# fuzzily-find-file function wgff { echo $(find . -type f | fzf-tmux) } # fuzzily-find-branch function wgfb { echo $(git branch -a | fzf-tmux) } # download files to /tmp directory function wdownload { URL="$1" FILENAME="$(basename $URL)" wget -O /tmp/"$FILENAME" $URL >/dev/null && open /tmp && echo "Downloaded to: /tmp/$FILENAME" || echo "Error ..." } # spell checker function wspcheck { if [ $# -ge 1 -a -f "$1" ] && input="$1" || input="-" cat "$input" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr -cd '[:alpha:]_ \n' | tr -s ' ' '\n' | sort | comm -23 - ~/english_words.txt } # fuzzily search through dirs stack function wfd { dir=$(dirname $(fzf-tmux)) && pushd "$dir" >/dev/null } # pushd into a directory on your dirs stack function wpushd { dir="$(dirs | tr ' ' '\n' | fzf-tmux)" && pushd "$dir" } # trims leading and trailing whitespace function trim { input="$1" echo "${input//[[:blank:]]/}" } # Extends `codemod` to exclude dirs in .gitignore file function cm { extensions="$1" regex="$2" replacement="$3" ignore_dirs="" if [ -f ./.gitignore ]; then # Sanitizes .gitignore and converts it to a comma-separated list ignore_dirs="$(sed 's/^\//.\//g' <./.gitignore | sed -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^$/d' | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//')" fi codemod -m -d . --extensions ${extensions} --exclude-paths ${ignore_dirs} ${regex} ${replacement} } function tt() { sessionName="${1}" if ! tmux has-session -t "${sessionName}" 2> /dev/null; then oldTMUX="${TMUX}" unset TMUX tmux new -d -s "${sessionName}" export TMUX="${oldTMUX}" unset oldTMUX fi if [[ -n "${TMUX}" ]]; then tmux switch-client -t "${sessionName}" else tmux attach -t "${sessionName}" fi }