2024-04-29 00:17:15 +02:00
# frozen_string_literal: true
2023-11-06 15:15:51 +01:00
describe 'Prefilling a dossier (with a POST request):', js: true do
2023-03-03 03:16:15 -10:00
let(:password) { SECURE_PASSWORD }
2023-01-03 14:46:10 +01:00
2024-07-01 15:31:32 +02:00
let(:types_de_champ_public) do
{ type: :text },
{ type: :phone },
{ type: :siret },
{ type: :datetime },
{ type: :multiple_drop_down_list },
{ type: :epci },
{ type: :dossier_link },
{ type: :communes },
{ type: :address },
{ type: :repetition, children: [{ type: :text }, { type: :decimal_number }] }
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :for_individual, :published, types_de_champ_public:) }
2023-01-03 14:46:10 +01:00
let(:dossier) { procedure.dossiers.last }
2024-12-09 15:15:04 +01:00
let(:linked_dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, procedure:) }
2024-07-01 15:31:32 +02:00
let(:types_de_champ) { procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ_public }
2023-01-03 14:46:10 +01:00
2024-07-01 15:31:32 +02:00
let(:type_de_champ_text) { types_de_champ[0] }
let(:type_de_champ_phone) { types_de_champ[1] }
2024-10-09 11:26:53 +02:00
let(:type_de_champ_siret) { types_de_champ[2] }
let(:type_de_champ_datetime) { types_de_champ[3] }
let(:type_de_champ_multiple_drop_down_list) { types_de_champ[4] }
let(:type_de_champ_epci) { types_de_champ[5] }
let(:type_de_champ_dossier_link) { types_de_champ[6] }
let(:type_de_champ_commune) { types_de_champ[7] }
let(:type_de_champ_address) { types_de_champ[8] }
let(:type_de_champ_repetition) { types_de_champ[9] }
2023-01-25 12:05:00 +01:00
2023-01-03 14:46:10 +01:00
let(:text_value) { "My Neighbor Totoro is the best movie ever" }
let(:phone_value) { "invalid phone value" }
2023-01-25 12:05:00 +01:00
let(:siret_value) { '41816609600051' }
2023-02-09 15:18:38 +01:00
let(:datetime_value) { "2023-02-01T10:32" }
2023-01-24 11:44:02 +01:00
let(:multiple_drop_down_list_values) {
2024-09-19 16:28:09 +02:00
2023-01-24 11:44:02 +01:00
2023-02-06 15:12:34 +01:00
let(:epci_value) { ['01', '200029999'] }
2023-10-13 16:06:26 +02:00
let(:commune_value) { ['01540', '01457'] }
2023-03-21 14:47:14 +01:00
let(:commune_libelle) { 'Vonnas (01540)' }
2023-02-28 09:48:26 +01:00
let(:address_value) { "20 Avenue de Ségur 75007 Paris" }
2023-02-21 16:00:58 +01:00
let(:sub_type_de_champs_repetition) { procedure.active_revision.children_of(type_de_champ_repetition) }
2023-02-03 12:14:18 +01:00
let(:text_repetition_libelle) { sub_type_de_champs_repetition.first.libelle }
let(:integer_repetition_libelle) { sub_type_de_champs_repetition.second.libelle }
let(:text_repetition_value) { "First repetition text" }
let(:integer_repetition_value) { "42" }
2024-12-09 15:15:04 +01:00
let(:dossier_link_value) { linked_dossier.id }
2023-09-07 10:10:07 +02:00
let(:prenom_value) { 'Jean' }
let(:nom_value) { 'Dupont' }
let(:genre_value) { 'M.' }
2023-02-15 17:39:19 +01:00
before do
2023-05-30 16:27:20 +02:00
stub_request(:get, /https:\/\/entreprise.api.gouv.fr\/v3\/insee\/sirene\/etablissements\/#{siret_value}/)
2023-01-25 12:05:00 +01:00
.to_return(status: 200, body: File.read('spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/etablissements.json'))
2023-05-25 11:15:26 +02:00
stub_request(:get, /https:\/\/entreprise.api.gouv.fr\/v3\/insee\/sirene\/unites_legales\/#{siret_value[0..8]}/)
2023-02-02 09:59:59 +01:00
.to_return(status: 200, body: File.read('spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/entreprises.json'))
2023-02-15 17:39:19 +01:00
2023-01-03 14:46:10 +01:00
scenario "the user get the URL of a prefilled orphan brouillon dossier" do
dossier_url = create_and_prefill_dossier_with_post_request
expect(dossier_url).to eq(commencer_path(procedure.path, prefill_token: dossier.prefill_token))
describe 'visit the dossier URL' do
context 'when authenticated' do
it_behaves_like "the user has got a prefilled dossier, owned by themselves" do
let(:user) { create(:user, password: password) }
before do
visit "/users/sign_in"
sign_in_with user.email, password
visit create_and_prefill_dossier_with_post_request
expect(page).to have_content('Vous avez un dossier prérempli')
2023-02-08 15:06:45 +01:00
click_on 'Poursuivre mon dossier prérempli'
2023-01-03 14:46:10 +01:00
context 'when unauthenticated' do
before { visit create_and_prefill_dossier_with_post_request }
context 'when the user signs in with email and password' do
it_behaves_like "the user has got a prefilled dossier, owned by themselves" do
let(:user) { create(:user, password: password) }
before do
click_on "J’ai déjà un compte"
sign_in_with user.email, password
expect(page).to have_content('Vous avez un dossier prérempli')
2023-02-08 15:06:45 +01:00
click_on 'Poursuivre mon dossier prérempli'
2023-01-03 14:46:10 +01:00
context 'when the user signs up with email and password' do
it_behaves_like "the user has got a prefilled dossier, owned by themselves" do
let(:user_email) { generate :user_email }
let(:user) { User.find_by(email: user_email) }
before do
click_on "Créer un compte #{APPLICATION_NAME}"
sign_up_with user_email, password
2024-02-20 14:28:45 +01:00
expect(page).to have_content "nous avons besoin de vérifier votre adresse électronique #{user_email}"
2023-01-03 14:46:10 +01:00
click_confirmation_link_for user_email
expect(page).to have_content('Votre compte a bien été confirmé.')
expect(page).to have_content('Vous avez un dossier prérempli')
2023-02-08 15:06:45 +01:00
click_on 'Poursuivre mon dossier prérempli'
2023-01-03 14:46:10 +01:00
context 'when the user signs up with FranceConnect' do
it_behaves_like "the user has got a prefilled dossier, owned by themselves" do
let(:user) { User.last }
before do
allow_any_instance_of(FranceConnectParticulierClient).to receive(:authorization_uri).and_return(france_connect_particulier_callback_path(code: "c0d3"))
allow(FranceConnectService).to receive(:retrieve_user_informations_particulier).and_return(build(:france_connect_information))
2024-08-22 21:36:16 +00:00
expect(page).to have_content("Choisissez votre email de contact pour finaliser votre connexion")
2023-01-03 14:46:10 +01:00
2024-11-26 10:18:55 +01:00
find('label', text: /Oui, utiliser .* comme email de contact/).click
click_on 'Valider'
2023-01-03 14:46:10 +01:00
expect(page).to have_content('Vous avez un dossier prérempli')
2024-07-04 10:47:53 +00:00
find('.fr-btn.fr-mb-2w', text: 'Poursuivre mon dossier prérempli', wait: 10).click
2023-01-03 14:46:10 +01:00
def create_and_prefill_dossier_with_post_request
session = ActionDispatch::Integration::Session.new(Rails.application)
session.post api_public_v1_dossiers_path(procedure),
headers: { "Content-Type" => "application/json" },
params: {
2023-02-22 19:32:25 +01:00
"champ_#{type_de_champ_text.to_typed_id_for_query}" => text_value,
"champ_#{type_de_champ_phone.to_typed_id_for_query}" => phone_value,
2023-01-25 12:05:00 +01:00
"champ_#{type_de_champ_siret.to_typed_id_for_query}" => siret_value,
2023-02-22 19:32:25 +01:00
"champ_#{type_de_champ_repetition.to_typed_id_for_query}" => [
"champ_#{sub_type_de_champs_repetition.first.to_typed_id_for_query}": text_repetition_value,
"champ_#{sub_type_de_champs_repetition.second.to_typed_id_for_query}": integer_repetition_value
2023-02-11 22:40:56 +01:00
2023-02-22 19:32:25 +01:00
"champ_#{type_de_champ_datetime.to_typed_id_for_query}" => datetime_value,
"champ_#{type_de_champ_multiple_drop_down_list.to_typed_id_for_query}" => multiple_drop_down_list_values,
2023-02-24 10:49:11 +01:00
"champ_#{type_de_champ_epci.to_typed_id_for_query}" => epci_value,
2023-02-22 16:05:44 +01:00
"champ_#{type_de_champ_dossier_link.to_typed_id_for_query}" => dossier_link_value,
2023-02-16 14:26:05 +01:00
"champ_#{type_de_champ_commune.to_typed_id_for_query}" => commune_value,
2023-02-28 09:48:26 +01:00
"champ_#{type_de_champ_address.to_typed_id_for_query}" => address_value,
2023-09-07 10:10:07 +02:00
"identite_prenom" => prenom_value,
"identite_nom" => nom_value,
"identite_genre" => genre_value
2023-01-03 14:46:10 +01:00
JSON.parse(session.response.body)["dossier_url"].gsub("http://www.example.com", "")