2023-10-24 15:08:03 +03:00
# Generic #
# the direction that the language is written (ltr = left to right, rtl = right to left)
language.direction = ltr
pdfPrompt = PDF(leri) seçin
multiPdfPrompt = PDF seçin (2+)
2023-10-24 15:19:17 +03:00
multiPdfDropPrompt = Tüm gerekli PDF'leri seçin (ya da sürükleyip bı rakı n)
2023-10-24 15:08:03 +03:00
imgPrompt = Resim(leri) seçin
genericSubmit = Gönder
processTimeWarning = Uyarı : Bu işlem, dosya boyutuna bağlı olarak bir dakikaya kadar sürebilir.
pageOrderPrompt = Özel Sayfa Sı rası (Virgülle ayrı lmı ş sayfa numaraları veya 2n+1 gibi fonksiyonları girin) :
goToPage = Git
true = Doğru
false = Yanlı ş
unknown = Bilinmeyen
save = Kaydet
close = Kapat
filesSelected = dosya seçildi
noFavourites = Favori eklenmedi
bored = Sı kı ldı nı z mı ?
alphabet = Alfabe
downloadPdf = PDF İndir
text = Metin
font = Yazı tipi
selectFillter = -- Seçiniz --
pageNum = Sayfa Numarası
sizes.small = Küçük
sizes.medium = Orta
sizes.large = Büyük
sizes.x-large = Çok Büyük
error.pdfPassword = PDF belgesi şifreli ve şifre ya sağlanmadı ya da yanlı ş.
delete = Sil
username = Kullanı cı Adı
password = Parola
welcome = Hoş geldiniz
property = Özellik
black = Siyah
white = Beyaz
red = Kı rmı zı
green = Yeşil
blue = Mavi
custom = Özel
changedCredsMessage = Bilgiler değiştirildi!
notAuthenticatedMessage = Kullanı cı doğrulanmadı .
userNotFoundMessage = Kullanı cı bulunamadı .
incorrectPasswordMessage = Mevcut şifre yanlı ş.
usernameExistsMessage = Yeni Kullanı cı Adı zaten var.
2023-10-24 15:19:17 +03:00
navbar.convert = Dönüştür
navbar.security = Güvenlik
navbar.other = Çeşitli
navbar.darkmode = Karanlı k Mod
navbar.pageOps = Sayfa İşlemleri
navbar.settings = Ayarlar
2023-10-24 15:08:03 +03:00
2023-10-24 15:19:17 +03:00
settings.title = Ayarlar
settings.update = Güncelleme mevcut
settings.appVersion = Uygulama Sürümü:
settings.downloadOption.title = İndirme seçeneği seçin (Zip olmayan tek dosya indirmeler için):
settings.downloadOption.1 = Aynı pencerede aç
settings.downloadOption.2 = Yeni pencerede aç
settings.downloadOption.3 = Dosyayı indir
settings.zipThreshold = İndirilen dosya sayı sı şu değeri aştı ğı nda zip dosyası oluştur:
settings.signOut = Oturumu Kapat
settings.accountSettings = Hesap Ayarları
changeCreds.title = Giriş Bilgilerini Değiştir
changeCreds.header = Hesap Detayları nı zı Güncelleyin
changeCreds.changeUserAndPassword = Varsayı lan giriş bilgilerini kullanı yorsunuz. Lütfen yeni bir şifre (ve istenirse kullanı cı adı ) girin
changeCreds.newUsername = Yeni Kullanı cı Adı
changeCreds.oldPassword = Mevcut Şifre
changeCreds.newPassword = Yeni Şifre
changeCreds.confirmNewPassword = Yeni Şifreyi Onayla
changeCreds.submit = Değişiklikleri Gönder
account.title = Hesap Ayarları
account.accountSettings = Hesap Ayarları
account.adminSettings = Yönetici Ayarları - Kullanı cı ları Görüntüle ve Ekle
account.userControlSettings = Kullanı cı Kontrol Ayarları
account.changeUsername = Yeni Kullanı cı Adı
account.changeUsername = Kullanı cı Adı nı Değiştir
account.password = Onay Şifresi
account.oldPassword = Eski Şifre
account.newPassword = Yeni Şifre
account.changePassword = Şifreyi Değiştir
account.confirmNewPassword = Yeni Şifreyi Onayla
account.signOut = Çı kı ş Yap
account.yourApiKey = API Anahtarı nı z
account.syncTitle = Hesap Ayarları ile Tarayı cı Ayarları nı Eşitle
account.settingsCompare = Ayar Karşı laştı rması :
account.property = Özellik
account.webBrowserSettings = Web Tarayı cı Ayarı
account.syncToBrowser = Hesaptan Tarayı cı ya Eşitle
account.syncToAccount = Tarayı cı dan Hesaba Eşitle
adminUserSettings.title = Kullanı cı Kontrol Ayarları
adminUserSettings.header = Yönetici Kullanı cı Kontrol Ayarları
adminUserSettings.admin = Yönetici
adminUserSettings.user = Kullanı cı
adminUserSettings.addUser = Yeni Kullanı cı Ekle
adminUserSettings.roles = Roller
adminUserSettings.role = Rol
adminUserSettings.actions = Eylemler
adminUserSettings.apiUser = Sı nı rlı API Kullanı cı sı
adminUserSettings.webOnlyUser = Sadece Web Kullanı cı sı
adminUserSettings.forceChange = Kullanı cı nı n girişte kullanı cı adı /şifre değiştirmesini zorla
adminUserSettings.submit = Kullanı cı yı Kaydet
2023-10-24 15:08:03 +03:00
home.desc = Your locally hosted one-stop-shop for all your PDF needs.
home.multiTool.title = PDF Multi Tool
home.multiTool.desc = Merge, Rotate, Rearrange, and Remove pages
multiTool.tags = Multi Tool,Multi operation,UI,click drag,front end,client side,interactive,intractable,move
home.merge.title = Merge
home.merge.desc = Easily merge multiple PDFs into one.
merge.tags = merge,Page operations,Back end,server side
home.split.title = Split
home.split.desc = Split PDFs into multiple documents
split.tags = Page operations,divide,Multi Page,cut,server side
home.rotate.title = Rotate
home.rotate.desc = Easily rotate your PDFs.
rotate.tags = server side
home.imageToPdf.title = Image to PDF
home.imageToPdf.desc = Convert a image (PNG, JPEG, GIF) to PDF.
imageToPdf.tags = conversion,img,jpg,picture,photo
home.pdfToImage.title = PDF to Image
home.pdfToImage.desc = Convert a PDF to a image. (PNG, JPEG, GIF)
pdfToImage.tags = conversion,img,jpg,picture,photo
home.pdfOrganiser.title = Organise
home.pdfOrganiser.desc = Remove/Rearrange pages in any order
pdfOrganiser.tags = duplex,even,odd,sort,move
home.addImage.title = Add image
home.addImage.desc = Adds a image onto a set location on the PDF
addImage.tags = img,jpg,picture,photo
home.watermark.title = Add Watermark
home.watermark.desc = Add a custom watermark to your PDF document.
watermark.tags = Text,repeating,label,own,copyright,trademark,img,jpg,picture,photo
home.permissions.title = Change Permissions
home.permissions.desc = Change the permissions of your PDF document
permissions.tags = read,write,edit,print
home.removePages.title = Remove
home.removePages.desc = Delete unwanted pages from your PDF document.
removePages.tags = Remove pages,delete pages
home.addPassword.title = Add Password
home.addPassword.desc = Encrypt your PDF document with a password.
addPassword.tags = secure,security
home.removePassword.title = Remove Password
home.removePassword.desc = Remove password protection from your PDF document.
removePassword.tags = secure,Decrypt,security,unpassword,delete password
home.compressPdfs.title = Compress
home.compressPdfs.desc = Compress PDFs to reduce their file size.
compressPdfs.tags = squish,small,tiny
home.changeMetadata.title = Change Metadata
home.changeMetadata.desc = Change/Remove/Add metadata from a PDF document
changeMetadata.tags = =Title,author,date,creation,time,publisher,producer,stats
home.fileToPDF.title = Convert file to PDF
home.fileToPDF.desc = Convert nearly any file to PDF (DOCX, PNG, XLS, PPT, TXT and more)
fileToPDF.tags = transformation,format,document,picture,slide,text,conversion,office,docs,word,excel,powerpoint
home.ocr.title = OCR / Cleanup scans
home.ocr.desc = Cleanup scans and detects text from images within a PDF and re-adds it as text.
ocr.tags = recognition,text,image,scan,read,identify,detection,editable
home.extractImages.title = Extract Images
home.extractImages.desc = Extracts all images from a PDF and saves them to zip
extractImages.tags = picture,photo,save,archive,zip,capture,grab
home.pdfToPDFA.title = PDF to PDF/A
home.pdfToPDFA.desc = Convert PDF to PDF/A for long-term storage
pdfToPDFA.tags = archive,long-term,standard,conversion,storage,preservation
home.PDFToWord.title = PDF to Word
home.PDFToWord.desc = Convert PDF to Word formats (DOC, DOCX and ODT)
PDFToWord.tags = doc,docx,odt,word,transformation,format,conversion,office,microsoft,docfile
home.PDFToPresentation.title = PDF to Presentation
home.PDFToPresentation.desc = Convert PDF to Presentation formats (PPT, PPTX and ODP)
PDFToPresentation.tags = slides,show,office,microsoft
home.PDFToText.title = PDF to RTF (Text)
home.PDFToText.desc = Convert PDF to Text or RTF format
PDFToText.tags = richformat,richtextformat,rich text format
home.PDFToHTML.title = PDF to HTML
home.PDFToHTML.desc = Convert PDF to HTML format
PDFToHTML.tags = web content,browser friendly
home.PDFToXML.title = PDF to XML
home.PDFToXML.desc = Convert PDF to XML format
PDFToXML.tags = data-extraction,structured-content,interop,transformation,convert
home.ScannerImageSplit.title = Detect/Split Scanned photos
home.ScannerImageSplit.desc = Splits multiple photos from within a photo/PDF
ScannerImageSplit.tags = separate,auto-detect,scans,multi-photo,organize
home.sign.title = Sign
home.sign.desc = Adds signature to PDF by drawing, text or image
sign.tags = authorize,initials,drawn-signature,text-sign,image-signature
home.flatten.title = Flatten
home.flatten.desc = Remove all interactive elements and forms from a PDF
flatten.tags = static,deactivate,non-interactive,streamline
home.repair.title = Repair
home.repair.desc = Tries to repair a corrupt/broken PDF
repair.tags = fix,restore,correction,recover
home.removeBlanks.title = Remove Blank pages
home.removeBlanks.desc = Detects and removes blank pages from a document
removeBlanks.tags = cleanup,streamline,non-content,organize
home.compare.title = Compare
home.compare.desc = Compares and shows the differences between 2 PDF Documents
compare.tags = differentiate,contrast,changes,analysis
home.certSign.title = Sign with Certificate
home.certSign.desc = Signs a PDF with a Certificate/Key (PEM/P12)
certSign.tags = authenticate,PEM,P12,official,encrypt
home.pageLayout.title = Multi-Page Layout
home.pageLayout.desc = Merge multiple pages of a PDF document into a single page
pageLayout.tags = merge,composite,single-view,organize
home.scalePages.title = Adjust page size/scale
home.scalePages.desc = Change the size/scale of a page and/or its contents.
scalePages.tags = resize,modify,dimension,adapt
home.pipeline.title = Pipeline (Advanced)
home.pipeline.desc = Run multiple actions on PDFs by defining pipeline scripts
pipeline.tags = automate,sequence,scripted,batch-process
home.add-page-numbers.title = Add Page Numbers
home.add-page-numbers.desc = Add Page numbers throughout a document in a set location
add-page-numbers.tags = paginate,label,organize,index
home.auto-rename.title = Auto Rename PDF File
home.auto-rename.desc = Auto renames a PDF file based on its detected header
auto-rename.tags = auto-detect,header-based,organize,relabel
home.adjust-contrast.title = Adjust Colors/Contrast
home.adjust-contrast.desc = Adjust Contrast, Saturation and Brightness of a PDF
adjust-contrast.tags = color-correction,tune,modify,enhance
home.crop.title = Crop PDF
home.crop.desc = Crop a PDF to reduce its size (maintains text!)
crop.tags = trim,shrink,edit,shape
home.autoSplitPDF.title = Auto Split Pages
home.autoSplitPDF.desc = Auto Split Scanned PDF with physical scanned page splitter QR Code
autoSplitPDF.tags = QR-based,separate,scan-segment,organize
home.sanitizePdf.title = Sanitize
home.sanitizePdf.desc = Remove scripts and other elements from PDF files
sanitizePdf.tags = clean,secure,safe,remove-threats
home.URLToPDF.title = URL/Website To PDF
home.URLToPDF.desc = Converts any http(s)URL to PDF
URLToPDF.tags = web-capture,save-page,web-to-doc,archive
home.HTMLToPDF.title = HTML to PDF
home.HTMLToPDF.desc = Converts any HTML file or zip to PDF
HTMLToPDF.tags = markup,web-content,transformation,convert
home.MarkdownToPDF.title = Markdown to PDF
home.MarkdownToPDF.desc = Converts any Markdown file to PDF
MarkdownToPDF.tags = markup,web-content,transformation,convert
home.getPdfInfo.title = Get ALL Info on PDF
home.getPdfInfo.desc = Grabs any and all information possible on PDFs
getPdfInfo.tags = infomation,data,stats,statistics
home.extractPage.title = Extract page(s)
home.extractPage.desc = Extracts select pages from PDF
extractPage.tags = extract
home.PdfToSinglePage.title = PDF to Single Large Page
home.PdfToSinglePage.desc = Merges all PDF pages into one large single page
PdfToSinglePage.tags = single page
home.showJS.title = Show Javascript
home.showJS.desc = Searches and displays any JS injected into a PDF
showJS.tags = JS
home.autoRedact.title = Auto Redact
home.autoRedact.desc = Auto Redacts(Blacks out) text in a PDF based on input text
showJS.tags = Redact,Hide,black out,black,marker,hidden
# #
# #
login.title = Sign in
login.signin = Sign in
login.rememberme = Remember me
login.invalid = Invalid username or password.
login.locked = Your account has been locked.
login.signinTitle = Please sign in
autoRedact.title = Auto Redact
autoRedact.header = Auto Redact
autoRedact.colorLabel = Colour
autoRedact.textsToRedactLabel = Text to Redact (line-separated)
autoRedact.textsToRedactPlaceholder = e.g. \nConfidential \nTop-Secret
autoRedact.useRegexLabel = Use Regex
autoRedact.wholeWordSearchLabel = Whole Word Search
autoRedact.customPaddingLabel = Custom Extra Padding
autoRedact.convertPDFToImageLabel = Convert PDF to PDF-Image (Used to remove text behind the box)
autoRedact.submitButton = Submit
showJS.title = Show Javascript
showJS.header = Show Javascript
showJS.downloadJS = Download Javascript
showJS.submit = Show
pdfToSinglePage.title = PDF To Single Page
pdfToSinglePage.header = PDF To Single Page
pdfToSinglePage.submit = Convert To Single Page
pageExtracter.title = Extract Pages
pageExtracter.header = Extract Pages
pageExtracter.submit = Extract
getPdfInfo.title = Get Info on PDF
getPdfInfo.header = Get Info on PDF
getPdfInfo.submit = Get Info
getPdfInfo.downloadJson = Download JSON
MarkdownToPDF.title = Markdown To PDF
MarkdownToPDF.header = Markdown To PDF
MarkdownToPDF.submit = Convert
MarkdownToPDF.help = Work in progress
MarkdownToPDF.credit = Uses WeasyPrint
URLToPDF.header = URL To PDF
URLToPDF.submit = Convert
URLToPDF.credit = Uses WeasyPrint
HTMLToPDF.help = Accepts HTML files and ZIPs containing html/css/images etc required
HTMLToPDF.submit = Convert
HTMLToPDF.credit = Uses WeasyPrint
sanitizePDF.title = Sanitize PDF
sanitizePDF.header = Sanitize a PDF file
sanitizePDF.selectText.1 = Remove JavaScript actions
sanitizePDF.selectText.2 = Remove embedded files
sanitizePDF.selectText.3 = Remove metadata
sanitizePDF.selectText.4 = Remove links
sanitizePDF.selectText.5 = Remove fonts
sanitizePDF.submit = Sanitize PDF
addPageNumbers.title = Add Page Numbers
addPageNumbers.header = Add Page Numbers
addPageNumbers.selectText.1 = Select PDF file:
addPageNumbers.selectText.2 = Margin Size
addPageNumbers.selectText.3 = Position
addPageNumbers.selectText.4 = Starting Number
addPageNumbers.selectText.5 = Pages to Number
addPageNumbers.selectText.6 = Custom Text
addPageNumbers.customTextDesc = Custom Text
addPageNumbers.numberPagesDesc = Which pages to number, default 'all', also accepts 1-5 or 2,5,9 etc
addPageNumbers.customNumberDesc = Defaults to {n}, also accepts 'Page {n} of {total}', 'Text-{n}', '{filename}-{n}
addPageNumbers.submit = Add Page Numbers
auto-rename.title = Auto Rename
auto-rename.header = Auto Rename PDF
auto-rename.submit = Auto Rename
adjustContrast.title = Adjust Contrast
adjustContrast.header = Adjust Contrast
adjustContrast.contrast = Contrast:
adjustContrast.brightness = Brightness:
adjustContrast.saturation = Saturation:
adjustContrast.download = Download
crop.title = Crop
crop.header = Crop Image
crop.submit = Submit
autoSplitPDF.title = Auto Split PDF
autoSplitPDF.header = Auto Split PDF
autoSplitPDF.description = Print, Insert, Scan, upload, and let us auto-separate your documents. No manual work sorting needed.
autoSplitPDF.selectText.1 = Print out some divider sheets from below (Black and white is fine).
autoSplitPDF.selectText.2 = Scan all your documents at once by inserting the divider sheet between them.
autoSplitPDF.selectText.3 = Upload the single large scanned PDF file and let Stirling PDF handle the rest.
autoSplitPDF.selectText.4 = Divider pages are automatically detected and removed, guaranteeing a neat final document.
autoSplitPDF.formPrompt = Submit PDF containing Stirling-PDF Page dividers:
autoSplitPDF.duplexMode = Duplex Mode (Front and back scanning)
autoSplitPDF.dividerDownload1 = Download 'Auto Splitter Divider (minimal).pdf'
autoSplitPDF.dividerDownload2 = Download 'Auto Splitter Divider (with instructions).pdf'
autoSplitPDF.submit = Submit
pipeline.title = Pipeline
pageLayout.title = Multi Page Layout
pageLayout.header = Multi Page Layout
pageLayout.pagesPerSheet = Pages per sheet:
pageLayout.addBorder = Add Borders
pageLayout.submit = Submit
scalePages.title = Adjust page-scale
scalePages.header = Adjust page-scale
scalePages.pageSize = Size of a page of the document.
scalePages.scaleFactor = Zoom level (crop) of a page.
scalePages.submit = Submit
certSign.title = Certificate Signing
certSign.header = Sign a PDF with your certificate (Work in progress)
certSign.selectPDF = Select a PDF File for Signing:
certSign.selectKey = Select Your Private Key File (PKCS#8 format, could be .pem or .der):
certSign.selectCert = Select Your Certificate File (X.509 format, could be .pem or .der):
certSign.selectP12 = Select Your PKCS#12 Keystore File (.p12 or .pfx) (Optional, If provided, it should contain your private key and certificate):
certSign.certType = Certificate Type
certSign.password = Enter Your Keystore or Private Key Password (If Any):
certSign.showSig = Show Signature
certSign.reason = Reason
certSign.location = Location
certSign.name = Name
certSign.submit = Sign PDF
removeBlanks.title = Remove Blanks
removeBlanks.header = Remove Blank Pages
removeBlanks.threshold = Pixel Whiteness Threshold:
removeBlanks.thresholdDesc = Threshold for determining how white a white pixel must be to be classed as 'White'. 0 = Black, 255 pure white.
removeBlanks.whitePercent = White Percent (%):
removeBlanks.whitePercentDesc = Percent of page that must be 'white' pixels to be removed
removeBlanks.submit = Remove Blanks
compare.title = Compare
compare.header = Compare PDFs
compare.document.1 = Document 1
compare.document.2 = Document 2
compare.submit = Compare
sign.title = Sign
sign.header = Sign PDFs
sign.upload = Upload Image
sign.draw = Draw Signature
sign.text = Text Input
sign.clear = Clear
sign.add = Add
repair.title = Repair
repair.header = Repair PDFs
repair.submit = Repair
flatten.title = Flatten
flatten.header = Flatten PDFs
flatten.submit = Flatten
ScannerImageSplit.selectText.1 = Angle Threshold:
ScannerImageSplit.selectText.2 = Sets the minimum absolute angle required for the image to be rotated (default: 10).
ScannerImageSplit.selectText.3 = Tolerance:
ScannerImageSplit.selectText.4 = Determines the range of color variation around the estimated background color (default: 30).
ScannerImageSplit.selectText.5 = Minimum Area:
ScannerImageSplit.selectText.6 = Sets the minimum area threshold for a photo (default: 10000).
ScannerImageSplit.selectText.7 = Minimum Contour Area:
ScannerImageSplit.selectText.8 = Sets the minimum contour area threshold for a photo
ScannerImageSplit.selectText.9 = Border Size:
ScannerImageSplit.selectText.10 = Sets the size of the border added and removed to prevent white borders in the output (default: 1).
ocr.title = OCR / Scan Cleanup
ocr.header = Cleanup Scans / OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
ocr.selectText.1 = Select languages that are to be detected within the PDF (Ones listed are the ones currently detected):
ocr.selectText.2 = Produce text file containing OCR text alongside the OCR'ed PDF
ocr.selectText.3 = Correct pages were scanned at a skewed angle by rotating them back into place
ocr.selectText.4 = Clean page so its less likely that OCR will find text in background noise. (No output change)
ocr.selectText.5 = Clean page so its less likely that OCR will find text in background noise, maintains cleanup in output.
ocr.selectText.6 = Ignores pages that have interactive text on them, only OCRs pages that are images
ocr.selectText.7 = Force OCR, will OCR Every page removing all original text elements
ocr.selectText.8 = Normal (Will error if PDF contains text)
ocr.selectText.9 = Additional Settings
ocr.selectText.10 = OCR Mode
ocr.selectText.11 = Remove images after OCR (Removes ALL images, only useful if part of conversion step)
ocr.selectText.12 = Render Type (Advanced)
ocr.help = Please read this documentation on how to use this for other languages and/or use not in docker
ocr.credit = This service uses OCRmyPDF and Tesseract for OCR.
ocr.submit = Process PDF with OCR
extractImages.title = Extract Images
extractImages.header = Extract Images
extractImages.selectText = Select image format to convert extracted images to
extractImages.submit = Extract
#File to PDF
fileToPDF.title = File to PDF
fileToPDF.header = Convert any file to PDF
fileToPDF.credit = This service uses LibreOffice and Unoconv for file conversion.
fileToPDF.supportedFileTypes = Supported file types should include the below however for a full updated list of supported formats, please refer to the LibreOffice documentation
fileToPDF.submit = Convert to PDF
compress.title = Compress
compress.header = Compress PDF
compress.credit = This service uses Ghostscript for PDF Compress/Optimisation.
compress.selectText.1 = Manual Mode - From 1 to 4
compress.selectText.2 = Optimization level:
compress.selectText.3 = 4 (Terrible for text images)
compress.selectText.4 = Auto mode - Auto adjusts quality to get PDF to exact size
compress.selectText.5 = Expected PDF Size (e.g. 25MB, 10.8MB, 25KB)
compress.submit = Compress
#Add image
addImage.title = Add Image
addImage.header = Add image to PDF
addImage.everyPage = Every Page?
addImage.upload = Add image
addImage.submit = Add image
merge.title = Merge
merge.header = Merge multiple PDFs (2+)
merge.sortByName = Sort by name
merge.sortByDate = Sort by date
merge.submit = Merge
pdfOrganiser.title = Page Organiser
pdfOrganiser.header = PDF Page Organiser
pdfOrganiser.submit = Rearrange Pages
multiTool.title = PDF Multi Tool
multiTool.header = PDF Multi Tool
pageRemover.title = Page Remover
pageRemover.header = PDF Page remover
pageRemover.pagesToDelete = Pages to delete (Enter a comma-separated list of page numbers) :
pageRemover.submit = Delete Pages
rotate.title = Rotate PDF
rotate.header = Rotate PDF
rotate.selectAngle = Select rotation angle (in multiples of 90 degrees):
rotate.submit = Rotate
split.title = Split PDF
split.header = Split PDF
split.desc.1 = The numbers you select are the page number you wish to do a split on
split.desc.2 = As such selecting 1,3,7-8 would split a 10 page document into 6 separate PDFS with:
split.desc.3 = Document #1: Page 1
split.desc.4 = Document #2: Page 2 and 3
split.desc.5 = Document #3: Page 4, 5 and 6
split.desc.6 = Document #4: Page 7
split.desc.7 = Document #5: Page 8
split.desc.8 = Document #6: Page 9 and 10
split.splitPages = Enter pages to split on:
split.submit = Split
imageToPDF.title = Image to PDF
imageToPDF.header = Image to PDF
imageToPDF.submit = Convert
imageToPDF.selectLabel = Image Fit Options
imageToPDF.fillPage = Fill Page
imageToPDF.fitDocumentToImage = Fit Page to Image
imageToPDF.maintainAspectRatio = Maintain Aspect Ratios
imageToPDF.selectText.2 = Auto rotate PDF
imageToPDF.selectText.3 = Multi file logic (Only enabled if working with multiple images)
imageToPDF.selectText.4 = Merge into single PDF
imageToPDF.selectText.5 = Convert to separate PDFs
pdfToImage.title = PDF to Image
pdfToImage.header = PDF to Image
pdfToImage.selectText = Image Format
pdfToImage.singleOrMultiple = Page to Image result type
pdfToImage.single = Single Big Image Combing all pages
pdfToImage.multi = Multiple Images, one image per page
pdfToImage.colorType = Colour type
pdfToImage.color = Colour
pdfToImage.grey = Greyscale
pdfToImage.blackwhite = Black and White (May lose data!)
pdfToImage.submit = Convert
addPassword.title = Add Password
addPassword.header = Add password (Encrypt)
addPassword.selectText.1 = Select PDF to encrypt
addPassword.selectText.2 = User Password
addPassword.selectText.3 = Encryption Key Length
addPassword.selectText.4 = Higher values are stronger, but lower values have better compatibility.
addPassword.selectText.5 = Permissions to set (Recommended to be used along with Owner password)
addPassword.selectText.6 = Prevent assembly of document
addPassword.selectText.7 = Prevent content extraction
addPassword.selectText.8 = Prevent extraction for accessibility
addPassword.selectText.9 = Prevent filling in form
addPassword.selectText.10 = Prevent modification
addPassword.selectText.11 = Prevent annotation modification
addPassword.selectText.12 = Prevent printing
addPassword.selectText.13 = Prevent printing different formats
addPassword.selectText.14 = Owner Password
addPassword.selectText.15 = Restricts what can be done with the document once it is opened (Not supported by all readers)
addPassword.selectText.16 = Restricts the opening of the document itself
addPassword.submit = Encrypt
watermark.title = Add Watermark
watermark.header = Add Watermark
watermark.selectText.1 = Select PDF to add watermark to:
watermark.selectText.2 = Watermark Text:
watermark.selectText.3 = Font Size:
watermark.selectText.4 = Rotation (0-360):
watermark.selectText.5 = widthSpacer (Space between each watermark horizontally):
watermark.selectText.6 = heightSpacer (Space between each watermark vertically):
watermark.selectText.7 = Opacity (0% - 100%):
watermark.selectText.8 = Watermark Type:
watermark.selectText.9 = Watermark Image:
watermark.submit = Add Watermark
#Change permissions
permissions.title = Change Permissions
permissions.header = Change Permissions
permissions.warning = Warning to have these permissions be unchangeable it is recommended to set them with a password via the add-password page
permissions.selectText.1 = Select PDF to change permissions
permissions.selectText.2 = Permissions to set
permissions.selectText.3 = Prevent assembly of document
permissions.selectText.4 = Prevent content extraction
permissions.selectText.5 = Prevent extraction for accessibility
permissions.selectText.6 = Prevent filling in form
permissions.selectText.7 = Prevent modification
permissions.selectText.8 = Prevent annotation modification
permissions.selectText.9 = Prevent printing
permissions.selectText.10 = Prevent printing different formats
permissions.submit = Change
#remove password
removePassword.title = Remove password
removePassword.header = Remove password (Decrypt)
removePassword.selectText.1 = Select PDF to Decrypt
removePassword.selectText.2 = Password
removePassword.submit = Remove
changeMetadata.title = Change Metadata
changeMetadata.header = Change Metadata
changeMetadata.selectText.1 = Please edit the variables you wish to change
changeMetadata.selectText.2 = Delete all metadata
changeMetadata.selectText.3 = Show Custom Metadata:
changeMetadata.author = Author:
changeMetadata.creationDate = Creation Date (yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss):
changeMetadata.creator = Creator:
changeMetadata.keywords = Keywords:
changeMetadata.modDate = Modification Date (yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss):
changeMetadata.producer = Producer:
changeMetadata.subject = Subject:
changeMetadata.title = Title:
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changeMetadata.selectText.4 = Other Metadata:
changeMetadata.selectText.5 = Add Custom Metadata Entry
changeMetadata.submit = Change
pdfToPDFA.title = PDF To PDF/A
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pdfToPDFA.submit = Convert
PDFToWord.title = PDF to Word
PDFToWord.header = PDF to Word
PDFToWord.selectText.1 = Output file format
PDFToWord.credit = This service uses LibreOffice for file conversion.
PDFToWord.submit = Convert
PDFToPresentation.title = PDF to Presentation
PDFToPresentation.header = PDF to Presentation
PDFToPresentation.selectText.1 = Output file format
PDFToPresentation.credit = This service uses LibreOffice for file conversion.
PDFToPresentation.submit = Convert
PDFToText.title = PDF to RTF (Text)
PDFToText.header = PDF to RTF (Text)
PDFToText.selectText.1 = Output file format
PDFToText.credit = This service uses LibreOffice for file conversion.
PDFToText.submit = Convert
PDFToHTML.header = PDF to HTML
PDFToHTML.credit = This service uses LibreOffice for file conversion.
PDFToHTML.submit = Convert
PDFToXML.title = PDF to XML
PDFToXML.header = PDF to XML
PDFToXML.credit = This service uses LibreOffice for file conversion.
PDFToXML.submit = Convert