module Main exposing (main) import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Icon import Piano import Random import Random.List import Tempo import Theory import Time exposing (..) import UI type alias Model = { whitelistedChords : List Theory.Chord , whitelistedChordTypes : List Theory.ChordType , whitelistedInversions : List Theory.ChordInversion , whitelistedPitchClasses : List Theory.PitchClass , whitelistedKeys : List Theory.Key , selectedChord : Maybe Theory.Chord , isPaused : Bool , tempo : Int , firstNote : Theory.Note , lastNote : Theory.Note , practiceMode : PracticeMode , view : View } type View = Preferences | Practice {-| Control the type of practice you'd like. -} type PracticeMode = KeyMode | FineTuneMode type Msg = NextChord | NewChord Theory.Chord | Play | Pause | IncreaseTempo | DecreaseTempo | SetTempo String | ToggleInversion Theory.ChordInversion | ToggleChordType Theory.ChordType | TogglePitchClass Theory.PitchClass | ToggleKey Theory.Key | DoNothing | SetPracticeMode PracticeMode | SelectAllKeys | DeselectAllKeys | SetView View {-| The amount by which we increase or decrease tempo. -} tempoStep : Int tempoStep = 5 {-| Return the number of milliseconds that elapse during an interval in a `target` bpm. -} bpmToMilliseconds : Int -> Int bpmToMilliseconds target = let msPerMinute = 1000 * 60 in round (toFloat msPerMinute / toFloat target) {-| The initial state for the application. -} init : Model init = let ( firstNote, lastNote ) = ( Theory.C3, Theory.C6 ) inversions = Theory.allInversions chordTypes = Theory.allChordTypes pitchClasses = Theory.allPitchClasses keys = [] practiceMode = KeyMode in { practiceMode = practiceMode , whitelistedChords = case practiceMode of KeyMode -> keys |> List.concatMap Theory.chordsForKey FineTuneMode -> Theory.allChords { start = firstNote , end = lastNote , inversions = inversions , chordTypes = chordTypes , pitchClasses = pitchClasses } , whitelistedChordTypes = chordTypes , whitelistedInversions = inversions , whitelistedPitchClasses = pitchClasses , whitelistedKeys = keys , selectedChord = Nothing , isPaused = True , tempo = 20 , firstNote = firstNote , lastNote = lastNote , view = Preferences } subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions { isPaused, tempo } = if isPaused then Sub.none else Time.every (tempo |> bpmToMilliseconds |> toFloat) (\_ -> NextChord) {-| Now that we have state, we need a function to change the state. -} update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of DoNothing -> ( model, Cmd.none ) SetPracticeMode practiceMode -> ( { model | practiceMode = practiceMode , isPaused = True } , Cmd.none ) SetView x -> ( { model | view = x , isPaused = True } , Cmd.none ) SelectAllKeys -> ( { model | whitelistedKeys = Theory.allKeys , whitelistedChords = Theory.allKeys |> List.concatMap Theory.chordsForKey } , Cmd.none ) DeselectAllKeys -> ( { model | whitelistedKeys = [] , whitelistedChords = [] } , Cmd.none ) NewChord chord -> ( { model | selectedChord = Just chord } , Cmd.none ) NextChord -> ( model , Random.generate (\x -> case x of ( Just chord, _ ) -> NewChord chord ( Nothing, _ ) -> DoNothing ) (Random.List.choose model.whitelistedChords) ) Play -> ( { model | isPaused = False } , Cmd.none ) Pause -> ( { model | isPaused = True } , Cmd.none ) IncreaseTempo -> ( { model | tempo = model.tempo + tempoStep } , Cmd.none ) DecreaseTempo -> ( { model | tempo = model.tempo - tempoStep } , Cmd.none ) ToggleChordType chordType -> let chordTypes = if List.member chordType model.whitelistedChordTypes then List.filter ((/=) chordType) model.whitelistedChordTypes else chordType :: model.whitelistedChordTypes in ( { model | whitelistedChordTypes = chordTypes , whitelistedChords = Theory.allChords { start = model.firstNote , end = model.lastNote , inversions = model.whitelistedInversions , chordTypes = chordTypes , pitchClasses = model.whitelistedPitchClasses } } , Cmd.none ) ToggleInversion inversion -> let inversions = if List.member inversion model.whitelistedInversions then List.filter ((/=) inversion) model.whitelistedInversions else inversion :: model.whitelistedInversions in ( { model | whitelistedInversions = inversions , whitelistedChords = Theory.allChords { start = model.firstNote , end = model.lastNote , inversions = inversions , chordTypes = model.whitelistedChordTypes , pitchClasses = model.whitelistedPitchClasses } } , Cmd.none ) TogglePitchClass pitchClass -> let pitchClasses = if List.member pitchClass model.whitelistedPitchClasses then List.filter ((/=) pitchClass) model.whitelistedPitchClasses else pitchClass :: model.whitelistedPitchClasses in ( { model | whitelistedPitchClasses = pitchClasses , whitelistedChords = Theory.allChords { start = model.firstNote , end = model.lastNote , inversions = model.whitelistedInversions , chordTypes = model.whitelistedChordTypes , pitchClasses = pitchClasses } } , Cmd.none ) ToggleKey key -> let keys = if List.member key model.whitelistedKeys then List.filter ((/=) key) model.whitelistedKeys else key :: model.whitelistedKeys in ( { model | whitelistedKeys = keys , whitelistedChords = keys |> List.concatMap Theory.chordsForKey } , Cmd.none ) SetTempo tempo -> ( { model | tempo = case String.toInt tempo of Just x -> x Nothing -> model.tempo } , Cmd.none ) playPause : Model -> Html Msg playPause { isPaused } = if isPaused then button [ onClick Play ] [ text "Play" ] else button [ onClick Pause ] [ text "Pause" ] chordTypeCheckboxes : List Theory.ChordType -> Html Msg chordTypeCheckboxes chordTypes = ul [] (Theory.allChordTypes |> (\chordType -> li [] [ label [] [ text (Theory.chordTypeName chordType) ] , input [ type_ "checkbox" , onClick (ToggleChordType chordType) , checked (List.member chordType chordTypes) ] [] ] ) ) inversionCheckboxes : List Theory.ChordInversion -> Html Msg inversionCheckboxes inversions = ul [] (Theory.allInversions |> (\inversion -> li [] [ label [] [ text (Theory.inversionName inversion) ] , input [ type_ "checkbox" , onClick (ToggleInversion inversion) , checked (List.member inversion inversions) ] [] ] ) ) selectKey : Model -> { relativeMajor : Theory.Key , relativeMinor : Theory.Key } -> Html Msg selectKey model { relativeMajor, relativeMinor } = let active key = List.member key model.whitelistedKeys buttonLabel major minor = Theory.viewKey major ++ ", " ++ Theory.viewKey minor in div [ class "flex pt-0" ] [ UI.textToggleButton { label = buttonLabel relativeMajor relativeMinor , handleClick = ToggleKey relativeMinor , classes = [ "flex-1" ] , toggled = active relativeMinor } ] keyCheckboxes : Model -> Html Msg keyCheckboxes model = let majorKey pitchClass = { pitchClass = pitchClass, mode = Theory.MajorMode } minorKey pitchClass = { pitchClass = pitchClass, mode = Theory.MinorMode } circleOfFifths = [ ( Theory.C, Theory.A ) , ( Theory.G, Theory.E ) , ( Theory.D, Theory.B ) , ( Theory.A, Theory.F_sharp ) , ( Theory.E, Theory.C_sharp ) , ( Theory.B, Theory.G_sharp ) , ( Theory.F_sharp, Theory.D_sharp ) , ( Theory.C_sharp, Theory.A_sharp ) , ( Theory.G_sharp, Theory.F ) , ( Theory.D_sharp, Theory.C ) , ( Theory.A_sharp, Theory.G ) , ( Theory.F, Theory.D ) ] in div [] [ h2 [ class "text-gray-500 text-center pt-10 text-5xl" ] [ text "Select keys" ] , ul [] (circleOfFifths |> (\( major, minor ) -> selectKey model { relativeMajor = majorKey major , relativeMinor = minorKey minor } ) ) ] practiceModeButtons : Model -> Html Msg practiceModeButtons model = div [ class "text-center" ] [ h2 [ class "py-10 text-5xl" ] [ text "Practice Mode" ] , div [ class "flex pb-6" ] [ UI.simpleButton { label = "Key" , classes = [ "flex-1", "rounded-r-none" ] , handleClick = SetPracticeMode KeyMode , color = if model.practiceMode == KeyMode then UI.Primary else UI.Secondary } , UI.simpleButton { label = "Fine Tune" , handleClick = SetPracticeMode FineTuneMode , classes = [ "flex-1", "rounded-l-none" ] , color = if model.practiceMode == FineTuneMode then UI.Primary else UI.Secondary } ] ] openPreferences : Html Msg openPreferences = button [ class "w-48 h-48 absolute left-0 top-0 z-20" , onClick (SetView Preferences) ] [ Icon.cog ] closePreferences : Html Msg closePreferences = button [ class "w-48 h-48 absolute right-0 top-0 z-10" , onClick (SetView Practice) ] [ Icon.close ] preferences : Model -> Html Msg preferences model = div [ class "pt-10 pb-20 px-10" ] [ closePreferences , Tempo.render { tempo = model.tempo , handleInput = SetTempo } , case model.practiceMode of KeyMode -> keyCheckboxes model FineTuneMode -> div [] [ inversionCheckboxes model.whitelistedInversions , chordTypeCheckboxes model.whitelistedChordTypes ] ] practice : Model -> Html Msg practice model = let classes = [ "bg-gray-600" , "h-screen" , "w-full" , "absolute" , "z-10" , "text-6xl" ] ( handleClick, extraClasses, buttonText ) = if model.isPaused then ( Play, [ "opacity-50" ], "Press to practice" ) else ( Pause, [ "opacity-0" ], "" ) in div [] [ button [ [ classes, extraClasses ] |> List.concat |> |> class , onClick handleClick ] [ text buttonText ] , openPreferences , Piano.render { highlight = model.selectedChord |> Maybe.andThen Theory.notesForChord |> Maybe.withDefault [] , start = model.firstNote , end = model.lastNote } ] view : Model -> Html Msg view model = case model.view of Preferences -> preferences model Practice -> practice model {-| For now, I'm just dumping things onto the page to sketch ideas. -} main = Browser.element { init = \() -> ( init, Cmd.none ) , subscriptions = subscriptions , update = update , view = view }