Complete API Dossier

This commit is contained in:
Xavier J 2016-02-26 12:17:41 +01:00
parent a316165792
commit 16c72e7478
7 changed files with 115 additions and 35 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
class CerfaSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :content_url => :url
has_one :type_de_champ

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
class ChampSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :value
has_one :type_de_champ

View file

@ -4,8 +4,12 @@ class DossierSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
has_one :entreprise
has_one :etablissement
has_one :cerfa
has_many :champs
has_many :pieces_justificatives

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
class PieceJustificativeSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :content_url => :url
has_one :type_de_piece_justificative

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
class TypeDeChampSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :id,
{:type_champ => :type},

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ require 'spec_helper'
describe API::V1::DossiersController do
let(:admin) { create(:administrateur) }
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, administrateur: admin) }
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :with_two_type_de_piece_justificative, :with_type_de_champ, administrateur: admin) }
let(:wrong_procedure) { create(:procedure) }
it { expect(described_class).to be < APIController }
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ describe API::V1::DossiersController do
let!(:dossier) { Timecop.freeze(date_creation) { create(:dossier, :with_entreprise, procedure: procedure) } }
let(:dossier_id) { }
let(:body) { JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true) }
let(:field_list) { [:id, :nom_projet, :created_at, :updated_at, :description, :archived, :entreprise, :etablissement] }
let(:field_list) { [:id, :nom_projet, :created_at, :updated_at, :description, :archived, :mandataire_social, :entreprise, :etablissement] }
subject { body[:dossier] }
it { expect(response.code).to eq('200') }
@ -124,28 +124,30 @@ describe API::V1::DossiersController do
it { expect(subject[:updated_at]).to eq('2008-09-01T08:05:00.000Z') }
it { expect(subject[:description]).to eq(dossier.description) }
it { expect(subject[:archived]).to eq(dossier.archived) }
it { expect(subject[:mandataire_social]).to eq(dossier.mandataire_social) }
it { expect(subject.keys).to match_array(field_list) }
describe 'entreprise' do
let(:field_list) { [
:prenom] }
subject { super()[:entreprise]}
:prenom] }
subject { super()[:entreprise] }
it { expect(subject[:siren]).to eq('440117620')}
it { expect(subject[:capital_social]).to eq(537_100_000)}
it { expect(subject[:numero_tva_intracommunautaire]).to eq('FR27440117620')}
it { expect(subject[:forme_juridique]).to eq('SA à conseil d\'administration (s.a.i.)')}
it { expect(subject[:siren]).to eq('440117620') }
it { expect(subject[:capital_social]).to eq(537_100_000) }
it { expect(subject[:numero_tva_intracommunautaire]).to eq('FR27440117620') }
it { expect(subject[:forme_juridique]).to eq('SA à conseil d\'administration (s.a.i.)') }
it { expect(subject[:forme_juridique_code]).to eq('5599') }
it { expect(subject[:nom_commercial]).to eq('GRTGAZ') }
it { expect(subject[:raison_sociale]).to eq('GRTGAZ') }
@ -155,22 +157,80 @@ describe API::V1::DossiersController do
it { expect(subject.keys).to match_array(field_list) }
describe 'pieces_justificatives' do
let(:field_list) { [
:url] }
subject { super()[:pieces_justificatives] }
it { expect(subject.length).to eq 2 }
describe 'first piece justificative' do
subject { super().first }
it { expect(subject.keys.include?(:url)).to be_truthy }
it { expect(subject.keys.include?(:type_de_piece_justificative)).to be_truthy }
describe 'type de piece justificative' do
let(:field_list) { [
:description] }
subject { super()[:type_de_piece_justificative] }
it { expect(subject.keys.include?(:id)).to be_truthy }
it { expect(subject[:libelle]).to eq('RIB') }
it { expect(subject[:description]).to eq('Releve identité bancaire') }
describe 'champs' do
let(:field_list) { [
:url] }
subject { super()[:champs] }
it { expect(subject.length).to eq 1 }
describe 'first champs' do
subject { super().first }
it { expect(subject.keys.include?(:value)).to be_truthy }
it { expect(subject.keys.include?(:type_de_champ)).to be_truthy }
describe 'type de champ' do
let(:field_list) { [
:type] }
subject { super()[:type_de_champ] }
it { expect(subject.keys.include?(:id)).to be_truthy }
it { expect(subject[:libelle]).to eq('Description') }
it { expect(subject[:description]).to eq('description de votre projet') }
it { expect(subject.keys.include?(:order_place)).to be_truthy }
it { expect(subject[:type]).to eq('textarea') }
describe 'etablissement' do
let(:field_list) { [
] }
subject { super()[:etablissement]}
subject { super()[:etablissement] }
it { expect(subject[:siret]).to eq('44011762001530') }
it { expect(subject[:siege_social]).to eq(true) }

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :type_de_champ do
libelle 'Libellé'
libelle 'Description'
description 'description de votre projet'
type_champ 'textarea'
order_place 1