Update doc/object-storange-and-data-encryption.md
Co-authored-by: LeSim <mail@simon.lehericey.net>
Update app/services/archive_uploader.rb
Co-authored-by: LeSim <mail@simon.lehericey.net>
Update doc/object-storange-and-data-encryption.md
Co-authored-by: Pierre de La Morinerie <kemenaran@gmail.com>
clean(doc): align document file name and document h1
clean(review): refactore based on various comments
clean(review): refactore based on various comments
use dedicated archives queue
As the used disk space will increase, we want a fined grain control
move zip logic in dedicated method
fix(spec): pass spec in green
tech(improvements): avoid File.delete(folder), favor FileUtils.remove_entry_secure which is safer. Also wrap most of code that open file within blocks so it is cleaned when the block ends. Lastly use attachement.download to avoid big memory pressure [download in chunk, write in chunk] otherwise big file [124>1GO] are loaded in memory. what if we run multiple jobs/download in parallel ?
fix(spec): try to retry with grace
clean(procedure_archive_service_spec.rb): better retry [avoid to rewrite on open file]
lint(things): everything