2022-05-04 06:57:14 +00:00
require 'prawn/measurement_extensions'
#----- A4 page size
page_size = 'A4'
page_width = 595
2024-02-27 10:20:29 +01:00
# see, charte_graphique_de_letat.pdf
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# calc ratio, 17*100/210: 8% de marge gauche/droite
# calc mm to pixel: 8*595/100: 47 <- final margin
2022-05-04 06:57:14 +00:00
#----- margins
2024-02-27 10:20:29 +01:00
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2022-05-04 06:57:14 +00:00
2024-02-27 10:20:29 +01:00
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2022-05-04 06:57:14 +00:00
prawn_document(margin: [top_margin, right_margin, bottom_margin, left_margin], page_size: page_size) do |pdf|
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normal: Rails.root.join('lib/prawn/fonts/marianne/marianne-regular.ttf'),
bold: Rails.root.join('lib/prawn/fonts/marianne/marianne-bold.ttf')
pdf.font 'marianne'
2024-02-27 10:20:29 +01:00
grey = '3a3a3a'
black = '222222'
2022-05-04 06:57:14 +00:00
2022-08-31 11:12:47 +02:00
pdf.pad_bottom(30) do
pdf.image DOSSIER_PDF_EXPORT_LOGO_SRC, width: 300, position: :center
2022-05-04 06:57:14 +00:00
2022-08-31 11:12:47 +02:00
pdf.pad_top(15) do
pdf.fill_color grey
pdf.text t('.receipt'), size: 14, align: :center
2022-05-04 06:57:14 +00:00
2024-02-27 10:20:29 +01:00
pdf.bounding_box([0, pdf.cursor - 20], width: body_width) do
2022-05-04 06:57:14 +00:00
pdf.fill_color black
pdf.pad_top(40) { pdf.text @dossier.procedure.libelle, size: 14, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :center }
pdf.fill_color grey
2022-05-04 17:19:29 +02:00
description = t('.description', user_name: papertrail_requester_identity(@dossier), procedure: @dossier.procedure.libelle, date: l(@dossier.depose_at, format: '%e %B %Y'))
2022-05-04 06:57:14 +00:00
pdf.pad_top(30) { pdf.text description, size: 10, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :left }
pdf.fill_color black
pdf.pad_top(30) { pdf.text t('views.shared.dossiers.demande.requester_identity'), size: 14, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :justify }
if @dossier.individual.present?
pdf.pad_top(7) do
pdf.fill_color grey
pdf.text "#{Individual.human_attribute_name(:prenom)} : #{@dossier.individual.prenom}", size: 10, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :justify
pdf.text "#{Individual.human_attribute_name(:nom)} : #{@dossier.individual.nom.upcase}", size: 10, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :justify
2024-04-18 10:21:32 +02:00
pdf.text "#{User.human_attribute_name(:email)} : #{@dossier.user_email_for(:display)}", size: 10, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :justify
2022-05-04 06:57:14 +00:00
if @dossier.etablissement.present?
pdf.pad_top(7) do
pdf.fill_color grey
pdf.text "Dénomination : " + raison_sociale_or_name(@dossier.etablissement), size: 10, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :justify
pdf.text "SIRET : " + @dossier.etablissement.siret, size: 10, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :justify
2024-04-18 10:21:32 +02:00
pdf.text "#{User.human_attribute_name(:email)} : #{@dossier.user_email_for(:display)}", size: 10, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :justify
2022-05-04 06:57:14 +00:00
pdf.fill_color black
pdf.pad_top(30) { pdf.text Dossier.model_name.human, size: 14, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :justify }
pdf.fill_color grey
pdf.pad_top(7) do
2022-08-31 11:23:25 +02:00
pdf.text "#{Dossier.human_attribute_name(:id)} : #{@dossier.id}", size: 10, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :justify
2022-05-04 15:18:59 +00:00
pdf.text t('.file_submitted_at') + ' : ' + l(@dossier.depose_at, format: '%e %B %Y'), size: 10, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :justify
2022-05-04 06:57:14 +00:00
pdf.text t('.dossier_state') + ' : ' + papertrail_dossier_state(@dossier), size: 10, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :justify
2024-03-05 11:04:26 +01:00
service = @dossier.service
2022-05-04 06:57:14 +00:00
if service.present?
pdf.fill_color black
pdf.pad_top(30) { pdf.text t('.administrative_service'), size: 14, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :justify }
pdf.fill_color grey
pdf.pad_top(7) do
pdf.text "#{Service.model_name.human} : " + [service.nom, service.organisme].join(", "), size: 10, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :justify
pdf.text "#{Service.human_attribute_name(:adresse)} : #{service.adresse}", size: 10, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :justify
pdf.text "#{Service.human_attribute_name(:email)} : #{service.email}", size: 10, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :justify
if service.telephone.present?
pdf.text "#{Service.human_attribute_name(:telephone)} : #{service.telephone}", size: 10, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :justify
pdf.fill_color black
pdf.pad_top(100) do
pdf.text t('.generated_at', date: l(Time.zone.now.to_date, format: :long)), size: 10, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :right
2024-03-20 11:34:54 +01:00
pdf.text t('.signature', app_name: Current.application_name), size: 10, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :right
2022-05-04 06:57:14 +00:00