[Fix #1285] Redesign the administrateurs password activation page

This commit is contained in:
Mathieu Magnin 2018-09-26 08:56:27 +02:00 committed by gregoirenovel
parent 499021588d
commit 35da5d595f
3 changed files with 31 additions and 8 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
.administrateurs-activate.container {
margin-top: 60px;
margin-bottom: 60px;

View file

@ -40,3 +40,8 @@
.one-column-centered {
margin: auto;
max-width: $page-width / 2;

View file

@ -1,8 +1,22 @@
= form_for @administrateur, url: { controller: 'administrateurs/activate', action: :create }, html: { class: "form" } do |f|
= @administrateur.email
= f.password_field :password, placeholder: 'Mot de passe'
= f.hidden_field :reset_password_token, value: params[:token]
= f.submit 'Définir le mot de passe', class: 'button large primary expand'
- content_for(:title, "Choix du mot de passe")
- content_for :footer do
= render partial: "root/footer"
= form_for @administrateur, url: { controller: 'administrateurs/activate', action: :create }, html: { class: "form" } do |f|
Choix du mot de passe
= f.label :email, "Email"
= f.text_field :email, disabled: true
= f.label :password do
Mot de passe
= f.password_field :password, placeholder: 'Mot de passe'
= f.hidden_field :reset_password_token, value: params[:token]
= f.submit 'Continuer', class: 'button large primary expand', id: "submit-password", data: { disable_with: "Envoi..." }