[:enabled]
# allow pdf iframes in the PJ gallery
frame_whitelist << URI(DS_PROXY_URL).host if DS_PROXY_URL.present?
frame_whitelist << "*.crisp.help" if Rails.application.secrets.crisp[:enabled]
policy.frame_src(:self, *frame_whitelist)
# Everything else: allow us
# Add the error source in the violation notification
default_whitelist = ["fonts.gstatic.com", "in-automate.sendinblue.com", "player.vimeo.com", "app.franceconnect.gouv.fr", "*.crisp.chat", "crisp.chat", "*.crisp.help", "*.sibautomation.com", "sibautomation.com", "data", "*.dgnum.eu"]
default_whitelist << URI(DS_PROXY_URL).host if DS_PROXY_URL.present?
policy.default_src(:self, :data, :blob, :report_sample, *default_whitelist)
if Rails.env.development?
# Allow LiveReload requests
policy.connect_src(*policy.connect_src, "ws://localhost:3035", "http://localhost:3035")
# Allow Vite.js
policy.connect_src(*policy.connect_src, "ws://#{ViteRuby.config.host_with_port}")
policy.script_src(*policy.script_src, :unsafe_eval, "http://#{ViteRuby.config.host_with_port}")
elsif Rails.env.test?
# Disallow all connections to external domains during tests
policy.img_src(:self, :data, :blob)
policy.script_src(:self, :unsafe_eval, :unsafe_inline, :blob)
policy.style_src(:self, :unsafe_inline)
policy.default_src(:self, :data, :blob)
# If you are using UJS then enable automatic nonce generation
# Rails.application.config.content_security_policy_nonce_generator = -> request { SecureRandom.base64(16) }
# Set the nonce only to specific directives
# Rails.application.config.content_security_policy_nonce_directives = %w(script-src)
# Report CSP violations to a specified URI
# For further information see the following documentation:
# https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only
# Rails.application.config.content_security_policy_report_only = true