2018-08-09 11:53:59 +02:00
import $ from 'jquery';
2018-08-22 14:47:56 +02:00
import 'select2';
2020-01-23 14:12:19 +00:00
import { isNumeric } from '@utils';
2018-08-09 11:53:59 +02:00
2020-01-14 18:46:07 +01:00
const { api_geo_url, api_adresse_url } = gon.autocomplete || {};
const language = {
errorLoading: function() {
return 'Les résultats ne peuvent pas être chargés.';
inputTooLong: function(args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
return 'Supprimez ' + overChars + ' caractère' + (overChars > 1 ? 's' : '');
inputTooShort: function(args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
return (
'Saisissez au moins ' +
remainingChars +
' caractère' +
(remainingChars > 1 ? 's' : '')
loadingMore: function() {
return 'Chargement de résultats supplémentaires…';
maximumSelected: function(args) {
return (
'Vous pouvez seulement sélectionner ' +
args.maximum +
' élément' +
(args.maximum > 1 ? 's' : '')
noResults: function() {
return 'Aucun résultat trouvé';
searching: function() {
return 'Recherche en cours…';
removeAllItems: function() {
return 'Supprimer tous les éléments';
const baseOptions = {
width: '100%'
const baseAjaxOptions = {
delay: 250,
cache: true,
data({ term: nom }) {
return {
fields: 'nom,code'
processResults(data) {
return {
results: data.map(({ nom }) => ({ id: nom, text: nom }))
const regionsOptions = {
minimumInputLength: 2,
ajax: { url: `${api_geo_url}/regions`, ...baseAjaxOptions }
const communesOptions = {
minimumInputLength: 2,
ajax: { url: `${api_geo_url}/communes`, ...baseAjaxOptions }
const etranger99 = { id: '99 - Étranger', text: '99 - Étranger' };
const departementsOptions = {
2020-01-23 14:12:19 +00:00
minimumInputLength: 1,
2020-01-14 18:46:07 +01:00
ajax: {
url: `${api_geo_url}/departements`,
2020-01-23 14:12:19 +00:00
data({ term }) {
const data = { fields: 'nom,code' };
if (isNumeric(term)) {
data.code = term.trim().padStart(2, '0');
} else {
data.nom = term;
return data;
2020-01-14 18:46:07 +01:00
processResults(data) {
return {
results: data
.map(({ nom, code }) => ({
id: `${code} - ${nom}`,
text: `${code} - ${nom}`
const adresseOptions = {
minimumInputLength: 2,
ajax: {
url: `${api_adresse_url}/search`,
data({ term: q }) {
return {
limit: 5
processResults(data) {
2020-01-27 12:42:04 +01:00
let r = data.features.map(({ properties: { label }, geometry }) => ({
id: label,
text: label,
2020-01-27 16:47:32 +01:00
// Allow the user to select an arbitrary address missing from the results,
// by adding the plain-text query to the list of results.
2020-01-27 12:42:04 +01:00
r.unshift({ id: data.query, text: data.query });
2020-01-14 18:46:07 +01:00
return {
2020-01-27 12:42:04 +01:00
results: r
2020-01-14 18:46:07 +01:00
const templateOption = ({ text }) =>
2019-11-04 14:49:53 +01:00
2020-01-14 18:46:07 +01:00
`<span class="custom-select2-option"><span class="icon person"></span>${text}</span>`
2019-11-04 14:49:53 +01:00
2019-08-01 15:22:37 +02:00
addEventListener('ds:page:update', () => {
2020-01-14 18:46:07 +01:00
2018-07-12 11:50:47 +02:00
2018-09-10 17:52:29 +02:00
$('.columns-form select.select2-limited').select2({
2020-01-14 18:46:07 +01:00
width: '300px',
2018-07-12 11:50:47 +02:00
placeholder: 'Sélectionnez des colonnes',
2020-01-14 18:46:07 +01:00
maximumSelectionLength: '5'
2018-07-12 11:50:47 +02:00
2018-09-10 17:52:49 +02:00
$('.recipients-form select.select2-limited').select2({
2020-01-14 18:46:07 +01:00
width: '300px',
2018-09-10 17:52:49 +02:00
placeholder: 'Sélectionnez des instructeurs',
2020-01-14 18:46:07 +01:00
maximumSelectionLength: '30'
2018-09-10 17:52:49 +02:00
2019-11-04 14:49:53 +01:00
2020-01-14 18:46:07 +01:00
2019-11-04 14:49:53 +01:00
dropdownParent: $('.instructeur-wrapper'),
placeholder: 'Saisir l’adresse email de l’instructeur',
tags: true,
tokenSeparators: [',', ' '],
2020-01-14 18:46:07 +01:00
templateResult: templateOption,
templateSelection: templateOption
2019-11-04 14:49:53 +01:00
2018-07-12 11:50:47 +02:00