Currently ProgressBar is used to monitor upload progress of attachments.
But there's two cases where the associated DOM element may be removed:
- In the champs editor, when the list scrolls, DOM elements are removed
and added dynamically by React;
- In the user form, the user might start an upload on a repetition, and
then remove the associated row during the download.
In both those cases, we don't want the missing DOM element to trigger
an error.
Before, when autosaving a draft, removing a repetition row would
send `_destroy` inputs to the controller – but not remove the row
from the DOM. This led to the `_destroy` inputs being sent again
on the next autosave request, which made the controller raise
(because the row fields were already deleted before).
To fix this, we let the controller response remove the deleted
row(s) from the DOM.
Doing it using a controller response avoids the need to keep track
of operations on the Javascript side: the controller can easily
know which row was just deleted, and emit the relevant changes for
the DOM. This keeps the autosave requests robust: even if a request
is skipped (e.g. because of a network interruption), the next request
will still contain the relevant informations to succeed, and not let the
form in an unstable state.
When subclassing a JS error, most browsers include the constructor
stacktrace :/
This is an issue, because:
- The stacktrace is deeper than it should be
- The stacktrace reaches into a polyfill for which there is not source
map, which causes Sentry to infer the issue grouping from the JS file
name. And the fingerprinted name changes on each release. So for each
release, the stacktrace is different ; and Sentry can't group issues