# Writing a small proof-of-concept... # - lexer # - parser # - compiler # ...for regex. from parser import Parser import string ################################################################################ # Top-Level API ################################################################################ def tokenize(xs): """ Transform `xs` into a list of tokens. Also: expand shorthand symbols using the following table: - ? -> {0,1} - * -> {0,} - + -> {1,} """ result = [] i = 0 shorthand = { "?": ["{", 0, ",", 1, "}"], "*": ["{", 0, ",", "}"], "+": ["{", 1, ",", "}"], } while i < len(xs): if xs[i] in shorthand: for c in shorthand[xs[i]]: result.append(c) i += 1 elif xs[i] == "{": result.append(xs[i]) i += 1 curr = "" while xs[i] in string.digits: curr += xs[i] i += 1 result.append(int(curr)) assert xs[i] == "," result.append(",") i += 1 curr = "" while xs[i] in string.digits: curr += xs[i] i += 1 result.append(int(curr)) else: result.append(xs[i]) i += 1 return result def parse(expr): """ Tokenize `expr` and convert it into a parse-tree. """ tokens = tokenize(expr) return parse_tokens(tokens) def compile(xs): """ Transform `xs`, a parse-tree representing a regex, into a function that accepts a string, and returns the substring that the regex matches. """ def fn(input): match = "" i = 0 for x in xs: matches, q = x[1], x[2] lo, hi = q[1], q[2] for j in range(lo): if i < len(input) and input[i] in matches: match += input[i] i += 1 else: print("Failed to match {} with {}".format(input[i], matches)) return None if hi == float('inf'): while i < len(input) and input[i] in matches: match += input[i] i += 1 else: for j in range(hi - lo): if i < len(input) and input[i] in matches: match += input[i] i += 1 return match return fn ################################################################################ # Helper Functions ################################################################################ def parse_tokens(tokens): result = [] parser = Parser(tokens) while not parser.exhausted(): result.append(parse_expression(parser)) return result def parse_expression(parser): if parser.curr() == "[": return parse_character_class(parser) else: return parse_character(parser) def parse_character_class(parser): parser.expect("[") beg = parser.consume() parser.expect("-") end = parser.consume() parser.expect("]") if parser.curr() == "{": q = parse_quantifier(parser) return char_class(xs=expand_range(beg, end), q=q) def parse_quantifier(parser): parser.expect("{") if parser.match([","]): end = parser.consume() parser.expect("}") return quantifier(beg=0, end=end) else: beg = parser.consume() parser.expect(",") if parser.match(["}"]): return quantifier(beg=beg) else: end = parser.consume() parser.expect("}") return quantifier(beg=beg, end=end) def parse_character(parser): c = parser.consume() q = None if parser.curr() == "{": q = parse_quantifier(parser) return char_class(xs={c}, q=q) def char_class(xs=set(), q=None): if not q: q = quantifier(beg=1, end=1) return ["CHARACTER_CLASS", xs, q] def expand_range(beg, end): # TODO: Implement this return {string.printable[i] for i in range(string.printable.index(beg), string.printable.index(end) + 1)} def quantifier(beg=0, end=float('inf')): return ['QUANTIFIER', beg, end] ################################################################################ # Tests ################################################################################ xs = [ ("[a-c]*[0-9]{2,3}", ["dog"]), ("ca+t?", ["cat", "caaaat", "ca", "dog"]), ] for re, inputs in xs: print("Regex: {}".format(re)) print("Tokens: {}".format(tokenize(re))) print("Parsed: {}".format(parse(re))) print("\nTESTS") for input in inputs: print("Attempting to match \"{}\"...".format(input)) parser = compile(parse(re)) print("Result: \"{}\"\n".format(parser(input)))