;;; evil-collection.el --- A set of keybindings for Evil mode -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2017 James Nguyen ;; Author: James Nguyen ;; Pierre Neidhardt ;; Maintainer: James Nguyen ;; Pierre Neidhardt ;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection ;; Version: 0.0.2 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (cl-lib "0.5") (evil "1.2.13")) ;; Keywords: evil, tools ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; A set of keybindings for Evil mode. ;; ;; If you want to use Evil in the minibuffer, you'll have to enable it by ;; setting `evil-collection-setup-minibuffer' to t before loading this package. ;; This is so because many users find it confusing. ;; Some minibuffer-related packages such as Helm rely on this option. ;;; Code: (eval-when-compile (require 'subr-x)) (require 'cl-lib) (require 'evil) (defvar evil-want-integration) (defvar evil-want-keybinding) (if (featurep 'evil-keybindings) (if evil-want-keybinding (display-warning '(evil-collection) "Make sure to set `evil-want-keybinding' to nil before loading evil \ or evil-collection.\ \n See https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection/issues/60 for more details.") (display-warning '(evil-collection) "`evil-want-keybinding' was set to nil but not before loading evil.\ \n Make sure to set `evil-want-keybinding' to nil before loading evil \ or evil-collection.\ \n See https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection/issues/60 for more details."))) (unless (featurep 'evil-integration) (message "Requiring evil-integration. Set evil-want-integration to t to\ remove this message.\ \n See https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection/issues/60 for more details.") (require 'evil-integration)) ;; Compatibility (eval-and-compile (with-no-warnings (if (version< emacs-version "26") (progn (defalias 'evil-collection-if-let* #'if-let) (defalias 'evil-collection-when-let* #'when-let) (function-put #'evil-collection-if-let* 'lisp-indent-function 2) (function-put #'evil-collection-when-let* 'lisp-indent-function 1)) (defalias 'evil-collection-if-let* #'if-let*) (defalias 'evil-collection-when-let* #'when-let*)))) ;; Compatibility (declare-function org-table-align "org-table.el" nil) (defgroup evil-collection nil "A set of keybindings for Evil mode" :group 'evil) (defcustom evil-collection-setup-minibuffer nil "Whether to setup Evil bindings in the minibuffer." :type 'boolean :group 'evil-collection) (defcustom evil-collection-mode-list `(ace-jump-mode ag alchemist anaconda-mode arc-mode avy bookmark (buff-menu "buff-menu") calc calendar cider cmake-mode comint company compile custom cus-theme daemons deadgrep debbugs debug diff-mode dired doc-view edebug ediff eglot elfeed elisp-mode elisp-refs emms epa ert eshell eval-sexp-fu evil-mc eww flycheck flymake free-keys geiser ggtags git-timemachine go-mode grep help guix helm ibuffer image image-dired image+ imenu-list indium info ivy js2-mode log-view lsp-ui-imenu lua-mode kotlin-mode macrostep man magit magit-todos ,@(when evil-collection-setup-minibuffer '(minibuffer)) mu4e mu4e-conversation neotree notmuch nov ;; occur is in replace.el which was built-in before Emacs 26. (occur ,(if (<= emacs-major-version 25) "replace" 'replace)) outline p4 (package-menu package) paren pass (pdf pdf-view) popup proced prodigy profiler python quickrun racer realgud reftex rjsx-mode robe ruby-mode rtags simple slime (term term ansi-term multi-term) tide transmission typescript-mode vc-annotate vc-dir vc-git vdiff view vlf which-key wdired wgrep woman xref youtube-dl (ztree ztree-diff)) "The list of modes which will be evilified by `evil-collection-init'. Elements are either target mode symbols or lists which `car' is the mode symbol and `cdr' the packages to register. By default, `minibuffer' is not included because many users find this confusing. It will be included if `evil-collection-setup-minibuffer' is set to t." :type '(repeat (choice symbol sexp)) :group 'evil-collection) (defcustom evil-collection-key-whitelist '() "List of keys that may be used by Evil Collection. This is a list of strings that are suitable for input to `kbd'. If there are no keys in the list, the whitelist will be ignored." :type '(repeat string) :group 'evil-collection) (defcustom evil-collection-key-blacklist '() "List of keys that may not be used by Evil Collection. This is a list of strings that are suitable for input to `kbd'." :type '(repeat string) :group 'evil-collection) (defvar evil-collection--bindings-record (make-hash-table :test 'eq) "Record of bindings currently made by Evil Collection. This is a hash-table with the package symbol as a key. The associated values are the package's bindings which are stored as a list of the form ((STATE KEY BINDING)).") (defvar evil-collection-setup-hook nil "Hook run by `evil-collection-init' for each mode that is evilified. This hook runs after all setup (including keybindings) for a mode has already taken place. The arguments passed to functions for this hook are the name of the mode and a list of keymap names (i.e. symbols, not actual keymaps) customized by Evil Collection for that mode. More arguments may be added in the future, so functions added to this hook should include a \"&rest _rest\" for forward compatibility.") (defvar evil-collection-describe-buffer "*evil-collection*" "Name for Evil Collection buffer used to describe bindings.") (defun evil-collection-define-key (state map-sym &rest bindings) "Wrapper for `evil-define-key*' with additional features. Unlike `evil-define-key*' MAP-SYM should be a quoted keymap other than the unquoted keymap required for `evil-define-key*'. This function adds the ability to filter keys on the basis of `evil-collection-key-whitelist' and `evil-collection-key-blacklist'. It also stores bindings in `evil-collection--bindings-record'." (declare (indent defun)) (let* ((whitelist (mapcar 'kbd evil-collection-key-whitelist)) (blacklist (mapcar 'kbd evil-collection-key-blacklist)) (record (gethash map-sym evil-collection--bindings-record)) filtered-bindings) (while bindings (let ((key (pop bindings)) (def (pop bindings))) (when (or (and whitelist (member key whitelist)) (not (member key blacklist))) (if (consp state) (dolist (st state) (push (list (if st st 'all) (key-description key) def) record)) (push (list (if state state 'all) (key-description key) def) record)) (push key filtered-bindings) (push def filtered-bindings)))) (puthash map-sym record evil-collection--bindings-record) (setq filtered-bindings (nreverse filtered-bindings)) (cond ((null filtered-bindings)) ((and (boundp map-sym) (keymapp (symbol-value map-sym))) (apply #'evil-define-key* state (symbol-value map-sym) filtered-bindings)) ((boundp map-sym) (user-error "evil-collection: %s is not a keymap" map-sym)) (t (let* ((fname (format "evil-collection-define-key-in-%s" map-sym)) (fun (make-symbol fname))) (fset fun `(lambda (&rest args) (when (and (boundp ',map-sym) (keymapp ,map-sym)) (remove-hook 'after-load-functions #',fun) (apply #'evil-define-key* ',state ,map-sym ',filtered-bindings)))) (add-hook 'after-load-functions fun t)))))) (defun evil-collection-inhibit-insert-state (map-sym) "Unmap insertion keys from normal state. This is particularly useful for read-only modes." (evil-collection-define-key 'normal map-sym [remap evil-append] #'ignore [remap evil-append-line] #'ignore [remap evil-insert] #'ignore [remap evil-insert-line] #'ignore [remap evil-change] #'ignore [remap evil-change-line] #'ignore [remap evil-substitute] #'ignore [remap evil-change-whole-line] #'ignore [remap evil-delete] #'ignore [remap evil-delete-line] #'ignore [remap evil-delete-char] #'ignore [remap evil-delete-backward-char] #'ignore [remap evil-replace] #'ignore [remap evil-replace-state] #'ignore [remap evil-open-below] #'ignore [remap evil-open-above] #'ignore [remap evil-paste-after] #'ignore [remap evil-paste-before] #'ignore [remap evil-join] #'ignore [remap evil-indent] #'ignore [remap evil-shift-left] #'ignore [remap evil-shift-right] #'ignore [remap evil-invert-char] #'ignore)) (defun evil-collection--binding-lessp (a b) "Comparison function used to sort bindings of the form (state key def)." (let ((a-state (symbol-name (nth 0 a))) (b-state (symbol-name (nth 0 b))) (a-key (nth 1 a)) (b-key (nth 1 b))) (if (not (string= a-state b-state)) (string-lessp a-state b-state) (string-lessp a-key b-key)))) (defun evil-collection-describe-bindings (&optional arg) "Print bindings made by Evil Collection to separate buffer. With non-nil ARG, restrict to bindings corresponding to active modes in the current buffer." (interactive "P") (let ((orig-buf (current-buffer)) (desc-buf (get-buffer-create evil-collection-describe-buffer))) (switch-to-buffer-other-window desc-buf) (with-current-buffer desc-buf (erase-buffer) (org-mode) (dolist (keymap (sort (hash-table-keys evil-collection--bindings-record) (lambda (a b) (string-lessp (symbol-name a) (symbol-name b))))) (when (or (null arg) (with-current-buffer orig-buf (and (boundp keymap) (memq (symbol-value keymap) (current-active-maps))))) (insert "\n\n* " (symbol-name keymap) "\n") (insert " | State | Key | Definition | |-------|-----|------------| ") (cl-loop for (state key def) in (sort (copy-sequence (gethash keymap evil-collection--bindings-record)) #'evil-collection--binding-lessp) do (when (and def (not (eq def 'ignore))) (insert (format "| %s | %s | %s |\n" state (replace-regexp-in-string "|" "¦" key) (cond ((symbolp def) def) ((functionp def) "(lambda ...)") ((consp def) (format "(%s ...)" (car def))) (t "??")))))) (org-table-align))) (goto-char (point-min))))) (defun evil-collection--translate-key (state keymap-symbol translations destructive) "Helper function for `evil-collection-translate-key'. In the keymap corresponding to STATE and KEYMAP-SYMBOL, make the key TRANSLATIONS. When DESTRUCTIVE is non-nil, make the TRANSLATIONS destructively without creating/referencing a backup keymap." (let* ((backup-keymap-symbol (intern (format "evil-collection-%s%s-backup-map" keymap-symbol (if state (format "-%s-state" state) "")))) (keymap (symbol-value keymap-symbol)) (lookup-keymap (if (and (not destructive) (boundp backup-keymap-symbol)) (symbol-value backup-keymap-symbol) (copy-keymap (if state (evil-get-auxiliary-keymap keymap state t t) keymap)))) (maps (cl-loop for (key replacement) on translations by 'cddr ;; :destructive can be in TRANSLATIONS unless (keywordp key) collect key and collect (when replacement (lookup-key lookup-keymap replacement))))) (unless (or destructive (boundp backup-keymap-symbol)) (set backup-keymap-symbol lookup-keymap)) (apply #'evil-define-key* state keymap maps))) ;;;###autoload (cl-defun evil-collection-translate-key (states keymaps &rest translations &key destructive &allow-other-keys) "Translate keys in the keymap(s) corresponding to STATES and KEYMAPS. STATES should be the name of an evil state, a list of states, or nil. KEYMAPS should be a symbol corresponding to the keymap to make the translations in or a list of keymap symbols. Like `evil-define-key', when a keymap does not exist, the keybindings will be deferred until the keymap is defined, so `with-eval-after-load' is not neccessary. TRANSLATIONS corresponds to a list of key replacement pairs. For example, specifying \"a\" \"b\" will bind \"a\" to \"b\"'s definition in the keymap. Specifying nil as a replacement will unbind a key. If DESTRUCTIVE is nil, a backup of the keymap will be stored on the initial invocation, and future invocations will always look up keys in the backup keymap. When no TRANSLATIONS are given, this function will only create the backup keymap without making any translations. On the other hand, if DESTRUCTIVE is non-nil, the keymap will be destructively altered without creating a backup. For example, calling this function multiple times with \"a\" \"b\" \"b\" \"a\" would continue to swap and unswap the definitions of these keys. This means that when DESTRUCTIVE is non-nil, all related swaps/cycles should be done in the same invocation." (declare (indent defun)) (unless (listp keymaps) (setq keymaps (list keymaps))) (unless (and (listp states) (not (null states))) (setq states (list states))) (dolist (keymap-symbol keymaps) (dolist (state states) (evil-delay `(and (boundp ',keymap-symbol) (keymapp ,keymap-symbol)) `(evil-collection--translate-key ',state ',keymap-symbol ',translations ,destructive) 'after-load-functions t nil (symbol-name (cl-gensym (format "evil-collection-translate-key-in-%s" keymap-symbol))))))) ;;;###autoload (defmacro evil-collection-swap-key (states keymaps &rest args) "Wrapper around `evil-collection-translate-key' for swapping keys. STATES, KEYMAPS, and ARGS are passed to `evil-collection-translate-key'. ARGS should consist of key swaps (e.g. \"a\" \"b\" is equivalent to \"a\" \"b\" \"b\" \"a\" with `evil-collection-translate-key') and optionally keyword arguments for `evil-collection-translate-key'." (declare (indent defun)) (setq args (cl-loop for (key replacement) on args by 'cddr collect key and collect replacement and unless (keywordp key) collect replacement and collect key)) `(evil-collection-translate-key ,states ,keymaps ,@args)) ;;;###autoload (defun evil-collection-init (&optional modes) "Register the Evil bindings for all modes in `evil-collection-mode-list'. Alternatively, you may register select bindings manually, for instance: (with-eval-after-load 'calendar (require 'evil-collection-calendar) (evil-collection-calendar-setup)) If MODES is specified (as either one mode or a list of modes), use those modes instead of the modes in `evil-collection-mode-list'." (interactive) (if modes (or (listp modes) (setq modes (list modes))) (setq modes evil-collection-mode-list)) (dolist (mode modes) (let ((m mode) (reqs (list mode))) (when (listp mode) (setq m (car mode) reqs (cdr mode))) (dolist (req reqs) (with-eval-after-load req (require (intern (concat "evil-collection-" (symbol-name m)))) (funcall (intern (concat "evil-collection-" (symbol-name m) "-setup"))) (let ((mode-keymaps (ignore-errors (symbol-value (intern (format "evil-collection-%s-maps" m)))))) (run-hook-with-args 'evil-collection-setup-hook m mode-keymaps))))))) (defvar evil-collection-delete-operators '(evil-delete evil-cp-delete evil-sp-delete lispyville-delete) "List of delete operators.") (defvar evil-collection-yank-operators '(evil-yank evil-cp-yank evil-sp-yank lispyville-yank) "List of yank operators.") ;;* Search (defun evil-collection-evil-search-enabled () (eq evil-search-module 'evil-search)) (defvar evil-collection-evil-search-forward '(menu-item "" nil :filter (lambda (&optional _) (if (eq evil-search-module 'evil-search) #'evil-ex-search-forward #'evil-search-forward)))) (defvar evil-collection-evil-search-backward '(menu-item "" nil :filter (lambda (&optional _) (if (eq evil-search-module 'evil-search) #'evil-ex-search-backward #'evil-search-backward)))) (defvar evil-collection-evil-search-next '(menu-item "" nil :filter (lambda (&optional _) (if (eq evil-search-module 'evil-search) #'evil-ex-search-next #'evil-search-next)))) (defvar evil-collection-evil-search-previous '(menu-item "" nil :filter (lambda (&optional _) (if (eq evil-search-module 'evil-search) #'evil-ex-search-previous #'evil-search-previous)))) (provide 'evil-collection) ;;; evil-collection.el ends here