Merge pull request #8800 from demarches-simplifiees/8589-accessibility-statement
a11y - 8589 accessibility statement (static page)
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 336 additions and 8 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
class StaticPagesController < ApplicationController
def legal_notice
def accessibility_statement
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
- content_for(:title, t('views.accessibility_statement.title'))
- content_for :footer do
= render partial: "root/footer"
= t('views.accessibility_statement.title')
|||| t('views.accessibility_statement.line_one')
|||| t('views.accessibility_statement.line_two', app_name: APPLICATION_NAME, host: URI(APPLICATION_BASE_URL).host)
= t('views.accessibility_statement.compliance.title')
|||| t('views.accessibility_statement.compliance.line_one_html')
= t('views.accessibility_statement.results.title')
|||| t('views.accessibility_statement.results.line_one')
|||| t('views.accessibility_statement.results.line_three')
= link_to t("views.accessibility_statement.results.programme.label"), t("views.accessibility_statement.results.programme.url"), title: t("views.accessibility_statement.results.programme.title"), target: "_blank", rel: "noopener noreferrer"
= t('views.accessibility_statement.no_accessible.title')
= t('views.accessibility_statement.no_accessible.subtitle_one')
= t('views.accessibility_statement.no_accessible.examples_html')
= t('views.accessibility_statement.preparation.title')
|||| t('views.accessibility_statement.preparation.intro')
= t('views.accessibility_statement.preparation.subtitle_one')
= link_to t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.techno_ruby.label"), t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.techno_ruby.url"), title: t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.techno_ruby.title"), target: "_blank", rel: "noopener noreferrer"
= "HTML 5"
= "CSS 3"
= "Javascript"
= "PDF"
= t('views.accessibility_statement.preparation.subtitle_two')
|||| t('views.accessibility_statement.preparation.environment_intro')
= t('views.accessibility_statement.preparation.environment_one')
= t('views.accessibility_statement.preparation.environment_two')
= t('views.accessibility_statement.preparation.environment_three')
= t('views.accessibility_statement.preparation.subtitle_three')
= t('views.accessibility_statement.preparation.tool_one')
= t('views.accessibility_statement.preparation.tool_two')
= t('views.accessibility_statement.preparation.tool_three')
= t('views.accessibility_statement.preparation.tool_four')
= t('views.accessibility_statement.preparation.tool_five')
= t('views.accessibility_statement.preparation.tool_six')
= t('views.accessibility_statement.preparation.subtitle_four')
= link_to t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.page_one.label"), root_path
= link_to t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.page_two.label"), contact_path
= link_to t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.page_three.label"), MENTIONS_LEGALES_URL
= link_to t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.page_four.label"), ACCESSIBILITE_URL
= link_to t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.page_five.label"), new_user_session_path
= t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.page_six")
= link_to t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.page_seven.label"), t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.page_seven.url"),
title: t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.page_seven.title"), **external_link_attributes
= link_to t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.page_eight.label"), t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.page_eight.url"),
title: t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.page_eight.title"), **external_link_attributes
= t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.page_nine")
= t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.page_ten")
= t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.page_eleven")
= t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.page_twelve")
= t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.page_thirteen")
= t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.page_fourteen")
= t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.page_fifteen")
= t("views.accessibility_statement.preparation.page_sixteen")
= t('')
|||| t('')
= t('')
= t('')
= phone_to CONTACT_PHONE.gsub(" ", ""), CONTACT_PHONE
= t('')
= t('views.accessibility_statement.remedies.title')
|||| t('views.accessibility_statement.remedies.line_one')
|||| t('views.accessibility_statement.remedies.line_two')
= link_to t("views.accessibility_statement.remedies.remedies_one.label"), t("views.accessibility_statement.remedies.remedies_one.url"), title: t("views.accessibility_statement.remedies.remedies_one.title"), target: "_blank", rel: "noopener noreferrer"
= link_to t("views.accessibility_statement.remedies.remedies_two.label"), t("views.accessibility_statement.remedies.remedies_two.url"), title: t("views.accessibility_statement.remedies.remedies_two.title"), target: "_blank", rel: "noopener noreferrer"
= t('views.accessibility_statement.remedies.remedies_three')
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
= link_to t("links.footer.accessibilite.label"), t("links.footer.accessibilite.url"), title: t("links.footer.accessibilite.title"), class: "fr-footer__bottom-link", rel: "noopener noreferrer"
= link_to t("links.footer.accessibilite.label"), ACCESSIBILITE_URL, title: t("links.footer.accessibilite.title"), class: "fr-footer__bottom-link", rel: "noopener noreferrer"
= link_to t("links.footer.mentions_legales.label"), MENTIONS_LEGALES_URL, title: t("links.footer.mentions_legales.title"), class: "fr-footer__bottom-link", rel: "noopener noreferrer"
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ CADRE_JURIDIQUE_URL = [DOC_URL, "tutoriels/video-le-cadre-juridique"].join("/")
LISTE_DES_DEMARCHES_URL = [DOC_URL, "listes-des-demarches"].join("/")
CGU_URL = ENV.fetch("CGU_URL", [DOC_URL, "cgu"].join("/"))
ACCESSIBILITE_URL = ENV.fetch("ACCESSIBILITE_URL", [DOC_URL, "declaration-daccessibilite"].join("/"))
ACCESSIBILITE_URL = ENV.fetch("ACCESSIBILITE_URL", "/declaration-accessibilite")
API_DOC_URL = [DOC_URL, "pour-aller-plus-loin", "graphql"].join("/")
WEBHOOK_DOC_URL = [DOC_URL, "pour-aller-plus-loin", "webhook"].join("/")
ARCHIVAGE_DOC_URL = [DOC_URL, "pour-aller-plus-loin", "archivage-longue-duree-des-demarches"].join("/")
@ -103,14 +103,107 @@ en:
title: "Legal Notices"
editing: "Editor"
line_one: "Interministerial Directorate for Digital Affairs (DINUM)"
direction: "Publishing Department"
direction_content: "Ms. Stéphanie Schaer , Interministerial Director of Digital Affairs."
hosting: "Hosting provider"
line_four: "VAT NUMBER: FR 22 424 761 419"
line_five: "Head office : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France."
line_five: "Head office : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France."
title: "Accessibility statement"
line_one: "DINUM is committed to making its service accessible in accordance with Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005."
line_two: "This accessibility statement applies to %{app_name} (%{host})."
title: "Compliance status"
line_one_html: "The website Démarches simplifiées is <strong>partially compliant</strong> with the General Accessibility Guidelines (RGAA) version 4."
title: "Test results"
line_one: "As of 1 April 2023, the average compliance rate of the site is 75%."
line_three: "Users can follow the measures taken by the service to improve the accessibility of the site at the following address:"
label: "Follow the DS accessibility continuous improvement programme"
url: ""
title: "Follow the DS accessibility continuous improvement programme - new tab"
title: "Non-accessible content"
subtitle_one: "Non-compliances"
examples_html: "Exemples :
<li>The documentation pages are not fully accessible and are managed by a third party tool.</li>
<li>The same applies to the FAQ pages.</li>
<p>We are taking this into account for the future development of the site's pages.</p>
title: "Preparation of this accessibility declaration"
intro: "This declaration was drawn up on 27 April 2022. It was updated on 1 April 2023."
subtitle_one: "Technologies used to create the site"
label: "Ruby on Rails"
url: ""
title: "Ruby on Rails - new tab"
subtitle_two: "Test environment"
environment_intro: "The content rendering checks were carried out on the basis of a combination provided by the RGAA reference base, with the following versions:"
environment_one: "Firefox 111.0.1 and NVDA 2022.4"
environment_two: "Safari and VoiceOver (version available on macOS Monterey 12.6.3)"
environment_three: "Edge and JAWS 2020"
subtitle_three: "Tools for assessing accessibility"
tool_one: "RGAA Assistant (Firefox extension)"
tool_two: "Web Developer (Firefox extension)"
tool_three: "HeadingsMap (Firefox extension)"
tool_four: "Colour Contrast Analyser application"
tool_five: "Contrast Finder"
tool_six: "Stylus (Firefox extension)"
subtitle_four: "Pages of the site subject to the compliance check"
label: "Home"
label: "Contact"
label: "Legal notices"
label: "Accessibility statement"
label: "Authentification"
page_six: "Home page - User search results"
label: "FAQ"
url: ""
title: "FAQ - new tab"
label: "FAQ - User (submission of a file)"
url: ""
title: "FAQ - User (submission of a file) - new tab"
page_nine: "Documentation - Presentation"
page_ten: "Documentation - Start-up"
page_eleven: "Documentation - General"
page_twelve: "File creation - Identity"
page_thirteen: "File creation - Draft"
page_fourteen: "Dossier - Summary"
page_fifteen: "Dossier - Application"
page_sixteen: "Dossier - Messaging"
title: "Feedback and contact"
intro: "If you are unable to access a piece of content or service, you can contact the Simplified Approaches manager to be directed to an accessible alternative or obtain the content in another form."
email_html: "By email:"
phone_html: "Contact DINUM by phone:"
adress_html: "By post : DINUM , 20 avenue de Ségur 75007 Paris"
title: "Remedies"
line_one: "If you notice a lack of accessibility that prevents you from accessing a content or functionality of the site, and you report it to us and do not manage to obtain a rapid response from us, you are entitled to send your complaints or a request for referral to the Rights Defender."
line_two: "Several means are available to you:"
label: "A contact form"
url: ""
title: "A contact form - new tab"
label: "Contact the delegate of the Human Rights Defender in your region"
url: ""
title: "Contact the delegate of the Human Rights Defender in your region - new tab"
remedies_three: "Send a letter by post (free of charge, do not put a stamp) Défenseur des droits Libre réponse 71120 75342 Paris CEDEX 07"
start_procedure: Start the procedure
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ fr:
title: "Mentions légales"
editing: "Éditeur"
line_one: "Direction Interministérielle au Numérique (DINUM)"
line_two: "20 Avenue de Ségur"
line_three: "75007 PARIS"
@ -106,7 +106,100 @@ fr:
line_two: "RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045"
line_three: "Code APE 6202A"
line_four: "N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419"
line_five: "Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France."
line_five: "Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France."
title: "Déclaration d’accessibilité"
line_one: "La DINUM s’engage à rendre son service accessible, conformément à l’article 47 de la loi n° 2005-102 du 11 février 2005."
line_two: "Cette déclaration d’accessibilité s’applique à %{app_name} (%{host})."
title: "État de conformité"
line_one_html: "Le site Démarches simplifiées est <strong>partiellement conforme</strong> avec le référentiel général d’amélioration de l’accessibilité (RGAA) version 4."
title: "Résultats des tests"
line_one: "En date du 1er avril 2023, le taux moyen de conformité du site est de 75%."
line_three: "Les usagers peuvent suivre les mesures engagées par le service pour améliorer l’accessibilité du site à l’adresse suivante :"
label: "Suivez le programme d'amélioration continue de DS en matière d'accessibilité"
url: ""
title: "Suivez le programme d'amélioration continue de DS en matière d'accessibilité - nouvel onglet"
title: "Contenus non accessibles"
subtitle_one: "Non-conformités"
examples_html: "Exemples :
<li>Les pages de documentation ne sont pas entièrement accessibles et sont gérées par un outil tiers.</li>
<li>Il en est de même pour les pages de la FAQ.</li>
<p>Nous en tenons compte pour les futures évolutions des pages du site.</p>
title: "Établissement de cette déclaration d’accessibilité"
intro: "Cette déclaration a été établie le 27 avril 2022. Elle a été mise à jour le 1er avril 2023."
subtitle_one: "Technologies utilisées pour la réalisation du site"
label: "Ruby on Rails"
url: ""
title: "Ruby on Rails - nouvel onglet"
subtitle_two: "Environnement de test"
environment_intro: "Les vérifications de restitution de contenus ont été réalisées sur la base d’une combinaison fournie par la base de référence du RGAA, avec les versions suivantes :"
environment_one: "Firefox 111.0.1 et NVDA 2022.4"
environment_two: "Safari et VoiceOver (version disponible sur macOS Monterey 12.6.3)"
environment_three: "Edge et JAWS 2020"
subtitle_three: "Outils pour évaluer l’accessibilité"
tool_one: "Assistant RGAA (extension Firefox)"
tool_two: "Web Developer (extension Firefox)"
tool_three: "HeadingsMap (extension Firefox)"
tool_four: "Application Colour Contrast Analyser"
tool_five: "Contrast Finder"
tool_six: "Stylus (extension Firefox)"
subtitle_four: "Pages du site ayant fait l’objet de la vérification de conformité"
label: "Accueil"
label: "Contact"
label: "Mentions légales"
label: "Déclaration d’accessibilité"
label: "Authentification"
page_six: "Accueil connecté - Résultats de recherche usager"
label: "FAQ"
url: ""
title: "FAQ - nouvel onglet"
label: "FAQ - Usager (dépôt d'un dossier)"
url: ""
title: "FAQ - Usager (dépôt d'un dossier) - nouvel onglet"
page_nine: "Documentation - Présentation"
page_ten: "Documentation - Démarrage"
page_eleven: "Documentation - Généralités"
page_twelve: "Création dossier - Identité"
page_thirteen: "Création dossier - Brouillon"
page_fourteen: "Dossier - Résumé"
page_fifteen: "Dossier - Demande"
page_sixteen: "Dossier - Messagerie"
title: "Retour d’information et contact"
intro: "Si vous n’arrivez pas à accéder à un contenu ou à un service, vous pouvez contacter le responsable de Démarches simplifiées pour être orienté vers une alternative accessible ou obtenir le contenu sous une autre forme."
email_html: "Par voie électronique :"
phone_html: "Contacter la DINUM par téléphone :"
adress_html: "Par voie postale : DINUM , 20 avenue de Ségur 75007 Paris"
title: "Voies de recours"
line_one: "Si vous constatez un défaut d’accessibilité vous empêchant d’accéder à un contenu ou une fonctionnalité du site, que vous nous le signalez et que vous ne parvenez pas à obtenir une réponse rapide de notre part, vous êtes en droit de faire parvenir vos doléances ou une demande de saisine au Défenseur des droits."
line_two: "Plusieurs moyens sont à votre disposition :"
label: "Un formulaire de contact"
url: ""
title: "Un formulaire de contact - nouvel onglet"
label: "Contacter le délégué du Défenseur des droits dans votre région"
url: ""
title: "Contacter le délégué du Défenseur des droits dans votre région - nouvel onglet"
remedies_three: "Envoyer un courrier par la poste (gratuit, ne pas mettre de timbre) Défenseur des droits Libre réponse 71120 75342 Paris CEDEX 07"
start_procedure: Commencer la démarche
@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ en:
label: "Accessibility: partially compliant"
title: "Accessibility declaration"
url: ""
label: "API Documentation"
title: "API Documentation"
@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ fr:
label: "Accessibilité : partiellement conforme"
title: "Consulter notre déclaration d’accessibilité"
url: ""
label: "Documentation de l’API"
title: "Documentation graphql de l’API"
@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ Rails.application.routes.draw do
get "contact-admin", to: "support#admin"
get "mentions-legales", to: "static_pages#legal_notice"
get "declaration-accessibilite", to: "static_pages#accessibility_statement"
post "webhooks/sendinblue", to: "webhook#sendinblue"
post "webhooks/helpscout", to: "webhook#helpscout"
Add table
Reference in a new issue