db(after party): set forced_groupe_instructeur to false for brouillon dossiers without groupe_instructeur

This commit is contained in:
Eric Leroy-Terquem 2023-09-06 16:50:09 +02:00
parent d63787cf5c
commit 5553e20282

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
namespace :after_party do
desc 'Deployment task: update_brouillon_dossiers_with_forced_groupe_instructeur'
task update_brouillon_dossiers_with_forced_groupe_instructeur: :environment do
puts "Running deploy task 'update_brouillon_dossiers_with_forced_groupe_instructeur'"
# Put your task implementation HERE.
dossiers_to_fix = Dossier.where(state: :brouillon).where(forced_groupe_instructeur: true).where(groupe_instructeur_id: nil)
dossiers_to_fix.update_all(forced_groupe_instructeur: false)
# Update task as completed. If you remove the line below, the task will
# run with every deploy (or every time you call after_party:run).
.create version: AfterParty::TaskRecorder.new(__FILE__).timestamp