from collections import deque def maybe_queue(row, col, game, q, seen): """ Add coordinate, (`row`, `col`), to the queue, `q`, as long as it exists in the map, `game`, and it is not already present in `seen`. """ if row >= 0 and row < len(game) and col >= 0 and col < len(game[0]): if game[row][col] == 'L' and (row, col) not in seen: q.append((row, col)) def visit_island(row, col, game, seen): """ Starting at the coordinate, (`row`, `col`), in the map, `game`, visit all surrounding tiles marked as land by adding them to the `seen` set. """ q = deque() q.append((row, col)) while q: row, col = q.popleft() seen.add((row, col)) maybe_queue(row - 1, col, game, q, seen) # UP maybe_queue(row + 1, col, game, q, seen) # DOWN maybe_queue(row, col - 1, game, q, seen) # LEFT maybe_queue(row, col + 1, game, q, seen) # RIGHT def count_islands(game): """ Return the number of contiguous land tiles in the map, `game`. """ result = 0 seen = set() for row in range(len(game)): for col in range(len(game[row])): if game[row][col] == 'L' and (row, col) not in seen: visit_island(row, col, game, seen) result += 1 return result ################################################################################ # Tests ################################################################################ game = [ "LWLWWW", "LLLWWW", "WWWLLW", ] result = count_islands(game) print(result) assert result == 2 print("Success!")