On créé l'établissement uniquement avec le SIRET, sans que ce soit bloquant
pour compléter le dossier. On demande à l'utilisateur de vérifier
lui-même la concordance du SIRET avec son entreprise.
Cf #7766
Dans certaines circonstances le SIREN pouvait être vide alors qu'on a
toujours le SIRET. Aussi, on se base sur la recherhce qui redirige vers
le bon namespace car il n'y a pas forcément que des entreprises : certaines
sont listées sous "etablissement".
Le logo contient déjà le nom "demarches-simplifiees.fr", donc inutile
de le redupliquer en texte.
A la place on reprend le layout utilisé sur d'autres PDF.
A dossier has several submission dates:
- `depose_at` is the first date at which the dossier was submitted
- `en_construction_at` is the last date at which the dossier was
submitted OR reverted from `en_instruction` to `en_construction`.
For now we prefer to display the earliest date:
- it gives more rights to the user,
- en_construction_at means the administration can reset at will the date
printed on deposit receipts (by moving the dossier `en_instruction`
and then back), which we don't want.
wip(dossier_created_hook): add tile to administrateurs/procedure#show in order to crud dossier_created_hook
refactor(css.utilities): remove merge helpers.scss within utils.scss (same purpose). use scss each for spacer modifiers
refactor(dossiers/_merci.html): extract partial _merci so we can re-use it in preview of dossier_created_hook.
feat(wip): current progress
feat(expiration_banner): enhance wording of expiration
feat(dossiers/expiration_banner): enhance wording regarding expiration to include duree_conservation_dossiers_dans_ds + extension_conservation, also add spec on expiration_banner for instructeur
fix(lint): lint haml
fix(spec): enable flipper and allow procedure to receive flipper check when checking banner presence
fix(doc): add missing documentation on readme regarding system testing with a visual feedback
fix(typo): add missing accent
clean(PR): feedback from Tchak, better to wrap feature check for expirability by procedure within dossier.expirable? helper