;;; rjsx-mode-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads ;; ;;; Code: (add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))) ;;;### (autoloads nil "rjsx-mode" "rjsx-mode.el" (23450 31811 168601 ;;;;;; 424000)) ;;; Generated autoloads from rjsx-mode.el (autoload 'rjsx-mode "rjsx-mode" "\ Major mode for editing JSX files. \(fn)" t nil) (autoload 'rjsx-minor-mode "rjsx-mode" "\ Minor mode for parsing JSX syntax into an AST. \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.jsx\\'" . rjsx-mode)) (autoload 'rjsx-comment-dwim "rjsx-mode" "\ RJSX implementation of `comment-dwim'. If called on a region, this function delegates to `comment-or-uncomment-region'. If the point is not in a JSX context, it delegates to the `comment-dwim', otherwise it will comment the JSX AST node at point using the apppriate comment delimiters. For example: If point is on a JSX attribute or JSX expression, it will comment the entire attribute using \"/* */\". , otherwise if it's on a descendent JSX Element, it will use \"{/* */}\" instead. \(fn ARG)" t nil) ;;;*** ;; Local Variables: ;; version-control: never ;; no-byte-compile: t ;; no-update-autoloads: t ;; End: ;;; rjsx-mode-autoloads.el ends here