views: localize the stats partial
Also rename 'procédure' to 'démarches'.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 53 additions and 17 deletions
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ $stat-card-half-horizontal-spacing: 4 * $default-space;
font-size: 26px;
font-weight: bold;
width: 200px;
text-transform: uppercase;
.stat-card-details {
@ -132,6 +133,7 @@ $big-number-card-padding: 2 * $segmented-control-item-border-radius;
margin: 0 auto;
margin-bottom: 20px;
color: $light-grey;
text-transform: uppercase;
&.long-title {
margin-left: -30px;
@ -7,45 +7,45 @@
- if @usual_traitement_time.present?
%span.big-number-card-title TEMPS DE TRAITEMENT USUEL
%span.big-number-card-title= t('.usual_processing_time')
= distance_of_time_in_words(@usual_traitement_time)
#{ProcedureStatsConcern::USUAL_TRAITEMENT_TIME_PERCENTILE}% des demandes des #{ProcedureStatsConcern::NB_DAYS_RECENT_DOSSIERS} derniers jours ont été traitées en moins de #{distance_of_time_in_words(@usual_traitement_time)}.
= t('.processing_time_description', percentile: ProcedureStatsConcern::USUAL_TRAITEMENT_TIME_PERCENTILE, span: ProcedureStatsConcern::NB_DAYS_RECENT_DOSSIERS, days: distance_of_time_in_words(@usual_traitement_time))
%span.stat-card-title TEMPS DE TRAITEMENT
.stat-card-details depuis le lancement de la procédure
%span.stat-card-title= t('.processing_time')
.stat-card-details= t('.since_procedure_creation')
- colors = %w(#C3D9FF #0069CC #1C7EC9) # from _colors.scss
= column_chart @usual_traitement_time_by_month, ytitle: "Nb Jours", legend: "bottom", label: "Temps de traitement entre le passage en instruction et la réponse (accepté, refusé, ou classé sans suite) pour 90% des dossiers"
= column_chart @usual_traitement_time_by_month, ytitle: t('.nb_days'), legend: "bottom", label: t('.processing_time_graph_description')
%span.stat-card-title AVANCÉE DES DOSSIERS
.stat-card-details depuis le lancement de la procédure
%span.stat-card-title= t('.status_evolution')
.stat-card-details= t('.status_evolution_details')
= area_chart @dossiers_funnel, ytitle: 'Nb dossiers', label: 'Nb dossiers'
= area_chart @dossiers_funnel, ytitle: t('.dossiers_count'), label: t('.dossiers_count')
%span.stat-card-title TAUX D’ACCEPTATION
.stat-card-details depuis le lancement de la procédure
%span.stat-card-title= t('.acceptance_rate')
.stat-card-details= t('.acceptance_rate_details')
= pie_chart @termines_states,
code: true,
colors: %w(#387EC3 #AE2C2B #FAD859),
label: 'Taux',
label: t('.rate'),
suffix: '%',
library: { plotOptions: { pie: { dataLabels: { enabled: true, format: '{} : {point.percentage: .1f}%' } } } }
%span.stat-card-title RÉPARTITION PAR SEMAINE
.stat-card-details au cours des 6 derniers mois
%span.stat-card-title= t('.weekly_distribution')
.stat-card-details= t('.weekly_distribution_details')
= line_chart @termines_by_week, colors: ["#387EC3", "#AE2C2B", "#FAD859"], ytitle: 'Nb dossiers'
= line_chart @termines_by_week, colors: ["#387EC3", "#AE2C2B", "#FAD859"], ytitle: t('.dossiers_count')
@ -418,3 +418,20 @@ en:
invalid_password: "The password is not correct."
connection_done: "The accounts for FranceConnect and %{application_name} are now merged."
merger_token_expired: "Le delay to merge your FranceConnect and %{application_name} accounts is expired. Please retry."
usual_processing_time: "Usual processing time"
processing_time_description: "%{percentile}% of submitted files in the last %{span} days were processed in less than %{days} days."
processing_time: "Processing time"
since_procedure_creation: "since the procedure was created"
nb_days: "Nb Days"
processing_time_graph_description: "Processing time between instruction and final answer (accepted, rejected or closed) for 90% of files."
status_evolution_details: "since the procedure launch"
status_evolution: "Evolution of file statuses"
acceptance_rate: "Acceptance rate"
acceptance_rate_details: "since the procedure launch"
rate: "Rate"
dossiers_count: "Nb files"
weekly_distribution: "Weekly distribution"
weekly_distribution_details: "in the last 6 months"
@ -462,3 +462,20 @@ fr:
invalid_password: "Mauvais mot de passe"
connection_done: "Les comptes FranceConnect et %{application_name} sont à présent fusionnés"
merger_token_expired: "Le délai pour fusionner les comptes FranceConnect et %{application_name} est expirée. Veuillez recommencer la procédure pour vous fusionner les comptes."
usual_processing_time: "Temps de traitement usuel"
processing_time_description: "%{percentile}% des demandes des %{span} derniers jours ont été traitées en moins de %{days} jours."
processing_time: "Temps de traitement"
since_procedure_creation: "depuis le lancement de la démarche"
nb_days: "Nb Jours"
processing_time_graph_description: "Temps de traitement entre le passage en instruction et la réponse (accepté, refusé, ou classé sans suite) pour 90% des dossiers"
status_evolution_details: "depuis le lancement de la démarche"
status_evolution: "Avancée des dossiers"
acceptance_rate: "Taux d’acceptation"
acceptance_rate_details: "depuis le lancement de la démarche"
rate: "Taux"
dossiers_count: "Nb dossiers"
weekly_distribution: "Répartition par semaine"
weekly_distribution_details: "au cours des 6 derniers mois"
@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ describe 'users/statistiques/show.html.haml', type: :view do
subject { render }
it "display stats" do
expect(subject).to have_text("RÉPARTITION PAR SEMAINE")
expect(subject).to have_text("AVANCÉE DES DOSSIERS")
expect(subject).to have_text("TAUX D’ACCEPTATION")
expect(subject).to have_text("Répartition par semaine")
expect(subject).to have_text("Avancée des dossiers")
expect(subject).to have_text("Taux d’acceptation")
expect(subject).to have_text(procedure.libelle)
Reference in a new issue