35 changed files with 453 additions and 1145 deletions
@ -132,7 +132,8 @@ linters:
enabled: true
extra_properties: []
- scroll-padding
disabled_properties: []
# To enable later
@ -7,6 +7,13 @@
margin-bottom: $default-spacer * 2;
background: #FFFFFF;
.notice {
font-size: 16px;
color: #666666;
margin-top: -8px;
margin-bottom: 16px;
.card-title {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 20px;
@ -12,6 +12,14 @@
margin-bottom: 4 * $default-spacer;
.ml-1 {
margin-left: $default-spacer;
.pl-0 {
padding-left: 0px !important;
.numbers-delimiter {
display: inline-block;
width: 5px;
@ -69,3 +69,6 @@
bottom: 0;
html.scroll-margins-for-sticky-footer {
scroll-padding: 0 0 100px 0;
@ -14,6 +14,23 @@
.procedure-admin-listing-container {
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-end;
padding-left: 16px;
padding-right: 16px;
max-width: 1072px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
margin-top: 10px;
.container {
a {
cursor: pointer;
.procedure-admin-explanation {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 20px;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
@import "colors";
@import "constants";
// Toggle-switch
// The switch - the box around
.form label.toggle-switch {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
height: 24px;
margin: 0;
margin-right: 15px;
// Hide default HTML checkbox
.form label.toggle-switch input[type="checkbox"] {
opacity: 0;
width: 0;
height: 0;
margin: 0;
// The control
.toggle-switch-control {
position: absolute;
width: 47px;
cursor: pointer;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
background-color: $border-grey;
transition: 0.4s;
border: 1px solid transparent;
.toggle-switch-control::before {
position: absolute;
content: "";
height: 20px;
width: 20px;
left: 1px;
bottom: 1px;
background-color: $white;
transition: 0.4s;
input:checked + .toggle-switch-control {
background-color: $green;
input:focus + .toggle-switch-control {
border-color: $blue;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px 1px $blue;
input:checked + .toggle-switch-control::before {
transform: translateX(23px);
.toggle-switch-label {
margin-left: 47px;
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: normal;
.toggle-switch-label.on {
color: $green;
|||| {
color: $grey;
.toggle-switch-checkbox:checked ~ {
display: none;
.toggle-switch-checkbox:not(:checked) ~ .toggle-switch-label.on {
display: none;
// Rounded control
.toggle-switch-control.round {
border-radius: 24px;
.toggle-switch-control.round::before {
border-radius: 50%;
@ -3,6 +3,46 @@ module NewAdministrateur
before_action :retrieve_procedure, only: [:champs, :annotations, :edit, :monavis, :update_monavis, :jeton, :update_jeton]
before_action :procedure_locked?, only: [:champs, :annotations]
def index
@procedures_publiees = paginated_published_procedures
@procedures_draft = paginated_draft_procedures
@procedures_closed = paginated_closed_procedures
@procedures_publiees_count = current_administrateur.procedures.publiees.count
@procedures_draft_count = current_administrateur.procedures.brouillons.count
@procedures_closed_count = current_administrateur.procedures.closes.count
@statut = params[:statut]
@statut.blank? ? @statut = 'publiees' : @statut = params[:statut]
def paginated_published_procedures
.order(published_at: :desc)
def paginated_draft_procedures
.order(created_at: :desc)
def paginated_closed_procedures
.order(created_at: :desc)
def apercu
@dossier = procedure_without_control.new_dossier
@tab = apercu_tab
@ -56,6 +96,19 @@ module NewAdministrateur
def destroy
procedure = current_administrateur.procedures.find(params[:id])
if procedure.can_be_deleted_by_administrateur?
flash.notice = 'Démarche supprimée'
redirect_to admin_procedures_draft_path
render json: {}, status: 403
def monavis
@ -264,6 +264,11 @@ type Demarche {
after: String
Si présent, permet de filtrer les dossiers archivés ou non
archived: Boolean
Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ module Types
argument :created_since, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime, required: false, description: "Dossiers déposés depuis la date."
argument :updated_since, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime, required: false, description: "Dossiers mis à jour depuis la date."
argument :state, Types::DossierType::DossierState, required: false, description: "Dossiers avec statut."
argument :archived, Boolean, required: false, description: "Si présent, permet de filtrer les dossiers archivés ou non"
field :champ_descriptors, [Types::ChampDescriptorType], null: false, method: :types_de_champ
@ -54,13 +55,17 @@ module Types
def dossiers(updated_since: nil, created_since: nil, state: nil, order:)
def dossiers(updated_since: nil, created_since: nil, state: nil, archived: nil, order:)
dossiers = object.dossiers.state_not_brouillon.for_api_v2
if state.present?
dossiers = dossiers.where(state: state)
if !archived.nil?
dossiers = dossiers.where(archived: archived)
if updated_since.present?
dossiers = dossiers.updated_since(updated_since).order_by_updated_at(order)
@ -72,19 +72,6 @@ module DossierHelper
# On the 22/01/2020, a technical error on the
# instance caused some files attached to some dossiers to be deleted.
# This method returns true if the dossier contained attachments
# whose files were deleted during this incident.
def has_lost_attachments(dossier)
if dinum_instance?
def status_badge(state)
status_text = dossier_display_state(state, lower: true)
status_class ='_', '-')
@ -114,16 +101,4 @@ module DossierHelper
def dinum_instance?
# rubocop:disable DS/ApplicationName
# rubocop:enable DS/ApplicationName
def dossiers_with_lost_attachments_ids
@@ids ||= YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join('config', 'dossiers-with-lost-attachments.yml'))
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
!!! 5
%html{ lang: "fr" }
%html{ lang: "fr", class: yield(:root_class) }
%meta{ "http-equiv": "Content-Type", content: "text/html; charset=UTF-8" }
%meta{ "http-equiv": "X-UA-Compatible", content: "IE=edge" }
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
<td style="word-wrap:break-word;font-size:0px;padding:0px 20px 0px 20px;padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px;" align="center">
<div class="" style="cursor:auto;color:#55575d;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:11px;line-height:22px;text-align:center;">
#{APPLICATION_NAME} est un service fourni par la DINUM et incubé par
<%= "#{APPLICATION_NAME}" %> est un service fourni par la DINUM et incubé par
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
- content_for(:root_class, 'scroll-margins-for-sticky-footer')
= render partial: 'new_administrateur/breadcrumbs',
locals: { steps: [link_to('Démarches', admin_procedures_path),
link_to(@procedure.libelle, admin_procedure_path(@procedure)),
'Attestation'] }
= form_for @attestation_template,
url: url_for({ controller: 'new_administrateur/attestation_templates', action: :update, id: }),
multipart: true,
html: { class: 'form procedure-form__column--form' } do |f|
Délivrance d‘attestation
- if @attestation_template.activated?
%span.text-active activée
- else
%span.text-inactive désactivée
- if @attestation_template.activated && @procedure.locked?
%p L’attestation ne peut plus être désactivée car la démarche est publiée.
L’attestation, si elle est activée, est émise au moment où un dossier est accepté.
L’email d’accusé d’acceptation envoyé à l’usager comporte alors un lien vers l’attestation ;
celle-ci est également disponible au téléchargement depuis l’espace personnel de l’usager.
= render partial: 'new_administrateur/attestation_templates/informations', locals: { f: f }
-# Admins cannot disactivate the Attestation if it is activated and the procedure is published
- if !(@attestation_template.activated && @procedure.locked?)
= f.check_box :activated, class: 'toggle-switch-checkbox'
%span.toggle-switch-label.on Attestation activée
|||| Attestation désactivée
= link_to 'Annuler', edit_admin_procedure_attestation_template_path(id: @procedure), class: 'button', data: { confirm: 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir annuler les modifications effectuées ?'}
= f.button 'Enregistrer', class: 'button primary send'
Cet aperçu est mis à jour après chaque sauvegarde.
= render partial: 'new_administrateur/attestation_templates/apercu', locals: { procedure: @procedure }
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
- procedures.each do |procedure|
- if procedure.logo.present?
= image_tag procedure.logo, alt: procedure.libelle, width: '100'
= link_to procedure.libelle, admin_procedure_path(procedure), style: 'color: black;'
= link_to(procedure_lien(procedure), procedure_lien(procedure), class: 'procedure-lien mb-1')
%p.notice N° #{}
%p.notice créée le #{procedure.created_at.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')}
- if procedure.published_at.present?
%p.notice publiée le #{procedure.published_at.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')}
- if procedure.closed_at.present?
%p.notice archivée le #{procedure.closed_at.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')}
- if feature_enabled?(:administrateur_routage)
%span.badge.baseline= procedure.groupe_instructeurs.count
- else
%span.badge.baseline= procedure.instructeurs.count
%span.badge.baseline= procedure.dossiers.count
= link_to admin_procedure_path(procedure), class: 'button mr-1 edit-procedure' do
- if !procedure.close?
= link_to sanitize_url(procedure.brouillon? ? commencer_test_url(path: procedure.path) : commencer_url(path: procedure.path)), target: :blank, rel: :noopener do
%h4 Tester
= link_to admin_procedure_clone_path(, class: 'clone-btn', data: { method: :put } do
%h4 Cloner
- if procedure.publiee?
= link_to admin_procedure_archive_path(procedure_id:, method: :put, data: { confirm: "Voulez-vous vraiment clore la démarche ? \nLes dossiers en cours pourront être instruits, mais aucun nouveau dossier ne pourra plus être déposé.", disable_with: "Archivage..."} do
%h4 Clore
- if procedure.brouillon?
= link_to admin_procedure_path(procedure), method: :delete, data: { confirm: "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer la démarche ? \nToute suppression est définitive et s'appliquera aux éventuels autres administrateurs de cette démarche !" } do
%h4 Supprimer
- else
= link_to admin_procedure_publication_path(procedure) do
%h4 Réactiver
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
- content_for(:root_class, 'scroll-margins-for-sticky-footer')
= render partial: 'new_administrateur/breadcrumbs',
locals: { steps: [link_to('Démarches', admin_procedures_path),
link_to(@procedure.libelle, admin_procedure_path(@procedure)),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
= link_to "Nouvelle Démarche", new_admin_procedure_path, id: 'new-procedure', class: 'button primary'
= tab_item(t('pluralize.published', count: @procedures_publiees.count), admin_procedures_path(statut: 'publiees'), active: @statut == 'publiees', badge: number_with_html_delimiter(@procedures_publiees_count))
= tab_item('En test', admin_procedures_path(statut: 'brouillons'), active: @statut == 'brouillons', badge: number_with_html_delimiter(@procedures_draft_count))
= tab_item(t('pluralize.closed', count: @procedures_closed.count), admin_procedures_path(statut: 'archivees'), active: @statut == 'archivees', badge: number_with_html_delimiter(@procedures_closed_count))
.container#procedures{ data: { item_count: @statut === "publiees" ? @procedures_publiees_count : @statut === "brouillons" ? @procedures_draft_count : @procedures_closed_count } }
- if @statut === "publiees"
= render partial: "procedures_list", locals: { procedures: @procedures_publiees }
= paginate @procedures_publiees
- if @statut === "brouillons"
= render partial: "procedures_list", locals: { procedures: @procedures_draft }
= paginate @procedures_draft
- if @statut === "archivees"
= render partial: "procedures_list", locals: { procedures: @procedures_closed }
= paginate @procedures_closed
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
- content_for(:root_class, 'scroll-margins-for-sticky-footer')
= render partial: 'new_administrateur/breadcrumbs',
locals: { steps: [link_to('Démarches', admin_procedures_path),
'Nouvelle'] }
@ -12,13 +12,18 @@
- if @procedure.publiee? || @procedure.brouillon?
= link_to admin_procedure_publication_path(@procedure), class: 'button' do
Envoyer une copie
- if !@procedure.publiee?
= link_to 'Publier', admin_procedure_publication_path(@procedure), class: 'button primary', id: 'publish-procedure-link', data: { disable_with: "Publication..." }
- if @procedure.locked?
= link_to admin_procedure_archive_path(procedure_id:, method: :put, class: 'button', data: { confirm: "Voulez-vous vraiment archiver la démarche ? \nLes dossiers en cours pourront être instruits, mais aucun nouveau dossier ne pourra plus être déposé.", disable_with: "Archivage..."} do
- if @procedure.locked? && !@procedure.close?
= link_to admin_procedure_archive_path(procedure_id:, method: :put, class: 'button', data: { confirm: "Voulez-vous vraiment clore la démarche ? \nLes dossiers en cours pourront être instruits, mais aucun nouveau dossier ne pourra plus être déposé.", disable_with: "Archivage..."} do
%h2.procedure-admin-explanation Indispensable avant publication
@ -64,6 +64,13 @@
Option B
%p.notice Une autre option, pas mal non plus.
%h3.header-subsection Interrupteur
= f.check_box :archived, class: 'toggle-switch-checkbox'
%span.toggle-switch-label.on Activé
|||| Désactivé
= f.submit 'Enregistrer un brouillon (formnovalidate)', formnovalidate: true, class: 'button send'
= f.submit 'Envoyer', class: 'button send primary'
@ -24,7 +24,5 @@
.tab-title Formulaire
- champs = dossier.champs.includes(:type_de_champ)
- if champs.any? || dossier.procedure.routee?
- if has_lost_attachments(dossier)
= render partial: "shared/dossiers/lost_attachments", locals: { dossier: dossier, profile: profile }
= render partial: "shared/dossiers/champs", locals: { champs: champs, dossier: dossier, demande_seen_at: demande_seen_at, profile: profile }
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# haml-lint:disable ApplicationNameLinter
- post_mortem_url = ''
-# haml-lint:enable ApplicationNameLinter
- if profile == 'usager'
/# Message for Usager
.card-title Des pièces jointes de votre dossier peuvent être manquantes.
Suite à un
= link_to 'incident', post_mortem_url, target: '_blank'
survenu le 21 janvier, #{APPLICATION_NAME} a perdu par erreur une partie des pièces jointes de votre dossier. L’administration en charge de votre dossier a été prévenue.
- if dossier.read_only?
Si nécessaire,
= succeed '.' do
l’administration vous contactera pour renvoyer les pièces jointes en question
- else
Si une ou plusieurs pièces jointes manquent, nous vous invitons à
= link_to modifier_dossier_path(dossier) do
= succeed '.' do
%strong renvoyer les pièces jointes manquantes
%p Nous nous excusons pour la gêne occasionnée.
- else
/# Message for Instructeurs
.card-title Des pièces jointes de ce dossier peuvent être manquantes.
Suite à un
= link_to 'incident', post_mortem_url, target: '_blank'
survenu le 21 janvier, #{APPLICATION_NAME} a perdu par erreur une partie des pièces jointes de ce dossier.
- if dossier.read_only?
Si une ou plusieurs pièces jointes essentielles manquent, nous vous invitons à :
%li repasser ce dossier en construction ;
= link_to 'contacter le demandeur ', messagerie_instructeur_dossier_path(dossier.procedure, dossier)
pour lui demander de
= succeed '.' do
%strong renvoyer les pièces jointes nécessaires
- else
Si une ou plusieurs pièces jointes manquent, nous vous invitons à
= succeed ',' do
= link_to 'contacter le demandeur', messagerie_instructeur_dossier_path(dossier.procedure, dossier)
pour lui demander de
= succeed '.' do
%strong renvoyer les pièces jointes nécessaires
%p Le demandeur de ce dossier a également été prévenu. Nous nous excusons pour la gêne occasionnée.
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
- content_for(:root_class, 'scroll-margins-for-sticky-footer')
- content_for(:title, "Modification du brouillon nº #{} (#{@dossier.procedure.libelle})")
- content_for :footer do
@ -1,946 +0,0 @@
# On the 22/01/2020, a technical error on the
# instance made us delete some files attached to some dossiers.
# This list contains the ids of all dossiers where some attached
# file was mistakenly deleted during this incident.
- 22
- 9224
- 9244
- 9489
- 9495
- 11045
- 14311
- 14530
- 14553
- 14569
- 14616
- 14619
- 15325
- 15331
- 16448
- 17848
- 18190
- 18308
- 18855
- 18929
- 18946
- 18965
- 19284
- 19697
- 19698
- 19872
- 20334
- 20663
- 20931
- 21015
- 21024
- 21620
- 21753
- 21782
- 21865
- 21871
- 21876
- 21938
- 21963
- 21971
- 22011
- 22042
- 22045
- 22063
- 22068
- 22108
- 22279
- 22434
- 22488
- 22523
- 24277
- 25275
- 26223
- 26228
- 27069
- 27213
- 29366
- 29386
- 29486
- 31179
- 31983
- 32004
- 32323
- 32325
- 32492
- 32497
- 35072
- 35074
- 35193
- 35232
- 35308
- 35323
- 35357
- 35442
- 35486
- 35496
- 35554
- 35644
- 36659
- 38984
- 39026
- 39099
- 39158
- 39287
- 39314
- 39352
- 39359
- 39371
- 39380
- 39390
- 39403
- 39493
- 39526
- 41106
- 41111
- 43566
- 43570
- 43571
- 43572
- 43578
- 43741
- 43785
- 43791
- 43884
- 43928
- 43935
- 43937
- 44013
- 44035
- 45123
- 48500
- 48690
- 52921
- 53029
- 53067
- 53097
- 53118
- 53147
- 53152
- 53153
- 53154
- 53155
- 53159
- 53171
- 53176
- 53178
- 53207
- 53208
- 53218
- 53472
- 53981
- 54002
- 56253
- 57216
- 57689
- 58003
- 58411
- 58721
- 59445
- 59925
- 61917
- 62547
- 62551
- 62552
- 62956
- 63035
- 63607
- 63615
- 65154
- 66268
- 66379
- 66963
- 67066
- 68688
- 68705
- 68710
- 68737
- 68929
- 68943
- 69023
- 69026
- 69510
- 69521
- 69546
- 70148
- 70224
- 72653
- 76114
- 79303
- 79863
- 79929
- 79951
- 79976
- 80032
- 84640
- 93404
- 98647
- 99294
- 101868
- 103748
- 104097
- 107096
- 109146
- 113137,
- 113690
- 113707
- 113711
- 113722
- 113743
- 117270
- 118003
- 119395
- 120824
- 121498
- 124009
- 125430
- 127024
- 130735
- 132389
- 132942
- 133317
- 133697
- 137347
- 137374
- 137427
- 137525
- 137900
- 138272
- 138436
- 138466
- 138515
- 138550
- 138631
- 138703
- 138990
- 139296
- 139371
- 140604
- 140811
- 141142
- 141227
- 148609
- 153917
- 156644
- 157401
- 184400
- 190035
- 191350
- 193213
- 193783
- 194088
- 198497
- 200002
- 200005
- 200017
- 200041
- 200048
- 200060
- 200061
- 200062
- 200081
- 200086
- 200089
- 200094
- 200098
- 200100
- 200108
- 200109
- 200113
- 200128
- 200138
- 200140
- 200143
- 200154
- 200158
- 200161
- 200163
- 200169
- 200182
- 200186
- 200195
- 200202
- 200208
- 200211
- 200263
- 200267
- 200448
- 200685
- 200757
- 200784
- 200787
- 201021
- 201315
- 201576
- 201921
- 201986
- 202015
- 203553
- 203630
- 204737
- 204866
- 204924
- 204982
- 205021
- 205265
- 205424
- 205655
- 205659
- 205847
- 205940
- 205954
- 205987
- 206013
- 206089
- 206108
- 206170
- 206179
- 206217
- 206237
- 206285
- 206288
- 206290
- 206300
- 206374
- 206472
- 206490
- 206494
- 206515
- 206532
- 206589
- 206612
- 206734
- 206741
- 206782
- 206807
- 206828
- 206835
- 206856
- 206887
- 206904
- 206909
- 206913
- 206931
- 206964
- 206972
- 206977
- 206979
- 206992
- 207004
- 207006
- 207032
- 207061
- 207078
- 207103
- 207104
- 207118
- 207181
- 207183
- 207197
- 207207
- 207236
- 207537
- 207734
- 207773
- 208009
- 208153
- 208186
- 208199
- 208379
- 208422
- 208545
- 208549
- 208873
- 208903
- 209151
- 209392
- 209397
- 209873
- 210103
- 210175
- 210959
- 211018
- 211144
- 211197
- 211852
- 212322
- 212359
- 212493
- 212503
- 212955
- 212986
- 213596
- 213598
- 213612
- 213625
- 213694
- 213712
- 213749
- 214123
- 214592
- 215503
- 215510
- 215742
- 215756
- 216263
- 216360
- 216620
- 217131
- 217159
- 217215
- 217320
- 217361
- 217373
- 217487
- 217507
- 217518
- 217587
- 217677
- 217714
- 217790
- 217796
- 217850
- 217859
- 217871
- 217875
- 218370
- 218419
- 219341
- 220675
- 221967
- 222266
- 222801
- 222868
- 222875
- 222946
- 222949
- 222965
- 223154
- 223303
- 223329
- 223368
- 224064
- 224290
- 225117
- 227153
- 227161
- 227816
- 227931
- 228074
- 228666
- 228703
- 228776
- 228918
- 228926
- 229050
- 229086
- 229109
- 229114
- 229553
- 230338
- 230353
- 230479
- 230539
- 230574
- 230582
- 231261
- 232521
- 232740
- 232916
- 232934
- 232958
- 233008
- 233047
- 233160
- 233197
- 233211
- 233556
- 233605
- 233712
- 235322
- 236625
- 237371
- 237439
- 237605
- 238276
- 239412
- 239500
- 239603
- 239777
- 239805
- 239829
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@ -317,3 +317,15 @@ fr:
zero: 0 dossier trouvé
one: 1 dossier trouvé
other: "%{count} dossiers trouvés"
zero: Publiée
one: Publiée
other: Publiées
zero: Close
one: Close
other: Closes
zero: Brouillon
one: Brouillon
other: Brouillons
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ Rails.application.routes.draw do
get 'procedures/draft' => 'procedures#draft'
get 'procedures/:id/publication' => 'procedures#show', as: :procedure_publication
resources :procedures, only: [:index, :destroy] do
resources :procedures, only: [:destroy] do
collection do
get 'new_from_existing' => 'procedures#new_from_existing', as: :new_from_existing
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ Rails.application.routes.draw do
namespace :admin, module: 'new_administrateur' do
resources :procedures, except: [:index, :destroy] do
resources :procedures, except: [:destroy] do
member do
get 'apercu'
get 'champs'
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
# It's strongly recommended that you check this file into your version control system.
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2020_07_16_143010) do
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2020_07_15_143010) do
# These are extensions that must be enabled in order to support this database
enable_extension "plpgsql"
@ -257,9 +257,9 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2020_07_16_143010) do
t.datetime "en_construction_close_to_expiration_notice_sent_at"
t.interval "en_construction_conservation_extension", default: "PT0S"
t.datetime "termine_close_to_expiration_notice_sent_at"
t.bigint "revision_id"
t.index "to_tsvector('french'::regconfig, (search_terms || private_search_terms))", name: "index_dossiers_on_search_terms_private_search_terms", using: :gin
t.index "to_tsvector('french'::regconfig, search_terms)", name: "index_dossiers_on_search_terms", using: :gin
t.bigint "revision_id"
t.index ["archived"], name: "index_dossiers_on_archived"
t.index ["groupe_instructeur_id"], name: "index_dossiers_on_groupe_instructeur_id"
t.index ["hidden_at"], name: "index_dossiers_on_hidden_at"
@ -41,23 +41,6 @@ describe Admin::ProceduresController, type: :controller do
it { expect(response.status).to eq(200) }
describe 'GET #index with sorting and pagination' do
before do
create(:procedure, administrateur: admin)
subject {
get :index, params: {
'procedures_smart_listing[page]': 1,
'procedures_smart_listing[per_page]': 10,
'procedures_smart_listing[sort][id]': 'asc'
it { expect(subject.status).to eq(200) }
describe 'GET #archived' do
subject { get :archived }
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ describe API::V2::GraphqlController do
let(:dossier1) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, :with_individual, procedure: procedure, en_construction_at: }
let(:dossier2) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, :with_individual, procedure: procedure, en_construction_at: 3.days.ago) }
let(:dossier2) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, :with_individual, :archived, procedure: procedure, en_construction_at: 3.days.ago) }
let(:dossier_brouillon) { create(:dossier, :with_individual, procedure: procedure) }
let(:dossiers) { [dossier2, dossier1, dossier] }
let(:instructeur) { create(:instructeur, followed_dossiers: dossiers) }
@ -171,6 +171,50 @@ describe API::V2::GraphqlController do
context "filter archived dossiers" do
let(:query) do
demarche(number: #{}) {
dossiers(archived: #{archived_filter}) {
nodes {
context 'with archived=true' do
let(:archived_filter) { 'true' }
it "only archived dossiers should be returned" do
expect(gql_errors).to eq(nil)
expect(gql_data).to eq(demarche: {
id: procedure.to_typed_id,
dossiers: {
nodes: [{ id: dossier2.to_typed_id }]
context 'with archived=false' do
let(:archived_filter) { 'false' }
it "only not archived dossiers should be returned" do
expect(gql_errors).to eq(nil)
expect(gql_data).to eq(demarche: {
id: procedure.to_typed_id,
dossiers: {
nodes: [{ id: dossier1.to_typed_id }, { id: dossier.to_typed_id }]
context "dossier" do
@ -43,6 +43,27 @@ describe NewAdministrateur::ProceduresController, type: :controller do
describe 'GET #index' do
subject { get :index }
it { expect(response.status).to eq(200) }
describe 'GET #index with sorting and pagination' do
before do
create(:procedure, administrateur: admin)
subject {
get :index, params: {
'statut': 'publiees'
it { expect(subject.status).to eq(200) }
describe 'GET #edit' do
let(:published_at) { nil }
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, administrateur: admin, published_at: published_at) }
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ feature 'As an administrateur I wanna clone a procedure', js: true do
scenario do
visit admin_procedures_path
expect(page.find_by_id('procedures')['data-item-count']).to eq('1')
visit admin_procedures_draft_path
expect(page.find_by_id('procedures')['data-item-count']).to eq('1')
@ -12,18 +12,18 @@ feature 'As an administrateur I wanna create a new procedure', js: true do
context 'Right after sign_in I shall see all procedure states links' do
scenario 'Finding draft procedures' do
click_on 'draft-procedures'
expect(page).to have_current_path(admin_procedures_draft_path)
page.all('.tabs li a')[1].click
expect(page).to have_current_path(admin_procedures_path(statut: 'brouillons'))
scenario 'Finding active procedures' do
click_on 'active-procedures'
expect(page).to have_current_path(admin_procedures_path)
page.all('.tabs li a')
expect(page).to have_current_path(admin_procedures_path(statut: 'publiees'))
scenario 'Finding archived procedures' do
click_on 'archived-procedures'
expect(page).to have_current_path(admin_procedures_archived_path)
page.all('.tabs li a')
expect(page).to have_current_path(admin_procedures_path(statut: 'archivees'))
@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ feature 'As an administrateur I wanna create a new procedure', js: true do
scenario 'Finding save button for new procedure, libelle, description and cadre_juridique required' do
expect(page).to have_selector('#new-procedure')
click_on 'from-scratch'
expect(page).to have_current_path(new_admin_procedure_path)
expect(find('#procedure_for_individual_true')).to be_checked
@ -54,7 +53,6 @@ feature 'As an administrateur I wanna create a new procedure', js: true do
before 'Create procedure' do
expect(page).to have_selector('#new-procedure')
click_on 'from-scratch'
expect(page).to have_current_path(new_admin_procedure_path)
@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ feature 'The routing', js: true do
def log_out(old_layout: false)
if old_layout
click_on 'Se déconnecter'
click_button(title: 'Mon compte')
@ -215,33 +215,4 @@ RSpec.describe DossierHelper, type: :helper do
it { eq('without_continuation') }
describe '.has_lost_attachments' do
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published) }
let(:dossier_with_lost_attachments) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure) }
let(:dossier_without_lost_attachments) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure) }
before do
expect(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('APP_HOST').at_least(:once).and_return(app_host)
allow(helper).to receive(:dossiers_with_lost_attachments_ids).and_return([])
context 'on the DINUM instance' do
let(:app_host) { '' }
it 'returns true for dossiers that lost attachments' do
expect(helper.has_lost_attachments(dossier_with_lost_attachments)).to be(true)
expect(helper.has_lost_attachments(dossier_without_lost_attachments)).to be(false)
context 'on another instance' do
let(:app_host) { '' }
it 'returns false for all dossiers' do
expect(helper.has_lost_attachments(dossier_with_lost_attachments)).to be(false)
expect(helper.has_lost_attachments(dossier_without_lost_attachments)).to be(false)
@ -50,15 +50,5 @@ describe 'shared/dossiers/demande.html.haml', type: :view do
expect(subject).to include(champ.libelle)
context 'when the dossier lost some attachments' do
before do
expect(view).to receive(:has_lost_attachments).and_return(true)
it 'displays a warning message' do
expect(subject).to include('Des pièces jointes de votre dossier peuvent être manquantes.')
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
describe 'shared/dossiers/lost_attachments.html.haml', type: :view do
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published) }
let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, procedure: procedure) }
subject { render 'shared/dossiers/lost_attachments.html.haml', dossier: dossier, profile: profile }
context 'when viewed by an Usager' do
let(:profile) { 'usager' }
it 'displays a warning message' do
expect(subject).to include('Des pièces jointes de votre dossier peuvent être manquantes')
expect(subject).to have_link('renvoyer les pièces jointes manquantes', href: modifier_dossier_path(dossier))
context 'when the user can’t edit the dossier' do
let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_instruction, procedure: procedure) }
it 'suggest to wait' do
expect(subject).to include('l’administration vous contactera')
context 'when viewed by an Instructeur' do
let(:profile) { 'instructeur' }
it 'displays a warning message' do
expect(subject).to include('Des pièces jointes de ce dossier peuvent être manquantes')
expect(subject).to have_link('contacter le demandeur')
context 'when the user can’t edit the dossier' do
let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_instruction, procedure: procedure) }
it 'suggest to make the dossier editable again' do
expect(subject).to include('repasser ce dossier en construction')
Reference in a new issue