Merge pull request #9480 from mfo/US/enhance-agent-connect
amelioration(agent-connect): tous les agents peuvent s'agent connecté
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 63 additions and 71 deletions
@ -10,12 +10,6 @@
// The procedure description can still be read from the /commencer
// pages.
@media (max-width: $two-columns-breakpoint) {
.agent-intro {
display: none;
.column {
padding-top: $default-spacer;
@ -37,14 +31,6 @@
margin-bottom: 0;
hr {
margin-top: 30px;
margin-bottom: 30px;
background-color: $grey;
border: none;
height: 1px;
.register {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
@ -1,36 +1,34 @@
- content_for(:title, t('.cta'))
|||| t('.you_are_an_agent')
.box= t('.in_progress_html')
%span.citizen= t('.you_are_a_citizen')
= link_to t('.citizen_page'), new_user_session_path, class: "fr-btn fr-btn--secondary"
= t('.connect')
= link_to(agent_connect_login_path, class: "fr-btn fr-connect") do
= t('.signin_with')
|||| AgentConnect
= link_to t('.whats_agentconnect'), '', target: '_blank', rel: "noopener"
|||| t('views.shared.france_connect_login.separator')
= form_for, url: user_session_path do |f|
|||| t('', application_name: APPLICATION_NAME)
|||| t('.cta')
%p= t('.explanation')
= link_to(agent_connect_login_path, class: "fr-btn fr-connect") do
= t('.signin_with')
|||| AgentConnect
= link_to t('.whats_agentconnect'), '', target: '_blank', rel: "noopener"
|||| t('views.shared.france_connect_login.separator')
||||{ aria: { labelledby: 'new-account-legend' } }
|||| I18n.t('')
@ -53,8 +51,22 @@
= f.check_box :remember_me
= f.label :remember_me, t(''), class: 'remember-me'
%li= f.submit t(''), class: "fr-btn"
|||| t('.you_are_a_citizen')
%li= link_to t('.citizen_page'), new_user_session_path, class: "fr-btn fr-btn--secondary width-100"
= render t('.full_deploy_title'), icon: 'fr-icon-information-line') do |c|
- c.with_body do
= t('.full_deploy_body')
|||| t('.whats_ds', application_name: APPLICATION_NAME)
= image_tag "landing/hero/dematerialiser.svg", class: "paperless-logo", alt: ""
= f.submit t(''), class: "fr-btn fr-btn--lg"
- content_for :footer do
= render partial: 'users/dossiers/index_footer'
@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
Lors de vos prochaines connexions sur #{APPLICATION_NAME} cliquez sur le bouton « Se connecter » positionné sur le haut de page ou bien sur ce lien :
= link_to new_user_session_url, new_user_session_url
- if AgentConnectService.enabled?
Vous êtes un agent de l'état et avez accès à AgentConnect ? Vous pouvez utiliser la connexion AgentConnect en suivant ce lien :
= link_to agent_connect_url, agent_connect_url
Nous vous invitons aussi à consulter notre tutoriel à destination des nouveaux instructeurs :
@ -22,4 +22,5 @@
- c.describedby do
= render partial: "devise/password_rules", locals: { id: c.describedby_id }
= f.submit t('views.shared.account.create'), class: "fr-btn fr-btn--lg"
%li= f.submit t('views.shared.account.create'), class: "fr-btn"
@ -29,11 +29,12 @@
= f.check_box :remember_me
= f.label :remember_me, t(''), class: 'remember-me'
= f.submit t(''), class: "fr-btn fr-btn--lg"
%li= f.submit t(''), class: "fr-btn fr-btn--lg"
- if AgentConnectService.enabled?
|||| t('views.shared.france_connect_login.separator')
%h2.important-header.mb-1= t('')
= link_to t(''), agent_connect_path, class: "fr-btn fr-btn--secondary"
%h2.important-header.mb-1= t('')
%li= link_to t(''), agent_connect_path, class: "fr-btn fr-btn--secondary"
@ -3,18 +3,12 @@ en:
cta: Connect with AgentConnect
you_are_an_agent: Are you an employee of the state civil service or of a state operator?
in_progress_html: |
<b class="bold">AgentConnect is currently being deployed.</b>
The ministries and operators that can currently benefit from it are :
<li>the Insee</li>
you_are_a_citizen: You are an individual ?
explanation: Agent connect is the solution powered by the state to secure and simplify the connection to online services
full_deploy_title: Agent connect is now fully available
full_deploy_body: All ministries and operators are able to use it
you_are_a_citizen: Are you a citizen ?
citizen_page: Go to our dedicated page
connect: Connect
signin_with: "Sign in with"
whats_agentconnect: 'What is AgentConnect?'
whats_ds: '%{application_name}, the national platform to dematerialize administrative procedures'
pro_email: Professional email
@ -2,20 +2,13 @@ fr:
cta: S’identifier avec AgentConnect
you_are_an_agent: Vous êtes agent de la fonction publique dʼÉtat ou dʼun opérateur de lʼÉtat ?
in_progress_html: |
<b class="bold">AgentConnect est en cours de déploiement.</b>
Les ministères et opérateurs qui peuvent lʼutiliser à ce jour sont :
cta: Se connecter avec AgentConnect
explanation: AgentConnect est la solution proposée par l'État pour sécuriser et simplifier la connexion aux services en ligne
full_deploy_title: AgentConnect est désormais entièrement deployé
full_deploy_body: Tous les ministères et opérateurs peuvent l'utiliser à ce jour
you_are_a_citizen: Vous êtes un particulier ?
citizen_page: Accéder à notre page dédiée
connect: Connectez-vous
citizen_page: Se connecter sur votre espace
signin_with: "S’identifier avec"
whats_agentconnect: 'Quʼest ce quʼAgentConnect ?'
whats_ds: '%{application_name}, la plateforme nationale de dématérialisation des démarches administratives'
pro_email: Adresse électronique professionnelle
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