Using rubocop-rails_config is a nonsense because:
- it relies on rubocop-minitest which is useless here (we use RSpec)
- it relies on rubocop-packaging but disables all its cops
- it targets ruby version 2.7, but we use 3.0
This (unreleased) version contains a fix for a pre-Ruby 3.0 kwargs use.
It fixes a warning in specs using zip files:
> warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated
In the previous commit, we cleaned up the localization of the
Dossier.state enum. This prevented administrate from crashing, but now
the dossier enum are no longer localized in the Manager.
By using a `Field::Enum` type, we instruct the administrate plugin
to look up our localized name for the Dossier state enum.
Rails is a security upgrade, and we had to upgrade quickly.
Unfortunately that broke the administrate gem.
A PR has been opened to fix the issues with the newest Rails version,
and will probably be merged quickly. Meanwhile we can fix the manager
by using the version from the PR for now.
Once the PR is merged and a new version of administrate is released,
we can use a released version of administrate again.
This fixes an error message on app startup about autoloaded
> DEPRECATION WARNING: Initialization autoloaded the constants ActionText::ContentHelper and ActionText::TagHelper.
The reason for this error is that the Mailjet gem forces the
immediate loading of `action_mailer`. Which leads to the
following sequence of events:
On app init, when bundler requires all the gems in the Gemfile:
- The Mailjet gem is required,
- It loads `ActionMailer::Base`.
Later, when Rails initializes itself:
- `ActionText` creates an `action_text.helpers` initializer,
- This initializer register hooks to add `ActionText` helpers
when either `action_controller_base` or `action_mailer` are loaded,
- But as `action_mailer` has already been loaded, the hook is trigerred
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies notices `ActionText` constants do not
exist yet, auto-load them, and add the constants to
And even later, at the end of the Rails initialization process:
- The `:warn_if_autoloaded` initializer is run,
- It notices that `autoloaded_constants` is not empty, and prints the
warning message.
Bootsnap speeds up the initial loading of the Rails app by:
- Optimizing the LOAD_PATH dynamically
- Caching the result of Ruby bytecode compilation
Cached data are written to `tmp/cache/bootsnap*`.
This is enabled in the default Rails app template.