module Habits exposing (render) import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Set exposing (Set) import State import Time exposing (Weekday(..)) import UI import Utils exposing (Strategy(..)) morning : List State.Habit morning = (\( duration, x ) -> { label = x , habitType = State.Morning , minutesDuration = duration } ) [ ( 1, "Make bed" ) , ( 2, "Brush teeth" ) , ( 10, "Shower" ) , ( 1, "Do push-ups" ) , ( 10, "Meditate" ) ] evening : List State.Habit evening = (\( duration, x ) -> { label = x , habitType = State.Evening , minutesDuration = duration } ) [ ( 30, "Read" ) , ( 1, "Record in State.Habit Journal" ) ] monday : List ( Int, String ) monday = [ ( 90, "Bikram Yoga @ 17:00" ) ] tuesday : List ( Int, String ) tuesday = [ ( 90, "Bikram Yoga @ 18:00" ) ] wednesday : List ( Int, String ) wednesday = [ ( 5, "Shave" ) , ( 90, "Bikram Yoga @ 17:00" ) ] thursday : List ( Int, String ) thursday = [] friday : List ( Int, String ) friday = [ ( 60, "Bikram Yoga @ 17:00" ) , ( 3, "Take-out trash" ) , ( 60, "Shop for groceries" ) ] saturday : List ( Int, String ) saturday = [ ( 60, "Warm Yin Yoga @ 15:00" ) ] sunday : List ( Int, String ) sunday = [ ( 1, "Shampoo" ) , ( 5, "Shave" ) , ( 1, "Trim nails" ) , ( 1, "Combine trash cans" ) , ( 10, "Mop tile and wood floors" ) , ( 10, "Laundry" ) , ( 5, "Vacuum bedroom" ) , ( 5, "Dust surfaces" ) , ( 5, "Clean mirrors" ) , ( 5, "Clean desk" ) ] payday : List State.Habit payday = (\( duration, x ) -> { label = x , habitType = State.Payday , minutesDuration = duration } ) [ ( 1, "Ensure \"Emergency\" fund has a balance of 1000 GBP" ) , ( 1, "Open \"finances_2020\" Google Sheet" ) , ( 1, "Settle up with Mimi on TransferWise" ) , ( 1, "Adjust GBP:USD exchange rate" ) , ( 1, "Adjust \"Stocks (after tax)\" to reflect amount Google sent" ) , ( 1, "Add remaining cash to \"Carryover (cash)\"" ) , ( 1, "Adjust \"Paycheck\" to reflect amount Google sent" ) , ( 5, "In the \"International Xfer\" table, send \"Xfer amount\" from Monzo to USAA" ) , ( 10, "Go to an ATM and extract the amount in \"ATM withdrawal\"" ) , ( 0, "Await the TransferWise transaction to complete and pay MyFedLoan in USD" ) ] firstOfTheMonth : List State.Habit firstOfTheMonth = (\( duration, x ) -> { label = x , habitType = State.FirstOfTheMonth , minutesDuration = duration } ) [ ( 10, "Create habit template in journal" ) , ( 30, "Assess previous month's performance" ) , ( 5, "Register for Bikram Yoga classes" ) ] firstOfTheYear : List State.Habit firstOfTheYear = (\( duration, x ) -> { label = x , habitType = State.FirstOfTheYear , minutesDuration = duration } ) [ ( 60, "Write a post mortem for the previous year" ) ] weekdayName : Weekday -> String weekdayName weekday = case weekday of Mon -> "Monday" Tue -> "Tuesday" Wed -> "Wednesday" Thu -> "Thursday" Fri -> "Friday" Sat -> "Saturday" Sun -> "Sunday" habitsFor : Weekday -> List State.Habit habitsFor weekday = let toHabit = (\( duration, x ) -> { label = x , habitType = State.DayOfWeek , minutesDuration = duration } ) in case weekday of Mon -> toHabit monday Tue -> toHabit tuesday Wed -> toHabit wednesday Thu -> toHabit thursday Fri -> toHabit friday Sat -> toHabit saturday Sun -> toHabit sunday timeRemaining : Set Int -> List State.Habit -> Int timeRemaining completed habits = habits |> List.indexedMap (\i { minutesDuration } -> if Set.member i completed then 0 else minutesDuration ) |> List.sum render : State.Model -> Html State.Msg render { today, visibleDayOfWeek, completed } = case visibleDayOfWeek of Nothing -> p [] [ text "Unable to display habits because we do not know what day of the week it is." ] Just weekday -> let habits = habitsFor weekday in div [ Utils.class [ Always "container mx-auto py-6 px-6" , When (today /= visibleDayOfWeek) "pt-20" ] ] [ header [] [ if today /= visibleDayOfWeek then div [ class "text-center w-full bg-blue-600 text-white fixed top-0 left-0 px-3 py-4" ] [ p [ class "py-2 inline pr-5" ] [ text "As you are not viewing today's habits, the UI is in read-only mode" ] , UI.button [ class "bg-blue-200 px-4 py-2 rounded text-blue-600 text-xs font-bold" , onClick State.ViewToday ] [ text "View Today's Habits" ] ] else text "" , div [ class "flex center" ] [ UI.button [ class "w-1/4 text-gray-500" , onClick State.ViewPrevious ] [ text "‹ previous" ] , h1 [ class "font-bold text-blue-500 text-3xl text-center w-full" ] [ text (weekdayName weekday) ] , UI.button [ class "w-1/4 text-gray-500" , onClick State.ViewNext ] [ text "next ›" ] ] ] , if today == visibleDayOfWeek then p [ class "text-center" ] [ let t = timeRemaining completed habits in if t == 0 then text "Nothing to do!" else text ((habits |> timeRemaining completed |> String.fromInt ) ++ " minutes remaining" ) ] else text "" , if today == visibleDayOfWeek then div [] [ UI.button [ onClick (if Set.size completed == 0 then State.DoNothing else State.ClearAll ) , Utils.class [ Always "ml-10" , If (Set.size completed == 0) "text-gray-500 cursor-not-allowed" "text-red-500 underline cursor-pointer" ] ] [ let numCompleted = habits |> List.indexedMap (\i _ -> i) |> List.filter (\i -> Set.member i completed) |> List.length in if numCompleted == 0 then text "Clear" else text ("Clear (" ++ String.fromInt numCompleted ++ ")") ] ] else text "" , ul [] (habits |> List.indexedMap (\i { label, minutesDuration } -> let isCompleted = Set.member i completed in li [ class "text-xl list-disc ml-6" ] [ if today == visibleDayOfWeek then UI.button [ class "py-5 px-3" , onClick (State.ToggleHabit i) ] [ span [ Utils.class [ Always "text-white pt-1 px-2 rounded" , If isCompleted "bg-gray-400" "bg-blue-500" ] ] [ text (String.fromInt minutesDuration ++ " mins") ] , p [ Utils.class [ Always "inline pl-3" , When isCompleted "line-through text-gray-400" ] ] [ text label ] ] else UI.button [ class "py-5 px-3 cursor-not-allowed" , onClick State.DoNothing ] [ text label ] ] ) ) , footer [ class "text-sm text-center text-gray-500 fixed bottom-0 left-0 w-full py-4" ] [ p [] [ text "This app is brought to you by William Carroll." ] , p [] [ text "Client: Elm; Server: n/a" ] ] ]