2021-12-04 01:03:26 -08:00

27 lines
877 B

tools = import ../tools.nix {};
in tools.makeTest {
name = "colmena-parallel";
bundle = ./.;
testScript = ''
deployer.succeed("cd /tmp/bundle &&" \
"${tools.colmenaExec} apply push -v --eval-node-limit 4 --on @target")
logs = deployer.succeed("cd /tmp/bundle &&" \
"run-copy-stderr ${tools.colmenaExec} apply switch -v --eval-node-limit 4 --parallel 4 --on @target")
for node in [alpha, beta, gamma]:
node.succeed("grep SUCCESS /etc/deployment")
with subtest("Check that activation is correctly parallelized"):
timestamps = list(map(lambda l: int(l.strip().split("---")[1]) / 1000000,
filter(lambda l: "Activation triggered" in l, logs.split("\n"))))
delay = max(timestamps) - min(timestamps)
deployer.log(f"Time between activations: {delay}ms")
assert delay < 2000