Clean Administrate templates and controllers

This commit is contained in:
Mathieu Magnin 2018-01-17 10:13:38 +01:00
parent 154181d793
commit 0396db9e5f
9 changed files with 0 additions and 127 deletions

View file

@ -1,21 +1,4 @@
module Manager
class AdministrateursController < Manager::ApplicationController
# To customize the behavior of this controller,
# simply overwrite any of the RESTful actions. For example:
# def index
# super
# @resources = Administrateur.
# page(params[:page]).
# per(10)
# end
# Define a custom finder by overriding the `find_resource` method:
# def find_resource(param)
# Administrateur.find_by!(slug: param)
# end
# See
# for more information

View file

@ -1,20 +1,8 @@
# All Administrate controllers inherit from this `Admin::ApplicationController`,
# making it the ideal place to put authentication logic or other
# before_actions.
# If you want to add pagination or other controller-level concerns,
# you're free to overwrite the RESTful controller actions.
module Manager
class ApplicationController < Administrate::ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_administration!
before_action :default_params
# Override this value to specify the number of elements to display at a time
# on index pages. Defaults to 20.
# def records_per_page
# params[:per_page] || 20
# end
def default_params
params[:order] ||= "created_at"
params[:direction] ||= "desc"

View file

@ -1,21 +1,3 @@
-# # Collection
-# This partial is used on the `index` and `show` pages
-# to display a collection of resources in an HTML table.
-# ## Local variables:
-# - `collection_presenter`:
-# An instance of [Administrate::Page::Collection][1].
-# The table presenter uses `ResourceDashboard::COLLECTION_ATTRIBUTES` to determine
-# the columns displayed in the table
-# - `resources`:
-# An ActiveModel::Relation collection of resources to be displayed in the table.
-# By default, the number of resources is limited by pagination
-# or by a hard limit to prevent excessive page load times
-# [1]:
%table.collection-data{ "aria-labelledby": "page-title" }

View file

@ -1,14 +1,3 @@
-# # Flash Partial
-# This partial renders flash messages on every page.
-# ## Relevant Helpers:
-# - `flash`:
-# Returns a hash,
-# where the keys are the type of flash (alert, error, notice, etc)
-# and the values are the message to be displayed.
- if flash.any?
- flash.each do |key, value|

View file

@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
-# # Javascript Partial
-# This partial imports the necessary javascript on each page.
-# By default, it includes the application JS,
-# but each page can define additional JS sources
-# by providing a `content_for(:javascript)` block.
- Administrate::Engine.javascripts.each do |js_path|
= javascript_include_tag js_path

View file

@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
-# # Sidebar
-# This partial is used to display the sidebar in Administrate.
-# By default, the sidebar contains navigation links
-# for all resources in the admin dashboard,
-# as defined by the routes in the `admin/` namespace
= link_to "Se déconnecter", administrations_sign_out_path, method: :delete, class: "sidebar__link"

View file

@ -1,26 +1,3 @@
-# # Index
-# This view is the template for the index page.
-# It is responsible for rendering the search bar, header and pagination.
-# It renders the `_table` partial to display details about the resources.
-# ## Local variables:
-# - `page`:
-# An instance of [Administrate::Page::Collection][1].
-# Contains helper methods to help display a table,
-# and knows which attributes should be displayed in the resource's table.
-# - `resources`:
-# An instance of `ActiveRecord::Relation` containing the resources
-# that match the user's search criteria.
-# By default, these resources are passed to the table partial to be displayed.
-# - `search_term`:
-# A string containing the term the user has searched for, if any.
-# - `show_search_bar`:
-# A boolean that determines if the search bar should be shown.
-# [1]:
- content_for(:title) do
= display_resource_name(page.resource_name)

View file

@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-# # Show
-# This view is the template for the show page.
-# It renders the attributes of a resource,
-# as well as a link to its edit page.
-# ## Local variables:
-# - `page`:
-# An instance of [Administrate::Page::Show][1].
-# Contains methods for accessing the resource to be displayed on the page,
-# as well as helpers for describing how each attribute of the resource
-# should be displayed.
-# [1]:
- content_for(:title) { page.page_title }

View file

@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-# # Show
-# This view is the template for the show page.
-# It renders the attributes of a resource,
-# as well as a link to its edit page.
-# ## Local variables:
-# - `page`:
-# An instance of [Administrate::Page::Show][1].
-# Contains methods for accessing the resource to be displayed on the page,
-# as well as helpers for describing how each attribute of the resource
-# should be displayed.
-# [1]:
- content_for(:title) { page.page_title }
- procedure = page.resource