SessionControllerSpec: refactor #create tests

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simon lehericey 2019-01-09 13:47:52 +01:00
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@ -1,59 +1,64 @@
describe Users::SessionsController, type: :controller do
let(:email) { '' }
let(:password) { 'un super mot de passe' }
let(:loged_in_with_france_connect) { User.loged_in_with_france_connects.fetch(:particulier) }
let(:user) { create(:user, loged_in_with_france_connect: loged_in_with_france_connect) }
let!(:user) { create(:user, email: email, password: password, loged_in_with_france_connect: loged_in_with_france_connect) }
before do
@request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user]
describe '#create' do
context "unified login" do
let(:email) { '' }
let(:password) { 'un super mot de passe' }
let!(:user) { create(:user, email: email, password: password) }
context "when the user is also a gestionnaire and an administrateur" do
let!(:administrateur) { create(:administrateur, :with_admin_trusted_device, email: email, password: password) }
let(:gestionnaire) { administrateur.gestionnaire }
let(:trusted_device) { true }
let(:send_password) { password }
it 'signs user in' do
post :create, params: { user: { email: email, password: password } }
before do
allow(controller).to receive(:trusted_device?).and_return(trusted_device)
post :create, params: { user: { email: email, password: send_password } }
expect(subject).to redirect_to link_sent_path(email: email)
context 'when the device is not trusted' do
let(:trusted_device) { false }
# do not know why, should be test related
expect(subject.current_user).to eq(user)
it 'redirects to the confirmation link path' do
expect(subject).to redirect_to link_sent_path(email: email)
expect(subject.current_gestionnaire).to be(nil)
expect(subject.current_administrateur).to be(nil)
expect(user.reload.loged_in_with_france_connect).to be(nil)
# do not know why, should be test related
expect(subject.current_user).to eq(user)
expect(subject.current_gestionnaire).to be(nil)
expect(subject.current_administrateur).to be(nil)
expect(user.reload.loged_in_with_france_connect).to be(nil)
context 'when the device is trusted' do
before do
allow(controller).to receive(:trusted_device?).and_return(true)
post :create, params: { user: { email: email, password: password } }
it 'directly log the gestionnaire' do
it 'signs in as user, gestionnaire and adminstrateur' do
expect(@response.redirect?).to be(true)
expect(subject).not_to redirect_to link_sent_path(email: email)
# TODO when signing in as non-administrateur, and not starting a demarche, log in to gestionnaire path
# expect(subject).to redirect_to gestionnaire_procedures_path
expect(subject.current_user).to eq(user)
expect(subject.current_gestionnaire).to eq(gestionnaire)
expect(subject.current_administrateur).to eq(administrateur)
expect(user.loged_in_with_france_connect).to be(nil)
it 'fails to sign in with bad credentials' do
post :create, params: { user: { email:, password: 'wrong_password' } }
expect(@response.unauthorized?).to be(true)
expect(subject.current_user).to be(nil)
expect(subject.current_gestionnaire).to be(nil)
expect(subject.current_administrateur).to be(nil)
context 'when the credentials are wrong' do
let(:send_password) { 'wrong_password' }
it 'fails to sign in with bad credentials' do
expect(@response.unauthorized?).to be(true)
expect(subject.current_user).to be(nil)
expect(subject.current_gestionnaire).to be(nil)
expect(subject.current_administrateur).to be(nil)