use common layout for all procedures and admins
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 163 additions and 223 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
module Administrateurs
module Administrateurs
class ProceduresController < AdministrateurController
class ProceduresController < AdministrateurController
layout 'all', only: [:all, :administrateurs]
before_action :retrieve_procedure, only: [:champs, :annotations, :modifications, :edit, :zones, :monavis, :update_monavis, :jeton, :update_jeton, :publication, :publish, :transfert, :close, :allow_expert_review, :experts_require_administrateur_invitation, :reset_draft]
before_action :retrieve_procedure, only: [:champs, :annotations, :modifications, :edit, :zones, :monavis, :update_monavis, :jeton, :update_jeton, :publication, :publish, :transfert, :close, :allow_expert_review, :experts_require_administrateur_invitation, :reset_draft]
before_action :procedure_revisable?, only: [:champs, :annotations, :modifications, :reset_draft]
before_action :procedure_revisable?, only: [:champs, :annotations, :modifications, :reset_draft]
before_action :draft_valid?, only: [:apercu]
before_action :draft_valid?, only: [:apercu]
@ -1,108 +1,43 @@
= render 'main_menu'
- content_for :results do
|||||| Toutes les démarches
= link_to 'Voir la liste des démarches', all_admin_procedures_path(@filter.params), class: 'fr-btn fr-btn--secondary btn-admins'
= "#{@filter.admins_result.total_count} administrateurs"
%p Ce tableau de bord permet de consulter les informations sur les démarches simplifiées pour toutes les zones. Filtrez par zone et statut. Consultez la liste des démarches et cliquez sur une démarche pour voir la zone et quels sont les administrateurs.
|{ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'data-autosubmit-target': 'spinner' }
- if @filter.selected_zones.present?
.fr-container--fluid{ 'data-turbo': 'true', 'data-controller': 'autosubmit' }
- @filter.selected_zones.each do |zone|
= link_to zone.current_label, all_admin_procedures_path(@filter.without(:zone_ids,, class: 'fr-tag fr-tag--dismiss fr-mb-1w'
= form_with(url: all_admin_procedures_path, method: :get, html: {'data-autosubmit-target': 'form'}) do |f|
- if @filter.statuses.present?
- @filter.statuses.each do |status|
= link_to status, all_admin_procedures_path(@filter.without(:statuses, status)), class: 'fr-tag fr-tag--dismiss fr-mb-1w'
- if @filter.from_publication_date.present?
||||||{ 'aria-hidden': 'true' }
= link_to "Depuis le #{l(@filter.from_publication_date)}", all_admin_procedures_path(@filter.without(:from_publication_date)), class: 'fr-tag fr-tag--dismiss fr-mb-1w'
= paginate @filter.admins_result, views_prefix: 'administrateurs'
= link_to all_admin_procedures_path(zone_ids: current_administrateur.zones) do
|||||| Réinitialiser
%th{ scope: 'col' }
||||||{ 'data-controller': "expand" }
%th{ scope: 'col' } Administrateurs
%th{ scope: 'col' } Nb démarches
%button{ 'data-action': 'expand#toggle' }
%th{ scope: 'col' } Inscrit le
||||||{ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'data-expand-target': 'icon' }
- @filter.admins_result.each do |admin|
Mes zones
%tbody{ 'data-controller': 'expand' }
.fr-ml-1w{ 'data-expand-target': 'content' }
%tr.procedure{ 'data-action': 'click->expand#toggle' }
= f.collection_check_boxes :zone_ids, @filter.admin_zones, :id, :current_label, include_hidden: false do |b|
|{ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'data-expand-target': 'icon' }
= b.check_box(checked: @filter.zone_filtered?(b.value), 'data-action': 'autosubmit#submit')
= b.label(class: 'fr-label') { b.text }
%td= admin.procedures.count
||||||{ 'data-controller': "expand" }
%td= l(admin.created_at, format: :message_date_without_time)
%tr.hidden{ 'data-expand-target': 'content' }
%button{ 'data-action': 'expand#toggle' }
|{ colspan: '6' }
||||||{ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'data-expand-target': 'icon' }
Autres zones
.fr-ml-1w.hidden{ 'data-expand-target': 'content' }
= f.collection_check_boxes :zone_ids, @filter.other_zones, :id, :current_label, include_hidden: false do |b|
- admin.procedures.each do |procedure|
%li= procedure.libelle
= b.check_box(checked: @filter.zone_filtered?(b.value), 'data-action': 'autosubmit#submit')
.fr-mt-2w= paginate @filter.admins_result, views_prefix: 'administrateurs'
= b.label(class: 'fr-label') { b.text }
||||||{ 'data-controller': "expand" }
%button{ 'data-action': 'click->expand#toggle' }
||||||{ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'data-expand-target': 'icon' }
Date de publication
.fr-input-group.hidden{ 'data-expand-target': 'content' }
= f.label 'from_publication_date', 'Depuis', class: 'fr-label'
= f.date_field 'from_publication_date', value: @filter.from_publication_date, class: 'fr-input', 'data-action': 'blur->autosubmit#submit change->autosubmit#debouncedSubmit'
||||||{ 'data-controller': "expand" }
%button{ 'data-action': 'expand#toggle' }
||||||{ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'data-expand-target': 'icon' }
.fr-ml-1w.hidden{ 'data-expand-target': 'content' }
= f.collection_check_boxes :statuses, ['publiee', 'close'], :to_s, :to_s, include_hidden: false do |b|
= b.check_box(checked: @filter.status_filtered?(b.value), 'data-action': 'autosubmit#submit')
= b.label(class: 'fr-label') { t b.text, scope: 'activerecord.attributes.procedure.aasm_state' }
= link_to 'Voir la liste des démarches', all_admin_procedures_path(@filter.params), class: 'fr-btn fr-btn--secondary btn-admins'
= "#{@filter.admins_result.total_count} administrateurs"
||||||{ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'data-autosubmit-target': 'spinner' }
- if @filter.selected_zones.present?
- @filter.selected_zones.each do |zone|
= link_to zone.current_label, all_admin_procedures_path(@filter.without(:zone_ids,, class: 'fr-tag fr-tag--dismiss fr-mb-1w'
- if @filter.statuses.present?
- @filter.statuses.each do |status|
= link_to status, all_admin_procedures_path(@filter.without(:statuses, status)), class: 'fr-tag fr-tag--dismiss fr-mb-1w'
- if @filter.from_publication_date.present?
= link_to "Depuis le #{l(@filter.from_publication_date)}", all_admin_procedures_path(@filter.without(:from_publication_date)), class: 'fr-tag fr-tag--dismiss fr-mb-1w'
= paginate @filter.admins_result, views_prefix: 'administrateurs'
%th{ scope: 'col' }
%th{ scope: 'col' } Administrateurs
%th{ scope: 'col' } Nb démarches
%th{ scope: 'col' } Inscrit le
- @filter.admins_result.each do |admin|
%tbody{ 'data-controller': 'expand' }
%tr.procedure{ 'data-action': 'click->expand#toggle' }
||||||{ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'data-expand-target': 'icon' }
%td= admin.procedures.count
%td= l(admin.created_at, format: :message_date_without_time)
%tr.hidden{ 'data-expand-target': 'content' }
||||||{ colspan: '6' }
- admin.procedures.each do |procedure|
%li= procedure.libelle
.fr-mt-2w= paginate @filter.admins_result, views_prefix: 'administrateurs'
@ -1,115 +1,50 @@
= render 'main_menu'
- content_for :results do
|||||| Toutes les démarches
= link_to 'Voir la liste des administrateurs', administrateurs_admin_procedures_path(@filter.params), class: 'fr-btn fr-btn--secondary btn-admins'
= "#{@filter.procedures_result.total_count} démarches"
%p Ce tableau de bord permet de consulter les informations sur les démarches simplifiées pour toutes les zones. Filtrez par zone et statut. Consultez la liste des démarches et cliquez sur une démarche pour voir la zone et quels sont les administrateurs.
|{ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'data-autosubmit-target': 'spinner' }
- if @filter.selected_zones.present?
.fr-container--fluid{ 'data-turbo': 'true', 'data-controller': 'autosubmit' }
- @filter.selected_zones.each do |zone|
= link_to zone.current_label, all_admin_procedures_path(@filter.without(:zone_ids,, class: 'fr-tag fr-tag--dismiss fr-mb-1w'
= form_with(url: all_admin_procedures_path, method: :get, html: {'data-autosubmit-target': 'form'}) do |f|
- if @filter.statuses.present?
- @filter.statuses.each do |status|
= link_to status, all_admin_procedures_path(@filter.without(:statuses, status)), class: 'fr-tag fr-tag--dismiss fr-mb-1w'
- if @filter.from_publication_date.present?
||||||{ 'aria-hidden': 'true' }
= link_to "Depuis #{l(@filter.from_publication_date)}", all_admin_procedures_path(@filter.without(:from_publication_date)), class: 'fr-tag fr-tag--dismiss fr-mb-1w'
= paginate @filter.procedures_result, views_prefix: 'administrateurs'
= link_to all_admin_procedures_path(zone_ids: current_administrateur.zones) do
|||||| Réinitialiser
%th{ scope: 'col' }
||||||{ 'data-controller': "expand" }
%th{ scope: 'col' } Démarche
%th{ scope: 'col' } N°
%button{ 'data-action': 'expand#toggle' }
%th{ scope: 'col' } Administrateurs
||||||{ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'data-expand-target': 'icon' }
%th{ scope: 'col' } Statut
Mes zones
%th{ scope: 'col' } Date
.fr-ml-1w{ 'data-expand-target': 'content' }
- @filter.procedures_result.each do |procedure|
= f.collection_check_boxes :zone_ids, @filter.admin_zones, :id, :current_label, include_hidden: false do |b|
%tbody{ 'data-controller': 'expand' }
%tr.procedure{ 'data-action': 'click->expand#toggle' }
= b.check_box(checked: @filter.zone_filtered?(b.value), 'data-action': 'autosubmit#submit')
= b.label(class: 'fr-label') { b.text }
|{ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'data-expand-target': 'icon' }
||||||{ 'data-controller': "expand" }
%td= procedure.libelle
%button{ 'data-action': 'expand#toggle' }
%td= procedure.administrateurs.count
||||||{ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'data-expand-target': 'icon' }
%td= t procedure.aasm_state, scope: 'activerecord.attributes.procedure.aasm_state'
Autres zones
%td= l(procedure.published_at, format: :message_date_without_time)
.fr-ml-1w.hidden{ 'data-expand-target': 'content' }
%tr.hidden{ 'data-expand-target': 'content' }
= f.collection_check_boxes :zone_ids, @filter.other_zones, :id, :current_label, include_hidden: false do |b|
|{ colspan: '6' }
= b.check_box(checked: @filter.zone_filtered?(b.value), 'data-action': 'autosubmit#submit')
= b.label(class: 'fr-label') { b.text }
||||||{ 'data-controller': "expand" }
- procedure.zones.uniq.each do |zone|
= zone.label_at(procedure.published_or_created_at)
%button{ 'data-action': 'click->expand#toggle' }
||||||{ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'data-expand-target': 'icon' }
- procedure.administrateurs.uniq.each do |admin|
Date de publication
.fr-input-group.hidden{ 'data-expand-target': 'content' }
.fr-mt-2w= paginate @filter.procedures_result, views_prefix: 'administrateurs'
= f.label 'from_publication_date', 'Depuis', class: 'fr-label'
= f.date_field 'from_publication_date', value: @filter.from_publication_date, class: 'fr-input', 'data-action': 'blur->autosubmit#submit change->autosubmit#debouncedSubmit'
||||||{ 'data-controller': "expand" }
%button{ 'data-action': 'expand#toggle' }
||||||{ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'data-expand-target': 'icon' }
.fr-ml-1w.hidden{ 'data-expand-target': 'content' }
= f.collection_check_boxes :statuses, ['publiee', 'close'], :to_s, :to_s, include_hidden: false do |b|
= b.check_box(checked: @filter.status_filtered?(b.value), 'data-action': 'autosubmit#submit')
= b.label(class: 'fr-label') { t b.text, scope: 'activerecord.attributes.procedure.aasm_state' }
= link_to 'Voir la liste des administrateurs', administrateurs_admin_procedures_path(@filter.params), class: 'fr-btn fr-btn--secondary btn-admins'
= "#{@filter.procedures_result.total_count} démarches"
||||||{ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'data-autosubmit-target': 'spinner' }
- if @filter.selected_zones.present?
- @filter.selected_zones.each do |zone|
= link_to zone.current_label, all_admin_procedures_path(@filter.without(:zone_ids,, class: 'fr-tag fr-tag--dismiss fr-mb-1w'
- if @filter.statuses.present?
- @filter.statuses.each do |status|
= link_to status, all_admin_procedures_path(@filter.without(:statuses, status)), class: 'fr-tag fr-tag--dismiss fr-mb-1w'
- if @filter.from_publication_date.present?
= link_to "Depuis #{l(@filter.from_publication_date)}", all_admin_procedures_path(@filter.without(:from_publication_date)), class: 'fr-tag fr-tag--dismiss fr-mb-1w'
= paginate @filter.procedures_result, views_prefix: 'administrateurs'
%th{ scope: 'col' }
%th{ scope: 'col' } Démarche
%th{ scope: 'col' } N°
%th{ scope: 'col' } Administrateurs
%th{ scope: 'col' } Statut
%th{ scope: 'col' } Date
- @filter.procedures_result.each do |procedure|
%tbody{ 'data-controller': 'expand' }
%tr.procedure{ 'data-action': 'click->expand#toggle' }
||||||{ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'data-expand-target': 'icon' }
%td= procedure.libelle
%td= procedure.administrateurs.count
%td= t procedure.aasm_state, scope: 'activerecord.attributes.procedure.aasm_state'
%td= l(procedure.published_at, format: :message_date_without_time)
%tr.hidden{ 'data-expand-target': 'content' }
||||||{ colspan: '6' }
- procedure.zones.uniq.each do |zone|
= zone.label_at(procedure.published_or_created_at)
- procedure.administrateurs.uniq.each do |admin|
.fr-mt-2w= paginate @filter.procedures_result, views_prefix: 'administrateurs'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
= render 'main_menu'
| Toutes les démarches
%p Ce tableau de bord permet de consulter les informations sur les démarches simplifiées pour toutes les zones. Filtrez par zone et statut. Consultez la liste des démarches et cliquez sur une démarche pour voir la zone et quels sont les administrateurs.
.fr-container--fluid{ 'data-turbo': 'true', 'data-controller': 'autosubmit' }
= form_with(url: all_admin_procedures_path, method: :get, html: {'data-autosubmit-target': 'form'}) do |f|
|{ 'aria-hidden': 'true' }
= link_to all_admin_procedures_path(zone_ids: current_administrateur.zones) do
| Réinitialiser
|{ 'data-controller': "expand" }
%button{ 'data-action': 'expand#toggle' }
|{ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'data-expand-target': 'icon' }
Mes zones
.fr-ml-1w{ 'data-expand-target': 'content' }
= f.collection_check_boxes :zone_ids, @filter.admin_zones, :id, :current_label, include_hidden: false do |b|
= b.check_box(checked: @filter.zone_filtered?(b.value), 'data-action': 'autosubmit#submit')
= b.label(class: 'fr-label') { b.text }
|{ 'data-controller': "expand" }
%button{ 'data-action': 'expand#toggle' }
|{ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'data-expand-target': 'icon' }
Autres zones
.fr-ml-1w.hidden{ 'data-expand-target': 'content' }
= f.collection_check_boxes :zone_ids, @filter.other_zones, :id, :current_label, include_hidden: false do |b|
= b.check_box(checked: @filter.zone_filtered?(b.value), 'data-action': 'autosubmit#submit')
= b.label(class: 'fr-label') { b.text }
|{ 'data-controller': "expand" }
%button{ 'data-action': 'click->expand#toggle' }
|{ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'data-expand-target': 'icon' }
Date de publication
.fr-input-group.hidden{ 'data-expand-target': 'content' }
= f.label 'from_publication_date', 'Depuis', class: 'fr-label'
= f.date_field 'from_publication_date', value: @filter.from_publication_date, class: 'fr-input', 'data-action': 'blur->autosubmit#submit change->autosubmit#debouncedSubmit'
|{ 'data-controller': "expand" }
%button{ 'data-action': 'expand#toggle' }
|{ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'data-expand-target': 'icon' }
.fr-ml-1w.hidden{ 'data-expand-target': 'content' }
= f.collection_check_boxes :statuses, ['publiee', 'close'], :to_s, :to_s, include_hidden: false do |b|
= b.check_box(checked: @filter.status_filtered?(b.value), 'data-action': 'autosubmit#submit')
= b.label(class: 'fr-label') { t b.text, scope: 'activerecord.attributes.procedure.aasm_state' }
= yield(:results)
= render template: 'layouts/application'
Add table
Reference in a new issue