procedure: add pieces_jointes_exportables_list

This commit is contained in:
Christophe Robillard 2024-03-03 10:27:48 +01:00 committed by simon lehericey
parent 25ab2420fe
commit bbb6309b4f
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: CDE670D827C7B3C5
3 changed files with 46 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -992,6 +992,12 @@ class Procedure < ApplicationRecord
def pieces_jointes_exportables_list
pieces_jointes_list(with_private: true, with_titre_identite: false, with_repetition_parent: false) do |base_scope|
def pieces_jointes_list_with_conditionnal
pieces_jointes_list do |base_scope|
base_scope.where.not(types_de_champ: { condition: nil })
@ -1025,15 +1031,27 @@ class Procedure < ApplicationRecord
def pieces_jointes_list
scope = yield active_revision.revision_types_de_champ_public
def pieces_jointes_list(with_private: false, with_titre_identite: true, with_repetition_parent: true)
types_de_champ = with_private ?
active_revision.revision_types_de_champ_private_and_public :
type_champs = ['repetition', 'piece_justificative']
type_champs << 'titre_identite' if with_titre_identite
scope = yield types_de_champ
.includes(:type_de_champ, revision_types_de_champ: :type_de_champ)
.where(types_de_champ: { type_champ: ['repetition', 'piece_justificative', 'titre_identite'] })
.where(types_de_champ: { type_champ: [type_champs] })
scope.each_with_object([]) do |rtdc, list|
if rtdc.type_de_champ.repetition?
rtdc.revision_types_de_champ.each do |rtdc_in_repetition|
list << [rtdc_in_repetition.type_de_champ, rtdc.type_de_champ] if rtdc_in_repetition.type_de_champ.piece_justificative?
if rtdc_in_repetition.type_de_champ.piece_justificative?
to_add = []
to_add << rtdc_in_repetition.type_de_champ
to_add << rtdc.type_de_champ if with_repetition_parent
list << to_add
list << [rtdc.type_de_champ]

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ class ProcedureRevision < ApplicationRecord
has_many :revision_types_de_champ, -> { order(:position, :id) }, class_name: 'ProcedureRevisionTypeDeChamp', foreign_key: :revision_id, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :revision
has_many :revision_types_de_champ_public, -> { root.public_only.ordered }, class_name: 'ProcedureRevisionTypeDeChamp', foreign_key: :revision_id, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :revision
has_many :revision_types_de_champ_private, -> { root.private_only.ordered }, class_name: 'ProcedureRevisionTypeDeChamp', foreign_key: :revision_id, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :revision
has_many :revision_types_de_champ_private_and_public, -> { root.ordered }, class_name: 'ProcedureRevisionTypeDeChamp', foreign_key: :revision_id, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :revision
has_many :types_de_champ, through: :revision_types_de_champ, source: :type_de_champ
has_many :types_de_champ_public, through: :revision_types_de_champ_public, source: :type_de_champ
has_many :types_de_champ_private, through: :revision_types_de_champ_private, source: :type_de_champ

View file

@ -1748,13 +1748,23 @@ describe Procedure do
describe '#pieces_jointes_list' do
include Logic
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, types_de_champ_public:) }
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, types_de_champ_public:, types_de_champ_private:) }
let(:types_de_champ_public) do
{ type: :integer_number, stable_id: 900 },
{ type: :piece_justificative, libelle: "PJ", mandatory: true, stable_id: 910 },
{ type: :piece_justificative, libelle: "PJ-cond", mandatory: true, stable_id: 911, condition: ds_eq(champ_value(900), constant(1)) },
{ type: :repetition, libelle: "Répétition", stable_id: 920, children: [{ type: :piece_justificative, libelle: "PJ2", stable_id: 921 }] }
{ type: :repetition, libelle: "Répétition", stable_id: 920, children: [{ type: :piece_justificative, libelle: "PJ2", stable_id: 921 }] },
{ type: :titre_identite, libelle: "CNI", mandatory: true, stable_id: 930 }
let(:types_de_champ_private) do
{ type: :integer_number, stable_id: 950 },
{ type: :piece_justificative, libelle: "PJ", mandatory: true, stable_id: 960 },
{ type: :piece_justificative, libelle: "PJ-cond", mandatory: true, stable_id: 961, condition: ds_eq(champ_value(900), constant(1)) },
{ type: :repetition, libelle: "Répétition", stable_id: 970, children: [{ type: :piece_justificative, libelle: "PJ2", stable_id: 971 }] }
@ -1762,14 +1772,24 @@ describe Procedure do
let(:pjcond) { procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ.find { _1.stable_id == 911 } }
let(:repetition) { procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ.find { _1.stable_id == 920 } }
let(:pj2) { procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ.find { _1.stable_id == 921 } }
let(:pj3) { procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ.find { _1.stable_id == 930 } }
let(:pj5) { procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ.find { _1.stable_id == 960 } }
let(:pjcond2) { procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ.find { _1.stable_id == 961 } }
let(:repetition2) { procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ.find { _1.stable_id == 970 } }
let(:pj6) { procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ.find { _1.stable_id == 971 } }
it "returns the list of pieces jointes without conditional" do
expect(procedure.pieces_jointes_list_without_conditionnal).to match_array([[pj1], [pj2, repetition]])
expect(procedure.pieces_jointes_list_without_conditionnal).to match_array([[pj1], [pj2, repetition], [pj3]])
it "returns the list of pieces jointes having conditional" do
expect(procedure.pieces_jointes_list_with_conditionnal).to match_array([[pjcond]])
it "returns the list of pieces jointes with private, without parent repetition, without titre identite" do
expect(procedure.pieces_jointes_exportables_list).to match_array([pj1, pj2, pjcond, pj5, pjcond2, pj6])
describe "#attestation_template" do