[Fix #1149] Add context on tests before adding some more

This commit is contained in:
Mathieu Magnin 2017-12-22 17:11:56 +01:00
parent 5f9f6d243f
commit aba59239ca

View file

@ -1,140 +1,142 @@
require 'spec_helper' require 'spec_helper'
describe NewGestionnaire::AvisController, type: :controller do describe NewGestionnaire::AvisController, type: :controller do
render_views context 'with a gestionnaire signed in' do
let(:claimant) { create(:gestionnaire) } let(:claimant) { create(:gestionnaire) }
let(:gestionnaire) { create(:gestionnaire) } let(:gestionnaire) { create(:gestionnaire) }
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, gestionnaires: [gestionnaire]) } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, gestionnaires: [gestionnaire]) }
let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, procedure: procedure) } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, procedure: procedure) }
let!(:avis_without_answer) { Avis.create(dossier: dossier, claimant: claimant, gestionnaire: gestionnaire) } let!(:avis_without_answer) { Avis.create(dossier: dossier, claimant: claimant, gestionnaire: gestionnaire) }
let!(:avis_with_answer) { Avis.create(dossier: dossier, claimant: claimant, gestionnaire: gestionnaire, answer: 'yop') } let!(:avis_with_answer) { Avis.create(dossier: dossier, claimant: claimant, gestionnaire: gestionnaire, answer: 'yop') }
before { sign_in(gestionnaire) } before { sign_in(gestionnaire) }
describe '#index' do describe '#index' do
before { get :index } before { get :index }
it { expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) } it { expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) }
it { expect(assigns(:avis_a_donner)).to match([avis_without_answer]) } it { expect(assigns(:avis_a_donner)).to match([avis_without_answer]) }
it { expect(assigns(:avis_donnes)).to match([avis_with_answer]) } it { expect(assigns(:avis_donnes)).to match([avis_with_answer]) }
it { expect(assigns(:statut)).to eq('a-donner') } it { expect(assigns(:statut)).to eq('a-donner') }
context 'with a statut equal to donnes' do context 'with a statut equal to donnes' do
before { get :index, statut: 'donnes' } before { get :index, statut: 'donnes' }
it { expect(assigns(:statut)).to eq('donnes') } it { expect(assigns(:statut)).to eq('donnes') }
end end
describe '#show' do
before { get :show, { id: avis_without_answer.id } }
it { expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) }
it { expect(assigns(:avis)).to eq(avis_without_answer) }
it { expect(assigns(:dossier)).to eq(dossier) }
describe '#instruction' do
before { get :instruction, { id: avis_without_answer.id } }
it { expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) }
it { expect(assigns(:avis)).to eq(avis_without_answer) }
it { expect(assigns(:dossier)).to eq(dossier) }
describe '#messagerie' do
before { get :messagerie, { id: avis_without_answer.id } }
it { expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) }
it { expect(assigns(:avis)).to eq(avis_without_answer) }
it { expect(assigns(:dossier)).to eq(dossier) }
describe '#update' do
before do
patch :update, { id: avis_without_answer.id, avis: { answer: 'answer' } }
end end
it { expect(response).to redirect_to(instruction_avis_path(avis_without_answer)) } describe '#show' do
it { expect(avis_without_answer.answer).to eq('answer') } before { get :show, { id: avis_without_answer.id } }
it { expect(flash.notice).to eq('Votre réponse est enregistrée.') }
describe '#create_commentaire' do it { expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) }
let(:file) { nil } it { expect(assigns(:avis)).to eq(avis_without_answer) }
let(:scan_result) { true } it { expect(assigns(:dossier)).to eq(dossier) }
subject { post :create_commentaire, { id: avis_without_answer.id, commentaire: { body: 'commentaire body', file: file } } }
before do
allow(ClamavService).to receive(:safe_file?).and_return(scan_result)
end end
it do describe '#instruction' do
subject before { get :instruction, { id: avis_without_answer.id } }
expect(response).to redirect_to(messagerie_avis_path(avis_without_answer)) it { expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) }
expect(dossier.commentaires.map(&:body)).to match(['commentaire body']) it { expect(assigns(:avis)).to eq(avis_without_answer) }
it { expect(assigns(:dossier)).to eq(dossier) }
end end
context "with a file" do describe '#messagerie' do
let(:file) { Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new("./spec/support/files/piece_justificative_0.pdf", 'application/pdf') } before { get :messagerie, { id: avis_without_answer.id } }
it { expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) }
it { expect(assigns(:avis)).to eq(avis_without_answer) }
it { expect(assigns(:dossier)).to eq(dossier) }
describe '#update' do
before do
patch :update, { id: avis_without_answer.id, avis: { answer: 'answer' } }
it { expect(response).to redirect_to(instruction_avis_path(avis_without_answer)) }
it { expect(avis_without_answer.answer).to eq('answer') }
it { expect(flash.notice).to eq('Votre réponse est enregistrée.') }
describe '#create_commentaire' do
let(:file) { nil }
let(:scan_result) { true }
subject { post :create_commentaire, { id: avis_without_answer.id, commentaire: { body: 'commentaire body', file: file } } }
before do
allow(ClamavService).to receive(:safe_file?).and_return(scan_result)
it do it do
subject subject
expect(Commentaire.last.file.path).to include("piece_justificative_0.pdf")
expect(response).to redirect_to(messagerie_avis_path(avis_without_answer))
expect(dossier.commentaires.map(&:body)).to match(['commentaire body'])
end end
it { expect { subject }.to change(Commentaire, :count).by(1) } context "with a file" do
let(:file) { Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new("./spec/support/files/piece_justificative_0.pdf", 'application/pdf') }
context "and a virus" do it do
let(:scan_result) { false } subject
expect(Commentaire.last.file.path).to include("piece_justificative_0.pdf")
it { expect { subject }.not_to change(Commentaire, :count) } it { expect { subject }.to change(Commentaire, :count).by(1) }
describe '#create_avis' do context "and a virus" do
let!(:previous_avis) { Avis.create(dossier: dossier, claimant: claimant, gestionnaire: gestionnaire, confidentiel: previous_avis_confidentiel) } let(:scan_result) { false }
let(:email) { 'a@b.com' }
let(:intro) { 'introduction' }
let(:created_avis) { Avis.last }
before do it { expect { subject }.not_to change(Commentaire, :count) }
post :create_avis, { id: previous_avis.id, avis: { email: email, introduction: intro, confidentiel: asked_confidentiel } } end
context 'when the previous avis is public' do
let(:previous_avis_confidentiel) { false }
context 'when the user asked for a public avis' do
let(:asked_confidentiel) { false }
it { expect(created_avis.confidentiel).to be(false) }
it { expect(created_avis.email).to eq(email) }
it { expect(created_avis.introduction).to eq(intro) }
it { expect(created_avis.dossier).to eq(previous_avis.dossier) }
it { expect(created_avis.claimant).to eq(gestionnaire) }
it { expect(response).to redirect_to(instruction_avis_path(previous_avis)) }
context 'when the user asked for a confidentiel avis' do
let(:asked_confidentiel) { true }
it { expect(created_avis.confidentiel).to be(true) }
end end
end end
context 'when the preivous avis is confidentiel' do describe '#create_avis' do
let(:previous_avis_confidentiel) { true } let!(:previous_avis) { Avis.create(dossier: dossier, claimant: claimant, gestionnaire: gestionnaire, confidentiel: previous_avis_confidentiel) }
let(:email) { 'a@b.com' }
let(:intro) { 'introduction' }
let(:created_avis) { Avis.last }
context 'when the user asked for a public avis' do before do
let(:asked_confidentiel) { false } post :create_avis, { id: previous_avis.id, avis: { email: email, introduction: intro, confidentiel: asked_confidentiel } }
it { expect(created_avis.confidentiel).to be(true) } context 'when the previous avis is public' do
let(:previous_avis_confidentiel) { false }
context 'when the user asked for a public avis' do
let(:asked_confidentiel) { false }
it { expect(created_avis.confidentiel).to be(false) }
it { expect(created_avis.email).to eq(email) }
it { expect(created_avis.introduction).to eq(intro) }
it { expect(created_avis.dossier).to eq(previous_avis.dossier) }
it { expect(created_avis.claimant).to eq(gestionnaire) }
it { expect(response).to redirect_to(instruction_avis_path(previous_avis)) }
context 'when the user asked for a confidentiel avis' do
let(:asked_confidentiel) { true }
it { expect(created_avis.confidentiel).to be(true) }
context 'when the preivous avis is confidentiel' do
let(:previous_avis_confidentiel) { true }
context 'when the user asked for a public avis' do
let(:asked_confidentiel) { false }
it { expect(created_avis.confidentiel).to be(true) }
end end
end end
end end