spec: add retry to all system spec
This commit is contained in:
35 changed files with 73 additions and 73 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe 'wcag rules for usager', js: true do
describe 'wcag rules for usager', js: true, retry: 3 do
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, :with_all_champs, :with_service, :for_individual) }
let(:password) { 'a very complicated password' }
let(:litteraire_user) { create(:user, password: password) }
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe 'As an administrateur', js: true do
describe 'As an administrateur', js: true, retry: 3 do
let(:super_admin) { create(:super_admin) }
let(:admin_email) { 'new_admin@gouv.fr' }
let(:new_admin) { Administrateur.by_email(admin_email) }
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ describe 'As an administrateur', js: true do
scenario 'I can register', js: true do
scenario 'I can register', js: true, retry: 3 do
expect(new_admin.reload.user.active?).to be(false)
confirmation_email = open_email(admin_email)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe 'As an administrateur I can edit annotation', js: true do
describe 'As an administrateur I can edit annotation', js: true, retry: 3 do
let(:administrateur) { procedure.administrateurs.first }
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure) }
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe 'As an administrateur I can edit types de champ condition', js: true do
describe 'As an administrateur I can edit types de champ condition', js: true, retry: 3 do
include Logic
let(:administrateur) { procedure.administrateurs.first }
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require 'system/administrateurs/procedure_spec_helper'
describe 'Administrateurs can manage administrateurs', js: true do
describe 'Administrateurs can manage administrateurs', js: true, retry: 3 do
include ProcedureSpecHelper
let(:administrateur) { create(:administrateur) }
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require 'system/administrateurs/procedure_spec_helper'
describe 'Creating a new procedure', js: true do
describe 'Creating a new procedure', js: true, retry: 3 do
include ProcedureSpecHelper
let(:administrateur) { create(:administrateur) }
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require 'system/administrateurs/procedure_spec_helper'
describe 'As an administrateur, I want to manage the procedure’s attestation', js: true do
describe 'As an administrateur, I want to manage the procedure’s attestation', js: true, retry: 3 do
include ProcedureSpecHelper
let(:administrateur) { create(:administrateur) }
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require 'system/administrateurs/procedure_spec_helper'
describe 'As an administrateur I wanna clone a procedure', js: true do
describe 'As an administrateur I wanna clone a procedure', js: true, retry: 3 do
include ProcedureSpecHelper
let(:administrateur) { create(:administrateur) }
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require 'system/administrateurs/procedure_spec_helper'
describe 'Creating a new procedure', js: true do
describe 'Creating a new procedure', js: true, retry: 3 do
include ProcedureSpecHelper
let(:administrateur) { create(:administrateur) }
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require 'system/administrateurs/procedure_spec_helper'
describe 'Manage procedure instructeurs', js: true do
describe 'Manage procedure instructeurs', js: true, retry: 3 do
include ProcedureSpecHelper
let(:administrateur) { create(:administrateur) }
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require 'system/administrateurs/procedure_spec_helper'
describe 'Publishing a procedure', js: true do
describe 'Publishing a procedure', js: true, retry: 3 do
include ProcedureSpecHelper
let(:administrateur) { create(:administrateur) }
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require 'system/administrateurs/procedure_spec_helper'
describe 'Administrateurs can edit procedures', js: true do
describe 'Administrateurs can edit procedures', js: true, retry: 3 do
include ProcedureSpecHelper
let(:administrateur) { create(:administrateur) }
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe 'As an administrateur I can edit types de champ', js: true do
describe 'As an administrateur I can edit types de champ', js: true, retry: 3 do
include ActionView::RecordIdentifier
let(:administrateur) { procedure.administrateurs.first }
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe 'fetch API Particulier Data', js: true do
describe 'fetch API Particulier Data', js: true, retry: 3 do
let(:administrateur) { create(:administrateur) }
let(:expected_token) { 'd7e9c9f4c3ca00caadde31f50fd4521a' }
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ describe 'Inviting an expert:' do
# scenario 'I can invite other experts' do
# end
context 'with dossiers having attached files', js: true do
context 'with dossiers having attached files', js: true, retry: 3 do
let(:path) { 'spec/fixtures/files/piece_justificative_0.pdf' }
let(:commentaire) { create(:commentaire, instructeur: instructeur, dossier: dossier) }
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ describe 'France Connect Particulier Connexion' do
expect(page).to have_content('Dossiers')
context 'and the user wants an email that belongs to another account', js: true do
context 'and the user wants an email that belongs to another account', js: true, retry: 3 do
let!(:another_user) { create(:user, email: 'an_existing_email@a.com', password: 'my-s3cure-p4ssword') }
scenario 'it uses another email that belongs to another account' do
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe 'BatchOperation a dossier:', js: true do
describe 'BatchOperation a dossier:', js: true, retry: 3 do
include ActionView::RecordIdentifier
include ActiveJob::TestHelper
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe 'Inviting an expert:', js: true do
describe 'Inviting an expert:', js: true, retry: 3 do
include ActiveJob::TestHelper
include ActionView::Helpers
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe 'As an instructeur', js: true do
describe 'As an instructeur', js: true, retry: 3 do
let(:administrateur) { create(:administrateur, :with_procedure) }
let(:procedure) { administrateur.procedures.first }
let(:instructeur_email) { 'new_instructeur@gouv.fr' }
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe 'Instructing a dossier:', js: true do
describe 'Instructing a dossier:', js: true, retry: 3 do
include ActiveJob::TestHelper
let(:password) { 'my-s3cure-p4ssword' }
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ describe 'Instructing a dossier:', js: true do
expect(page).to have_text(instructeur2.email)
scenario 'A instructeur can send a dossier to several instructeurs', js: true do
scenario 'A instructeur can send a dossier to several instructeurs', js: true, retry: 3 do
instructeur_2 = create(:instructeur)
instructeur_3 = create(:instructeur)
procedure.defaut_groupe_instructeur.instructeurs << [instructeur_2, instructeur_3]
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ describe 'Instructing a dossier:', js: true do
expect(Archive.first.month).not_to be_nil
context 'with dossiers having attached files', js: true do
context 'with dossiers having attached files', js: true, retry: 3 do
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, :with_piece_justificative, instructeurs: [instructeur]) }
let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, procedure: procedure) }
let(:champ) { dossier.champs_public.first }
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ describe "procedure filters" do
scenario "should add be able to add created_at column", js: true do
scenario "should add be able to add created_at column", js: true, retry: 3 do
add_column("Créé le")
within ".dossiers-table" do
expect(page).to have_link("Créé le")
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ describe "procedure filters" do
scenario "should add be able to add and remove custom type_de_champ column", js: true do
scenario "should add be able to add and remove custom type_de_champ column", js: true, retry: 3 do
within ".dossiers-table" do
expect(page).to have_link(type_de_champ.libelle)
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ describe "procedure filters" do
scenario "should be able to add and remove filter", js: true do
scenario "should be able to add and remove filter", js: true, retry: 3 do
add_filter(type_de_champ.libelle, champ.value)
expect(page).to have_content("#{type_de_champ.libelle} : #{champ.value}")
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ describe "procedure filters" do
scenario "should be able to user custom fiters", js: true do
scenario "should be able to user custom fiters", js: true, retry: 3 do
# use date filter
click_on 'Sélectionner un filtre'
select "En construction le", from: "Colonne"
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ describe "procedure filters" do
describe 'with a vcr cached cassette' do
scenario "should be able to find by departements with custom enum lookup", js: true do
scenario "should be able to find by departements with custom enum lookup", js: true, retry: 3 do
departement_champ = new_unfollow_dossier.champs.find(&:departement?)
departement_champ.update!(value: 'Oise', external_id: '60')
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ describe "procedure filters" do
expect(page).to have_link(new_unfollow_dossier.id.to_s)
scenario "should be able to find by region with custom enum lookup", js: true do
scenario "should be able to find by region with custom enum lookup", js: true, retry: 3 do
region_champ = new_unfollow_dossier.champs.find(&:region?)
region_champ.update!(value: 'Bretagne', external_id: '53')
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ describe "procedure filters" do
scenario "should be able to add and remove two filters for the same field", js: true do
scenario "should be able to add and remove two filters for the same field", js: true, retry: 3 do
add_filter(type_de_champ.libelle, champ.value)
add_filter(type_de_champ.libelle, champ_2.value)
add_enum_filter('Groupe instructeur', procedure.groupe_instructeurs.first.label)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe "procedure sort", js: true do
describe "procedure sort", js: true, retry: 3 do
let(:instructeur) { create(:instructeur) }
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, :with_type_de_champ, instructeurs: [instructeur]) }
let!(:new_unfollow_dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure, state: Dossier.states.fetch(:en_instruction)) }
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe 'As an integrator:', js: true do
describe 'As an integrator:', js: true, retry: 3 do
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, opendata: true) }
let!(:type_de_champ) { create(:type_de_champ_text, procedure: procedure) }
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe 'The routing with rules', js: true do
describe 'The routing with rules', js: true, retry: 3 do
let(:password) { 'a very complicated password' }
let(:procedure) do
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ describe 'The user' do
expect(page).to have_text('Analyse antivirus en cours')
scenario 'fill nothing and every error anchor links points to an existing element', js: true do
scenario 'fill nothing and every error anchor links points to an existing element', js: true, retry: 3 do
log_in(user, procedure)
click_on 'Déposer le dossier'
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ describe 'The user' do
create(:procedure, :published, :for_individual, types_de_champ_public: [{ type: :repetition, mandatory: true, children: [{ libelle: 'sub type de champ' }] }])
scenario 'fill a dossier with repetition', js: true do
scenario 'fill a dossier with repetition', js: true, retry: 3 do
log_in(user, procedure_with_repetition)
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ describe 'The user' do
let(:simple_procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, :for_individual, types_de_champ_public: [{ mandatory: true, libelle: 'texte obligatoire' }, { mandatory: false, libelle: 'texte optionnel' }]) }
scenario 'save an incomplete dossier as draft but cannot not submit it', js: true do
scenario 'save an incomplete dossier as draft but cannot not submit it', js: true, retry: 3 do
log_in(user, simple_procedure)
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ describe 'The user' do
expect(page).to have_current_path(merci_dossier_path(user_dossier))
scenario 'extends dossier experation date more than one time, ', js: true do
scenario 'extends dossier experation date more than one time, ', js: true, retry: 3 do
simple_procedure.update(procedure_expires_when_termine_enabled: true)
user_old_dossier = create(:dossier,
procedure: simple_procedure,
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ describe 'The user' do
let(:procedure_with_pjs) { create(:procedure, :published, :for_individual, types_de_champ_public: [{ type: :piece_justificative, mandatory: true, libelle: 'Pièce justificative 1' }, { type: :piece_justificative, mandatory: true, libelle: 'Pièce justificative 2' }]) }
let(:old_procedure_with_disabled_pj_validation) { create(:procedure, :published, :for_individual, types_de_champ_public: [{ type: :piece_justificative, mandatory: true, libelle: 'Pièce justificative 1', skip_pj_validation: true }]) }
scenario 'add an attachment', js: true do
scenario 'add an attachment', js: true, retry: 3 do
log_in(user, procedure_with_pjs)
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ describe 'The user' do
expect(page).to have_text('RIB.pdf')
scenario 'add an invalid attachment on an old procedure where pj validation is disabled', js: true do
scenario 'add an invalid attachment on an old procedure where pj validation is disabled', js: true, retry: 3 do
log_in(user, old_procedure_with_disabled_pj_validation)
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ describe 'The user' do
expect(page).to have_text('Analyse antivirus en cours', count: 1, wait: 5)
scenario 'retry on transcient upload error', js: true do
scenario 'retry on transcient upload error', js: true, retry: 3 do
log_in(user, procedure_with_pjs)
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ describe 'The user' do
expect(page).to have_text('file.pdf')
scenario "upload multiple pieces justificatives on same champ", js: true do
scenario "upload multiple pieces justificatives on same champ", js: true, retry: 3 do
log_in(user, procedure_with_pjs)
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ describe 'The user' do
scenario 'submit a dossier with an hidden mandatory champ within a repetition', js: true do
scenario 'submit a dossier with an hidden mandatory champ within a repetition', js: true, retry: 3 do
log_in(user, procedure)
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ describe 'The user' do
scenario 'fill a dossier', js: true do
scenario 'fill a dossier', js: true, retry: 3 do
log_in(user, procedure)
@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ describe 'The user' do
scenario 'submit a dossier with an hidden mandatory champ ', js: true do
scenario 'submit a dossier with an hidden mandatory champ ', js: true, retry: 3 do
log_in(user, procedure)
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ describe 'The user' do
expect(page).to have_current_path(merci_dossier_path(user_dossier))
scenario 'cannot submit a reveal dossier with a revealed mandatory champ ', js: true do
scenario 'cannot submit a reveal dossier with a revealed mandatory champ ', js: true, retry: 3 do
log_in(user, procedure)
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ describe 'The user' do
scenario 'fill a dossier', js: true do
scenario 'fill a dossier', js: true, retry: 3 do
log_in(user, procedure)
@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ describe 'The user' do
context 'draft autosave' do
scenario 'autosave a draft', js: true do
scenario 'autosave a draft', js: true, retry: 3 do
log_in(user, simple_procedure)
@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ describe 'The user' do
expect(page).to have_field('texte obligatoire', with: 'a valid user input')
scenario 'retry on autosave error', :capybara_ignore_server_errors, js: true do
scenario 'retry on autosave error', :capybara_ignore_server_errors, js: true, retry: 3 do
log_in(user, simple_procedure)
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ describe 'The user' do
expect(page).to have_field('texte obligatoire', with: 'a valid user input')
scenario 'autosave redirects to sign-in after being disconnected', js: true do
scenario 'autosave redirects to sign-in after being disconnected', js: true, retry: 3 do
log_in(user, simple_procedure)
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ describe 'Dossier details:' do
expect(page).to have_current_path(dossier_path(dossier))
context 'with js', js: true do
context 'with js', js: true, retry: 3 do
it_behaves_like 'the user can edit the submitted demande'
it_behaves_like 'the user can send messages to the instructeur'
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe 'Prefilling a dossier (with a GET request):', js: true do
describe 'Prefilling a dossier (with a GET request):', js: true, retry: 3 do
let(:password) { 'my-s3cure-p4ssword' }
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, opendata: true) }
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe 'Prefilling a dossier (with a POST request):', js: true do
describe 'Prefilling a dossier (with a POST request):', js: true, retry: 3 do
let(:password) { 'my-s3cure-p4ssword' }
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published) }
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe 'dropdown list with other option activated', js: true do
describe 'dropdown list with other option activated', js: true, retry: 3 do
let(:password) { 'my-s3cure-p4ssword' }
let!(:user) { create(:user, password: password) }
@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ describe 'dropdown list with other option activated', js: true do
scenario 'Select other option and the other input hidden must appear', js: true do
scenario 'Select other option and the other input hidden must appear', js: true, retry: 3 do
expect(page).to have_selector('.drop_down_other', visible: true)
scenario "Getting back from other save the new option", js: true do
scenario "Getting back from other save the new option", js: true, retry: 3 do
choose "Autre"
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ describe "Dossier en_construction" do
dossier.find_editing_fork(dossier.user).champs_public.find { _1.type_de_champ_id == tdc.id }
scenario 'delete a non mandatory piece justificative', js: true do
scenario 'delete a non mandatory piece justificative', js: true, retry: 3 do
expect(page).not_to have_button("Remplacer")
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ describe "Dossier en_construction" do
tdc.update_attribute(:mandatory, true)
scenario 'remplace a mandatory piece justificative', js: true do
scenario 'remplace a mandatory piece justificative', js: true, retry: 3 do
click_on "Supprimer le fichier toto.txt"
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ describe "Dossier en_construction" do
tdc.update_attribute(:mandatory, true)
scenario 'remplace a mandatory titre identite', js: true do
scenario 'remplace a mandatory titre identite', js: true, retry: 3 do
click_on "Supprimer le fichier toto.png"
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ describe 'Invitations' do
context 'when the dossier is a brouillon' do
let!(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :with_individual, state: Dossier.states.fetch(:brouillon), user: owner, procedure: procedure) }
scenario 'on the form, the owner of a dossier can invite another user to collaborate on the dossier', js: true do
scenario 'on the form, the owner of a dossier can invite another user to collaborate on the dossier', js: true, retry: 3 do
fill_in 'Texte obligatoire', with: 'Some edited value'
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ describe 'Invitations' do
scenario 'an invited user can see and edit the draft', js: true do
scenario 'an invited user can see and edit the draft', js: true, retry: 3 do
expect(page).to have_current_path(brouillon_dossier_path(dossier))
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ describe 'Invitations' do
context 'when the dossier is en_construction' do
let!(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :with_individual, :en_construction, user: owner, procedure: procedure) }
scenario 'on dossier details, the owner of a dossier can invite another user to collaborate on the dossier', js: true do
scenario 'on dossier details, the owner of a dossier can invite another user to collaborate on the dossier', js: true, retry: 3 do
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ describe 'Invitations' do
expect(page).to have_text("user_invite@exemple.fr")
context 'as an invited user', js: true do
context 'as an invited user', js: true, retry: 3 do
before do
expect(page).to have_current_path(dossier_path(invite.dossier))
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ describe 'linked dropdown lists' do
let(:user_dossier) { user.dossiers.first }
context 'not mandatory' do
let(:mandatory) { false }
scenario 'change primary value, secondary options are updated', js: true do
scenario 'change primary value, secondary options are updated', js: true, retry: 3 do
log_in(user.email, password, procedure)
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ describe 'linked dropdown lists' do
context 'mandatory' do
let(:mandatory) { true }
scenario 'change primary value, secondary options are updated', js: true do
scenario 'change primary value, secondary options are updated', js: true, retry: 3 do
log_in(user.email, password, procedure)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe 'user access to the list of their dossiers', js: true do
describe 'user access to the list of their dossiers', js: true, retry: 3 do
let(:user) { create(:user) }
let!(:dossier_brouillon) { create(:dossier, user: user) }
let!(:dossier_en_construction) { create(:dossier, :with_populated_champs, :en_construction, user: user) }
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ describe 'user access to the list of their dossiers', js: true do
expect(page).not_to have_link('Supprimer le dossier', href: dossier_path(dossier_en_instruction))
context 'when user clicks on delete button', js: true do
context 'when user clicks on delete button', js: true, retry: 3 do
scenario 'the dossier is deleted' do
expect(page).to have_content(dossier_en_construction.procedure.libelle)
within(:css, ".card", match: :first) do
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ describe 'user access to the list of their dossiers', js: true do
expect(page).to have_link(nil, href: clone_dossier_path(dossier_en_instruction))
context 'when user clicks on clone button', js: true do
context 'when user clicks on clone button', js: true, retry: 3 do
scenario 'the dossier is cloned' do
within(:css, ".card", match: :first) do
click_on 'Autres actions'
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe 'Managing password:', js: true do
describe 'Managing password:', js: true, retry: 3 do
context 'for simple users' do
let(:user) { create(:user) }
let(:new_password) { 'a simple password' }
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ describe 'Managing password:', js: true do
let(:weak_password) { '12345678' }
let(:strong_password) { 'a new, long, and complicated password!' }
scenario 'an admin can reset their password', js: true do
scenario 'an admin can reset their password', js: true, retry: 3 do
visit root_path
within('.fr-header .fr-container .fr-header__tools .fr-btns-group') do
click_on 'Se connecter'
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ describe 'Managing password:', js: true do
let(:weak_password) { '12345678' }
let(:strong_password) { 'a new, long, and complicated password!' }
scenario 'a super-admin can reset their password', js: true do
scenario 'a super-admin can reset their password', js: true, retry: 3 do
visit manager_root_path
click_on 'Mot de passe oublié'
expect(page).to have_current_path(new_super_admin_password_path)
@ -25,21 +25,21 @@ describe 'Signing up:' do
fill_in 'Mot de passe', with: '12345'
scenario 'they can accept the suggestion', js: true do
scenario 'they can accept the suggestion', js: true, retry: 3 do
expect(page).to have_selector('.suspect-email', visible: true)
click_on 'Oui'
expect(page).to have_field("Adresse électronique", :with => 'bidou@yahoo.fr')
expect(page).to have_selector('.suspect-email', visible: false)
scenario 'they can discard the suggestion', js: true do
scenario 'they can discard the suggestion', js: true, retry: 3 do
expect(page).to have_selector('.suspect-email', visible: true)
click_on 'Non'
expect(page).to have_field("Adresse électronique", :with => 'bidou@yahoo.rf')
expect(page).to have_selector('.suspect-email', visible: false)
scenario 'they can fix the typo themselves', js: true do
scenario 'they can fix the typo themselves', js: true, retry: 3 do
expect(page).to have_selector('.suspect-email', visible: true)
fill_in 'Adresse électronique', with: 'bidou@yahoo.fr'
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