remove the ability to download an 'everything' archive

there are sometimes an error that happen when building an everything
archive. The error explanation is not understood at the moment.
To deliver the archive feature quickly, we remove the 'everything' archive for
the moment
This commit is contained in:
Christophe Robillard 2021-07-05 10:59:21 +02:00
parent 744b140c4c
commit 54d91335f2
3 changed files with 0 additions and 27 deletions

View file

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ module Instructeurs
@average_dossier_weight = procedure.average_dossier_weight
@count_dossiers_termines_by_month = Traitement.count_dossiers_termines_by_month(groupe_instructeurs)
@nb_dossiers_termines = @count_dossiers_termines_by_month.sum { |count_by_month| count_by_month["count"] }
@archives = Archive

View file

@ -30,31 +30,6 @@ Télécharger
- matching_archive = @archives.find { |archive| archive.time_span_type == 'everything' }
- weight = estimate_weight(matching_archive, @nb_dossiers_termines, @average_dossier_weight)
Tous les dossiers
= @nb_dossiers_termines
= number_to_human_size(weight)
- if matching_archive.try(&:available?)
= link_to url_for(matching_archive.file), class: 'button primary' do
= t(:archive_ready_html, generated_period: time_ago_in_words(matching_archive.updated_at), scope: [:instructeurs, :procedure])
- elsif matching_archive.try(&:pending?)
= t(:archive_pending_html, created_period: time_ago_in_words(matching_archive.created_at), scope: [:instructeurs, :procedure])
- elsif @nb_dossiers_termines == 0
Rien à télécharger !
- elsif weight < 1.gigabyte
= link_to instructeur_archives_path(@procedure, type: 'everything'), method: :post, class: "button" do
Demander la création
- else
Archive trop volumineuse
- @count_dossiers_termines_by_month.each do |count_by_month|
- month = count_by_month["month"].to_date
- nb_dossiers_termines = count_by_month["count"]

View file

@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ describe Instructeurs::ArchivesController, type: :controller do
it 'displays archives' do
get :index, { params: { procedure_id: } }
expect(assigns(:nb_dossiers_termines).size).to eq(8)
expect(assigns(:archives)).to eq([archive1])