-- This query creates a users table and migrates the existing user -- information (from the posts table) into it. CREATE TABLE users ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, email VARCHAR NOT NULL UNIQUE, name VARCHAR NOT NULL, admin BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT false ); -- Insert the 'anonymous' user explicitly: INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES ('Anonymous', 'anonymous@nothing.org'); INSERT INTO users (id, email, name) SELECT nextval('users_id_seq'), author_email AS email, author_name AS name FROM posts WHERE author_email != 'anonymous@nothing.org' GROUP BY name, email; -- Create the 'author' column in the relevant tables (initially -- without a not-null constraint) and populate it with the data -- selected above: ALTER TABLE posts ADD COLUMN author INTEGER REFERENCES users (id); UPDATE posts SET author = users.id FROM users WHERE users.email = posts.author_email; ALTER TABLE threads ADD COLUMN author INTEGER REFERENCES users (id); UPDATE threads SET author = users.id FROM users WHERE users.email = threads.author_email; -- Add the constraints: ALTER TABLE posts ALTER COLUMN author SET NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE threads ALTER COLUMN author SET NOT NULL; -- Update the index view: CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW thread_index AS SELECT t.id AS thread_id, t.title AS title, ta.name AS thread_author, t.posted AS created, t.sticky AS sticky, p.id AS post_id, pa.name AS post_author, p.posted AS posted FROM threads t JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT ON (thread_id) id, thread_id, author, posted FROM posts ORDER BY thread_id, id DESC) AS p ON t.id = p.thread_id JOIN users ta ON ta.id = t.author JOIN users pa ON pa.id = p.author ORDER BY t.sticky DESC, p.id DESC; -- Update the search view: DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW search_index; CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW search_index AS SELECT p.id AS post_id, pa.name AS author, t.id AS thread_id, t.title AS title, p.body AS body, setweight(to_tsvector('english', t.title), 'B') || setweight(to_tsvector('english', p.body), 'A') || setweight(to_tsvector('simple', ta.name), 'C') || setweight(to_tsvector('simple', pa.name), 'C') AS document FROM posts p JOIN threads t ON t.id = p.thread_id JOIN users ta ON ta.id = t.author JOIN users pa ON pa.id = p.author; CREATE INDEX idx_fts_search ON search_index USING gin(document); -- And drop the old fields: ALTER TABLE posts DROP COLUMN author_name; ALTER TABLE posts DROP COLUMN author_email; ALTER TABLE threads DROP COLUMN author_name; ALTER TABLE threads DROP COLUMN author_email;