{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} module Main ( main , getRules , URL(..) , Rule(..) ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dependencies -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Clock import qualified Data.Time.Calendar as Calendar import qualified Data.Time.LocalTime as LocalTime import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LazyByteString import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Either.Combinators as Either import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.IO as TextIO import qualified Data.Text.Read as TextRead import qualified Data.List as List import GHC.Generics import Data.Aeson ((.:)) import Data.Text (Text) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Types -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype URL = URL { getURL :: Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) newtype IPAddress = IPAddress { getIPAddress :: Text } deriving (Show) newtype Domain = Domain { getDomain :: Text } deriving (Show) newtype Hour = Hour { getHour :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) newtype Minute = Minute { getMinute :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) data EtcHostEntry = EtcHostEntry { ip :: IPAddress , domains :: [Domain] } deriving (Show) -- | Write these in terms of your system's local time (i.e. `date`). data TimeSlot = TimeSlot { beg :: (Hour, Minute) , end :: (Hour, Minute) } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) data Allowance = Allowance { day :: Calendar.DayOfWeek , timeslots :: [TimeSlot] } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) data Rule = Rule { urls :: [URL] , allowed :: [Allowance] } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instances -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Aeson.FromJSON TimeSlot where parseJSON = Aeson.withText "timeslot" $ \x -> do let [a, b] = Text.splitOn "-" x [ah, am] = Text.splitOn ":" a [bh, bm] = Text.splitOn ":" b case extractTimeSlot ah am bh bm of Left s -> fail s Right x -> pure x where extractTimeSlot :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Either String TimeSlot extractTimeSlot ah am bh bm = do (begh, _) <- TextRead.decimal ah (begm, _) <- TextRead.decimal am (endh, _) <- TextRead.decimal bh (endm, _) <- TextRead.decimal bm pure $ TimeSlot{ beg = (Hour begh, Minute begm) , end = (Hour endh, Minute endm) } instance Aeson.FromJSON Allowance where parseJSON = Aeson.withObject "allowance" $ \x -> do day <- x .: "day" timeslots <- x .: "timeslots" pure $ Allowance{day, timeslots} instance Aeson.FromJSON URL where parseJSON = Aeson.withText "URL" $ \x -> do pure $ URL { getURL = x } instance Aeson.FromJSON Rule where parseJSON = Aeson.withObject "rule" $ \x -> do urls <- x .: "urls" allowed <- x .: "allowed" pure Rule{urls, allowed} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- isWithinTimeSlot :: LocalTime.LocalTime -> [TimeSlot] -> Bool isWithinTimeSlot date timeslots = List.any withinTimeSlot timeslots where withinTimeSlot :: TimeSlot -> Bool withinTimeSlot TimeSlot{ beg = (Hour ah, Minute am) , end = (Hour bh, Minute bm) } = let LocalTime.TimeOfDay{LocalTime.todHour, LocalTime.todMin} = LocalTime.localTimeOfDay date in (todHour > ah) && (todMin > am) && (todHour < bh) && (todMin < bm) isToday :: LocalTime.LocalTime -> Calendar.DayOfWeek -> Bool isToday date day = Calendar.dayOfWeek (LocalTime.localDay date) == day isAllowed :: LocalTime.LocalTime -> [Allowance] -> Bool isAllowed _ [] = False isAllowed date allowances = do case filter (isToday date . day) allowances of [Allowance{timeslots}] -> isWithinTimeSlot date timeslots [] -> False -- Error when more than one rule per day _ -> False serializeEntry :: EtcHostEntry -> Text serializeEntry EtcHostEntry{ip, domains} = (getIPAddress ip) <> "\t" <> (Text.unwords $ fmap getDomain domains) toEtcHostEntry :: LocalTime.LocalTime -> Rule -> Maybe EtcHostEntry toEtcHostEntry date Rule{urls, allowed} = if isAllowed date allowed then Nothing else Just $ EtcHostEntry { ip = IPAddress "" , domains = fmap (Domain . getURL) urls } getRules :: IO [Rule] getRules = do contents <- LazyByteString.readFile "rules.json" let payload = Aeson.eitherDecode contents pure $ Either.fromRight [] payload header :: Text header = Text.unlines [ "################################################################################" , "# Added by url-blocker" , "################################################################################" ] main :: IO () main = do rules <- getRules tz <- LocalTime.getCurrentTimeZone ct <- Clock.getCurrentTime let date = LocalTime.utcToLocalTime tz ct etcHosts = Text.unlines . fmap serializeEntry . Maybe.catMaybes $ fmap (toEtcHostEntry date) rules existingEtcHosts <- TextIO.readFile "/etc/hosts" TextIO.putStrLn $ existingEtcHosts <> "\n" <> header <> "\n" <> etcHosts