2020-08-05 16:40:47 +00:00
describe APIEntreprise :: RNAAdapter do
2022-10-05 12:31:34 +02:00
let ( :rna ) { 'W111111111' }
2020-04-27 16:31:41 +02:00
let ( :procedure ) { create ( :procedure ) }
let ( :procedure_id ) { procedure . id }
2022-10-05 12:31:34 +02:00
let ( :adapter ) { described_class . new ( rna , procedure_id ) }
2015-12-24 16:12:16 +01:00
2018-02-21 16:29:22 +01:00
subject { adapter . to_params }
2015-12-11 10:36:16 +01:00
before do
2020-12-10 15:28:39 +01:00
stub_request ( :get , / https: \/ \/ entreprise.api.gouv.fr \/ v2 \/ associations \/ / )
2018-01-15 19:34:08 +01:00
. to_return ( body : body , status : status )
2020-08-05 16:40:47 +00:00
allow_any_instance_of ( APIEntrepriseToken ) . to receive ( :expired? ) . and_return ( false )
2015-12-11 12:36:44 +01:00
2022-10-05 12:31:34 +02:00
context 'when rna is not valid' do
let ( :rna ) { '234567' }
2015-12-11 12:36:44 +01:00
let ( :body ) { '' }
2019-04-30 14:36:40 +00:00
let ( :status ) { 404 }
2015-12-24 16:12:16 +01:00
2018-03-19 14:47:56 +01:00
it { is_expected . to eq ( { } ) }
2015-12-11 10:36:16 +01:00
2022-09-22 17:13:53 +02:00
context " when responds with valid schema " do
let ( :body ) { File . read ( 'spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/associations.json' ) }
let ( :status ) { 200 }
2022-10-04 17:19:30 +02:00
it '#to_params return valid hash' do
2022-09-22 17:13:53 +02:00
expect ( subject ) . to be_an_instance_of ( Hash )
expect ( subject [ " association_rna " ] ) . to eq ( 'W595001988' )
expect ( subject [ " association_titre " ] ) . to eq ( 'UN SUR QUATRE' )
expect ( subject [ " association_objet " ] ) . to eq ( " valoriser, transmettre et partager auprès des publics les plus larges possibles, les bienfaits de l'immigration, la richesse de la diversité et la curiosité de l'autre autrement " )
expect ( subject [ " association_date_declaration " ] ) . to eq ( '2014-01-24' )
2015-12-11 10:36:16 +01:00
2022-09-22 17:13:53 +02:00
context " when responds with invalid schema " do
let ( :body ) { File . read ( 'spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/associations_invalid.json' ) }
let ( :status ) { 200 }
2015-12-11 10:36:16 +01:00
2022-09-22 17:13:53 +02:00
it '#to_params raise exception' do
expect { subject } . to raise_exception ( APIEntreprise :: RNAAdapter :: InvalidSchemaError )
2015-12-11 10:36:16 +01:00
2022-10-04 19:59:39 +02:00
context " when depreciated adapter is used " do
2022-10-05 12:31:34 +02:00
let ( :adapter ) { described_class . new ( rna , procedure_id , true ) }
2022-10-04 19:59:39 +02:00
let ( :body ) { File . read ( 'spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/associations.json' ) }
let ( :status ) { 200 }
it '#to_params filter the keys' do
expect ( subject . keys ) . to eq ( [ " association_titre " , " association_objet " , " association_date_creation " , " association_date_declaration " , " association_date_publication " , " association_rna " ] )
2015-12-11 10:36:16 +01:00