fix(select_champ_position): rewire for more robust and easier implementation which work with repetition avoiding double submit

This commit is contained in:
Martin 2024-01-11 09:38:32 +01:00
parent b4d32e656f
commit 857a1fc496
5 changed files with 40 additions and 21 deletions

View file

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
= form_with(url: move_and_morph_admin_procedure_type_de_champ_path(@coordinate.revision.procedure, @coordinate.type_de_champ.stable_id), class: 'fr-ml-3w flex', method: :patch, data: { turbo: true }) do |f|
= label_tag :target_stable_id, "Déplacer le champ", for: describedby_id, class: 'flex align-center flex-no-shrink fr-mr-3w'
= select_tag :target_stable_id, options_for_select(options), id: describedby_id, class: 'fr-select', aria: { discribedby: describedby_id }, data: { 'select-champ-position-template-target': 'select', action: 'change->type-de-champ-editor#onMoveAndMorphChange', selected: @coordinate.stable_id }
= select_tag :target_stable_id, options_for_select(options), id: describedby_id, class: 'fr-select', aria: { discribedby: describedby_id }, data: { 'select-champ-position-template-target': 'select', selected: @coordinate.stable_id }

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
%div{ id: block_id, data: { 'select-champ-position-template-target': 'template', turbo_force: :server } }
%option{ selected: :selected } Selectionner une option
%option{ disabled: :disabled } Selectionner une option
- @coordinates.each do |coordinate|
%option{ value: coordinate.stable_id }= "#{coordinate.position} #{coordinate.libelle}"

View file

@ -7,18 +7,14 @@ export class SelectChampPositionTemplateController extends ApplicationController
// this element is updated via turbostream as the source of truth for all select
declare readonly templateIdValue: string;
declare readonly selectTargets: HTMLSelectElement[];
selectTargetConnected(selectElement: HTMLSelectElement) {
selectElement.addEventListener('blur', this);
selectElement.addEventListener('focus', this);
selectElement.addEventListener('change', this);
selectTargetDisconnected(selectElement: HTMLSelectElement) {
selectElement.removeEventListener('blur', this);
selectElement.removeEventListener('focus', this);
selectElement.removeEventListener('change', this);
@ -62,9 +58,8 @@ export class SelectChampPositionTemplateController extends ApplicationController
const stableIdDidChange =
changedSelectTarget.value !=
if (!stableIdDidChange) {
// prevent to bulble up
if (stableIdDidChange) {

View file

@ -17,14 +17,12 @@ export class TypeDeChampEditorController extends ApplicationController {
typeDeChampStableId: String,
moveUrl: String,
moveUpUrl: String,
moveDownUrl: String,
moveAndMorphUrl: String
moveDownUrl: String
declare readonly moveUrlValue: string;
declare readonly moveUpUrlValue: string;
declare readonly moveDownUrlValue: string;
declare readonly moveAndMorphUrlValue: string;
declare readonly isVisible: boolean;
#latestPromise = Promise.resolve();
@ -56,14 +54,6 @@ export class TypeDeChampEditorController extends ApplicationController {
onMoveAndMorphChange(event: ActionEvent) {
const form = createForm(this.moveAndMorphUrlValue, 'patch');
const target = as HTMLSelectElement;
createHiddenInput(form,, target.value);
private onChange(event: Event) {
matchInputElement(, {
file: (target) => {

View file

@ -233,4 +233,38 @@ describe 'As an administrateur I can edit types de champ', js: true do
expect(page).to have_content("Le titre de section suivant est invalide, veuillez le corriger :")
context 'move and morph champs' do
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, types_de_champ_public: [{ type: :text, libelle: 'first_tdc' }, { type: :text, libelle: 'middle_tdc' }, { type: :text, libelle: 'last_tdc' }]) }
let!(:initial_first_coordinate) { procedure.draft_revision.revision_types_de_champ[0] }
let!(:initial_second_coordinate) { procedure.draft_revision.revision_types_de_champ[1] }
let!(:initial_third_coordinate) { procedure.draft_revision.revision_types_de_champ[2] }
# TODO: check no select when 1 champs
# TODO: check empty select when 1 champs
# TODO: check select is seeding on focus
# TODO: check select.change move champ and keep order
# TODO: select options are segmented by block
scenario 'root champs' do
initial_order = [initial_first_coordinate, initial_second_coordinate, initial_third_coordinate].map(&:stable_id)
initial_first_coordinate_selector = "##{ActionView::RecordIdentifier.dom_id(initial_first_coordinate, :move_and_morph)}"
# at first, select only contains the current coordinate
expect(page).to have_selector("#{initial_first_coordinate_selector} option", count: 1)
expect(page.find(initial_first_coordinate_selector).all("option").first.value.to_s).to eq(initial_first_coordinate.stable_id.to_s)
# once clicked, the select is updated other options
expect(page).to have_selector("#{initial_first_coordinate_selector} option", count: 4)
# also we re-hydrate the selected value
expect(page.find(initial_first_coordinate_selector).find("option[selected]").value.to_s).to eq(initial_first_coordinate.stable_id.to_s)
wait_until do
procedure.reload.draft_revision.revision_types_de_champ.last.type_de_champ.libelle == initial_first_coordinate.type_de_champ.libelle
.to eq([initial_second_coordinate, initial_third_coordinate, initial_first_coordinate].map(&:stable_id))
scenario 'repetition champs' do