// Support flag to branch KBDs depending on presence of Ergodox keyboard. // Since the Ergodox has complicated modifier keys like "hyper" and "meh" key, // we should prefer to use these when that keyboard is attached because it // reduces the potential for collisions for Emacs KBDs. This becomes // problematic, however, when the Ergodox is not attached because these keys are // unavailable. Slate KBDs. Under these circumstances, potential collisions // with Emacs KBDs is acceptable. var ergodox_attached = true; var HYPER = ":alt;shift;cmd;ctrl"; var MEH = ":alt;shift;ctrl"; var modal_key = ergodox_attached ? HYPER : ":ctrl;shift"; var resize_key = ergodox_attached ? MEH : ":alt;shift"; // Configs S.cfga({ defaultToCurrentScreen: true, secondsBetweenRepeat: 0.1, checkDefaultsOnLoad: true, focusCheckWidthMax: 3000 }); // window resizing bindings var window_resizing_bindings = { ";": { x: "screenSizeX/3*2 + screenOriginX+20", y: "screenOriginY+20", width: "screenSizeX/3 - 40", height: "screenSizeY-100" }, g: { x: "screenOriginX+20", y: "screenOriginY+20", width: "screenSizeX/3*2 - 40", height: "screenSizeY-100" }, o: { x: "screenSizeX / 2 + screenOriginX + 20", y: "screenOriginY + 20", width: "screenSizeX / 2 - 40", height: "(screenSizeY - 120) / 2" }, ",": { x: "screenSizeX / 2 + screenOriginX + 20", y: "(screenSizeY - 120) / 2 + 20 + 20", width: "screenSizeX / 2 - 40", height: "(screenSizeY - 120) / 2" }, h: { x: "screenOriginX+20", y: "screenOriginY+20", width: "screenSizeX*0.5 - 40", height: "screenSizeY-100" }, j: { x: "screenOriginX+screenSizeX/6", y: "screenOriginY+20", width: "2*screenSizeX/3", height: "screenSizeY - 100" }, k: { x: "screenOriginX+20", y: "screenOriginY+20", width: "screenSizeX - 40", height: "screenSizeY - 100" }, l: { x: "screenSizeX/2 + screenOriginX+20", y: "screenOriginY+20", width: "screenSizeX*0.5 - 40", height: "screenSizeY-100" } }; var window_resizing_bindings = Object.keys(window_resizing_bindings).reduce( function(acc, kbd) { acc[kbd + resize_key] = S.op("move", window_resizing_bindings[kbd]); return acc; }, {} ); S.bnda(window_resizing_bindings); // Moves applications across multiple screens var throwLeft = slate.operation("throw", { screen: "0", width: "screenSizeX", height: "screenSizeY" }); var throwRight = slate.operation("throw", { screen: "1", width: "screenSizeX", height: "screenSizeY" }); slate.bind("1:ctrl", throwLeft); slate.bind("2:ctrl", throwRight); var focus_apps = { 1: "1Password", i: "iTunes", a: "Atom", h: "Dash", e: "Emacs", t: "iTerm2", m: "Messages", s: "Spotify", c: "Google Chrome", l: "LimeChat", k: "Slack", w: "Wireshark", p: "Tomato One", d: "Discord" }; Object.keys(focus_apps).forEach(function(key) { app = focus_apps[key]; S.bind(key + modal_key, S.op("focus", { app: app })); });