fix(i18n): wrap text under i18n.t
i18n(france_connect/*): replace wording with i18n fix(lint): i18n key issue secu(views/france_connect/particulier/merge.html.haml): sanitize france_connect_email just in case fix(brakeman): sanitize FCI.email_france_connect when used with html_safe via an I18n.t, also add exception to brakeman
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 104 additions and 38 deletions
@ -51,18 +51,18 @@ class FranceConnect::ParticulierController < ApplicationController
if user.present? && user.valid_for_authentication? { user.valid_password?(password_params) }
if !user.can_france_connect?
flash.alert = "#{} ne peut utiliser FranceConnect"
flash.alert = t('errors.messages.france_connect.forbidden_html', reset_link: new_user_password_path)
render js: ajax_redirect(root_path)
@fci.update(user: user)
flash.notice = "Les comptes FranceConnect et #{APPLICATION_NAME} sont à présent fusionnés"
flash.notice = t('france_connect.particulier.flash.connection_done', application_name: APPLICATION_NAME)
flash.alert = 'Mauvais mot de passe'
flash.alert = t('france_connect.particulier.flash.invalid_password')
render js: helpers.render_flash
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class FranceConnect::ParticulierController < ApplicationController
@fci.update(user: user)
flash.notice = "Les comptes FranceConnect et #{APPLICATION_NAME} sont à présent fusionnés"
flash.notice = t('france_connect.particulier.flash.connection_done', application_name: APPLICATION_NAME)
else # same behaviour as redirect nicely with message when instructeur/administrateur
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class FranceConnect::ParticulierController < ApplicationController
flash.notice = "Les comptes FranceConnect et #{APPLICATION_NAME} sont à présent fusionnés"
flash.notice = t('france_connect.particulier.flash.connection_done', application_name: APPLICATION_NAME)
@email = sanitized_email_params
@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ class FranceConnect::ParticulierController < ApplicationController
def resend_and_renew_merge_confirmation
merge_token = @fci.create_merge_token!
UserMailer.france_connect_merge_confirmation(@fci.email_france_connect, merge_token).deliver_later
UserMailer.france_connect_merge_confirmation(@fci.email_france_connect, merge_token, @fci.merge_token_created_at).deliver_later
redirect_to france_connect_particulier_merge_path(merge_token),
notice: "Nous venons de vous envoyer le mail de confirmation, veuillez cliquer sur le lien contenu dans ce mail pour fusionner vos comptes"
notice: t('france_connect.particulier.flash.confirmation_mail_sent')
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class FranceConnect::ParticulierController < ApplicationController
@fci = FranceConnectInformation.find_by(merge_token: merge_token_params)
if @fci.nil? || !@fci.valid_for_merge?
flash.alert = "Le délai pour fusionner les comptes FranceConnect et #{APPLICATION_NAME} est expirée. Veuillez recommencer la procédure pour vous fusionner les comptes."
flash.alert = t('france_connect.particulier.flash.merger_token_expired', application_name: APPLICATION_NAME)
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to root_path }
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
Le compte #{email} existe déjà sur #{APPLICATION_NAME}
= t('.already_exists', email: email, application_name: APPLICATION_NAME)
entrez votre mot de passe pour fusionner les comptes
= t('.fill_in_password')
= form_tag france_connect_particulier_merge_with_existing_account_path, remote: true, class: 'mt-2 form fconnect-form' do
= hidden_field_tag :merge_token, merge_token
= hidden_field_tag :email, email
= label_tag :password, 'Mot de passe (8 caractères minimum)'
= label_tag :password, t('', min_length: 8)
= password_field_tag :password, nil, autocomplete: 'current-password', id: 'password-for-another-account'
Mot de passe oublié ?
= t('')
= link_to france_connect_particulier_resend_and_renew_merge_confirmation_path(merge_token: merge_token), method: :post do
Confirmer mon compte par email
= button_tag 'revenir en arrière', type: 'button', class: 'button secondary', onclick: 'DS.showNewAccount(event);'
= submit_tag 'Fusionner les comptes', class: 'button primary'
= t('france_connect.particulier.merge.link_confirm_by_email')
= button_tag t('.back'), type: 'button', class: 'button secondary', onclick: 'DS.showNewAccount(event);'
= submit_tag t('france_connect.particulier.merge.button_merge'), class: 'button primary'
@ -1,52 +1,46 @@
= content_for :title, "Fusion des comptes FC et #{APPLICATION_NAME}"
|||| Fusion des comptes FranceConnect et #{APPLICATION_NAME}
|||| t('.title', application_name: APPLICATION_NAME)
Votre compte FranceConnect utilise <b class='bold'>#{@fci.email_france_connect}</b> comme email de contact.
Or il existe un compte sur #{APPLICATION_NAME} avec cet email.
%p= t('.subtitle', email: sanitize(@fci.email_france_connect), application_name: APPLICATION_NAME).html_safe
%label Ce compte #{@fci.email_france_connect} vous appartient-il ?
%label= t('.label_select_merge_flow', email: @fci.email_france_connect)
%label{ onclick: "DS.showFusion(event);" }
= radio_button_tag :value, true, false, autocomplete: "off", id: 'it-is-mine'
= t('utils.yes')
%label{ onclick: "DS.showNewAccount(event);" }
= radio_button_tag :value, false, false, autocomplete: "off", id: 'it-is-not-mine'
= t('')
%p Pour fusionner ces comptes, veuillez cliquer sur le lien présent dans le mail que nous venons de vous envoyer.
%p= t('.title_fill_in_password')
= form_tag france_connect_particulier_merge_with_existing_account_path, remote: true, class: 'mt-2 form fconnect-form' do
= hidden_field_tag :merge_token, @fci.merge_token
= hidden_field_tag :email, @fci.email_france_connect
= label_tag :password, 'Mot de passe (8 caractères minimum)'
= label_tag :password, t('', min_length: 8)
= password_field_tag :password, nil, autocomplete: 'current-password', class: 'mb-1'
Mot de passe oublié ?
= t('')
= link_to france_connect_particulier_resend_and_renew_merge_confirmation_path(merge_token: @fci.merge_token), method: :post do
Confirmer mon compte par email
= t('.link_confirm_by_email')
= submit_tag 'Fusionner les comptes', class: 'button primary'
= submit_tag t('.button_merge'), class: 'button primary'
%p Donnez-nous alors le mail que #{APPLICATION_NAME} utilisera pour vous contacter
%p= t('.title_fill_in_email', application_name: APPLICATION_NAME)
= form_tag france_connect_particulier_merge_with_new_account_path, remote: true, class: 'mt-2 form' do
= hidden_field_tag :merge_token, @fci.merge_token
= label_tag :email, 'Email ('
= label_tag :email, t('')
= email_field_tag :email, "", required: true
= submit_tag 'Utiliser ce mail', class: 'button primary'
= submit_tag t('.button_use_this_email'), class: 'button primary'
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
Vous pouvez aussi visiter ce lien : #{link_to france_connect_particulier_mail_merge_with_existing_account_url(merge_token: @merge_token), france_connect_particulier_mail_merge_with_existing_account_url(merge_token: @merge_token)}
%p Ce lien est valide #{distance_of_time_in_words(FranceConnectInformation::MERGE_VALIDITY)}, jusqu'à #{I18n.l(@merge_token_created_at, format: "%d-%m-%Y à %H:%M (%Z)")}
%p Ce lien est valide #{distance_of_time_in_words(FranceConnectInformation::MERGE_VALIDITY)}, jusqu'à #{@merge_token_created_at.strftime("%d-%m-%Y à %H:%M (%Z)")}
Si vous n’êtes pas à l’origine de cette demande, vous pouvez ignorer ce message. Et si vous avez besoin d’assistance, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter à
@ -1,5 +1,36 @@
"ignored_warnings": [
"warning_type": "Cross-Site Scripting",
"warning_code": 2,
"fingerprint": "42099f4550a8377f455e830e8ab645cecd5806248481c5c646b4e17548c3cb07",
"check_name": "CrossSiteScripting",
"message": "Unescaped model attribute",
"file": "app/views/france_connect/particulier/merge.html.haml",
"line": 6,
"link": "",
"code": "t(\".subtitle\", :email => sanitize(FranceConnectInformation.find_by(:merge_token => merge_token_params).email_france_connect), :application_name => (APPLICATION_NAME))",
"render_path": [
"type": "controller",
"class": "FranceConnect::ParticulierController",
"method": "merge",
"line": 48,
"file": "app/controllers/france_connect/particulier_controller.rb",
"rendered": {
"name": "france_connect/particulier/merge",
"file": "app/views/france_connect/particulier/merge.html.haml"
"location": {
"type": "template",
"template": "france_connect/particulier/merge"
"user_input": "FranceConnectInformation.find_by(:merge_token => merge_token_params).email_france_connect",
"confidence": "Weak",
"note": "explicitely sanitized even if we are using html_safe"
"warning_type": "Cross-Site Scripting",
"warning_code": 2,
@ -15,7 +46,7 @@
"type": "controller",
"class": "Users::DossiersController",
"method": "merci",
"line": 188,
"line": 193,
"file": "app/controllers/users/dossiers_controller.rb",
"rendered": {
"name": "users/dossiers/merci",
@ -58,7 +89,7 @@
"check_name": "Redirect",
"message": "Possible unprotected redirect",
"file": "app/controllers/instructeurs/procedures_controller.rb",
"line": 180,
"line": 190,
"link": "",
"code": "redirect_to(Export.find_or_create_export(params[:export_format], (params[:time_span_type] or \"everything\"), current_instructeur.groupe_instructeurs.where(:procedure => procedure)).file.service_url)",
"render_path": null,
@ -72,6 +103,6 @@
"note": ""
"updated": "2021-09-02 16:12:11 -0500",
"updated": "2021-11-23 14:09:21 +0100",
"brakeman_version": "5.1.1"
@ -382,3 +382,23 @@ en:
identity_saved: "Identity data is registred"
no_longer_available: "The certificate is no longer available on this file."
back: 'back to previous step'
already_exists: An account with %{email} already existis on %{application_name}
fill_in_password: fill in your password to merge your accounts
title: "Merge your account FranceConnect and %{application_name}"
subtitle: "Hello,<br /><br />Your account FranceConnect uses <b class='bold'>%{email}</b> as contact email.<br />But there is an existing %{application_name} account using this email."
label_select_merge_flow: Is %{email} one of your email account ?
title_fill_in_password: To merge your accounts fill in your password
button_merge: Merge accounts
title_fill_in_email: Fill in the email that %{application_name} will use to contact you
button_use_this_email: Use this email
link_confirm_by_email: Confirm by receiving an email
confirmation_mail_sent: "An email with the confirmation link has been sent, please click on the link."
invalid_password: "The password is not correct."
connection_done: "The accounts for FranceConnect and %{application_name} are now merged."
merger_token_expired: "Le delay to merge your FranceConnect and %{application_name} accounts is expired. Please retry."
@ -421,3 +421,23 @@ fr:
ready: "Validé"
needs_configuration: "À configurer"
configure_api_particulier_token: "Configurer le jeton API particulier"
back: 'revenir en arrière'
already_exists: Le compte %{email} existe déjà sur %{application_name}
fill_in_password: entrez votre mot de passe pour fusionner les comptes
title: "Fusion des comptes FranceConnect et %{application_name}"
subtitle: "Bonjour,<br /><br />Votre compte FranceConnect utilise <b class='bold'>%{email}</b> comme email de contact.<br />Or il existe un compte sur %{application_name} avec cet email."
label_select_merge_flow: Ce compte %{email} vous appartient-il ?
title_fill_in_password: Pour les fusionner, entrez votre mot de passe
button_merge: Fusionner les comptes
title_fill_in_email: Donnez-nous alors le mail que %{application_name} utilisera pour vous contacter
button_use_this_email: Utiliser ce mail
link_confirm_by_email: Confirmer mon compte par email
confirmation_mail_sent: "Nous venons de vous envoyer le mail de confirmation, veuillez cliquer sur le lien contenu dans ce mail pour fusionner vos comptes"
invalid_password: "Mauvais mot de passe"
connection_done: "Les comptes FranceConnect et %{application_name} sont à présent fusionnés"
merger_token_expired: "Le délai pour fusionner les comptes FranceConnect et %{application_name} est expirée. Veuillez recommencer la procédure pour vous fusionner les comptes."
@ -267,6 +267,7 @@ describe FranceConnect::ParticulierController, type: :controller do
expect(fci.user).to eq(user)
expect(fci.merge_token).to be_nil
expect(controller.current_user).to eq(user)
expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Les comptes FranceConnect et #{APPLICATION_NAME} sont à présent fusionnés")
context 'but the targeted user is an instructeur' do
Reference in a new issue