#!/bin/sh source ~/.profile export DESKTOP_SESSION=cinnamon # gnome for trusty. # NOTE: This may break your compose key. # See http://g/i3-users/YBexXGbik7E for more details. export GTK_IM_MODULE=xim # Desktop background color. xsetroot -solid "#333333" # start tmux with a few commonly used sessions # TODO: consider moving this else like ~/.profile, so it doesn't depend on X. # This might be better for SSH. tmux new -d -s main # start `clipmenud`, # TODO: research if this would be better handled by init/clipmenud.service? clipmenud & # Start the Emacs server emacs --daemon # set kbds xmodmap -e 'remove Lock = Caps_Lock' xmodmap -e 'keysym Caps_Lock = Escape' # since we separated our i3 configurations between a shared and device-specific # setup, we need to make sure that when we start an X session, our i3 # configuration is up-to-date. cat ~/.config/i3/config.{shared,device} >~/.config/i3/config # set key repeat preferences xset r rate 250 60